
(280) Urgent

Til sat around a fire, staring at his Attribute screen. He couldn't believe that it had only been four days of hunting with this group, and he'd already broken Level 45.

Even Crystal and his three daughters had made it to Level 40. He looked around the group of warriors that sat around them.

This group of 'Misfits,' as they called themselves, were very effective Dungeon clearers. Almost all of them were Level 50, with two at Levels 48 and 49.

During this excursion, Til had become close with both Hulk and Blade. The three of them were sitting on a log drinking while watching the group's younger members across from them.

"Looks like you need to watch little Troy there," Hulk chuckled, pointing at the young man. He was currently chatting with Til's youngest daughter.

TiL just laughed and took another drink, "Let the kids have some normalcy in their lives."