
(140) Legendary

"Hahaha! I can't believe you actually challenged THE Geth to a duel!" Peter laughed at Jack for the tenth time since they started walking.

The group was heading south through the woods. They had long left the county that was part of Geth's Local Region.

"Would you can it already!" Jack yelled at his friend. His cheeks were hot with embarrassment.

"So Geth, what can you tell us about Valhalla? How many people can you hold?" Rift asked him.

"Mmm, if I had to guess, we could probably hold a couple thousand at this point. Technically more, but we don't have enough barracks built yet."

Geth had already given them some explanation of the Tower and the city setup. The group they were heading to meet had almost two hundred members.

Most of the members were students, with a few teachers as well. They had tried to set up a place to stay closer to where the school once was but were chased south by the Direwolves early on.