Though it took us all the time left to us to arrive at the hotel where Abigail was staying, it really didn’t feel like that long a drive. In fact, we got there too soon for my taste. Paschal pulled up for a valet to take the car. I looked at those around me and then down at my clothes. The thought of my attire had never crossed my mind.
Paschal squeezed my arm. “Don’t worry. Today most hotels realize that tourists are casual and come here after exploring the city. Don’t worry. You won’t be alone.”
“I just hoped to have more confidence in doing this, but I really don’t have much of a choice.”
“There is always a choice.” His words reminded me of what Greta had been telling me over the last few weeks. “But sometimes you have to choose the wisest of choices.”
I was learning so many life lessons from every person I was encountering on my new life journey. They were hard ones to learn but also ones that were long overdue.