

Two lovers, an “abomination”, a sadistic marriage of convenience, a robotic heart and a fiery heart. Four broken lives intertwined in one world seeking redemption. Everyone deserves a second chance or do they? But what are the chances that these selfish beasts will not get caught up in their own desires? Alpha Hakan Mojéleno; a dick-ish hot son of a gun that struggles to accept himself. A high-end prostitute; Chyaros Kuroyama wants nothing more than to rock the Alpha's world. Gaia Eldrin; the perfect Luna with many imperfect secrets and Alpha Kyarah Morozov; the catalyst that sets their airtight facade ablaze.

Kitsune_Writz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs



I'd been going in around in circles for about fifteen minutes. Fuck Callum! I decided to stop my raging emotions by having some more champagne. That might help, right?

I went over to the bar and ordered myself some tickled pink, orange sparkle, tropical fizz, bellini and a champagne cocktail. Questionable combinations. I know. I gulped each one down and sat on the bar stool taking in the atmosphere. This was when I was supposed to introduce Gaia, great! I had to save this event somehow.

I knitted my brows as my thoughts deepened. Games? Drinking competition, poker? Rich immoral old coots did love to their money away.

Alright! It's decided.

I mind-linked Eloise.

'Get your guys to the game room. Bring all the game boards out. Except for the adult games. Got it?'


'Right. Tell your girlfriend to get off you.'

I could see them in a dark corner from across the room. Gotta admit I was kinda jealous. Even my Beta was getting some.

Eloise looked in my direction and connected lips with her female partner; displaying the roughest and neediest kiss I'd ever seen. I flipped her a bird and turned to the bartender to order another drink. Bitch! Who said she could fuck with me like that. Tsk.

Eloise? Naa, she's probably high on something. Naa, shed never get high on anything. Maybe I'm just such a dick that even the most responsible person in my pack.... never mind.

I gulped down a few more drinks and went to the washroom to take a piss. I had noticed a particular washroom that a lot of people were avoiding. Was it intentional or was there something wrong there?

I walked right into that one and...there...there was an intoxicating scent. I mean, it wasn't bad. It was the best thing I've had the privilege of catching since I was born. Good, God! It smelled like Rich creamy coffee and soil that had been rained on. It was a fresh therapeutic smell. God! Who smelled like that? I could feel my wolf's active presence for the first time in two days. I could feel its joy. And it made me so fucking delighted! I looked around and saw two men.

That's when my eyes landed on the man in taffy pink suit. He whirled around and gazed into my eyes flashing me a naughty smile. His bear chest was clad in a gold body chain that matched the design and velvet fabric. He was drop-dead gorgeous. His slanted eyes, sizeable pointed nose, and fair skin. And that fucking jawline of his eyes. His black wet curly hair was beyond sexy.


My wolf growled. Fuck! So that was why! Damn it! My mate?! Tsk. The bastard was also drop-dead gorgeous. I walked past him and his kneeling counterpart in annoyance entered a stall and did my business. As I was walking out I stole a glance at the other. Yeah, right. Alfonso Sangreria; one of the managers from the subsidiary groups. I see he likes it rough and painful. So this is what people were avoiding? I smirked as I walked out of the room. Oddly, still annoyed for some reason.


About an hour into the whole finding his mate and getting annoyed at the entire situation 'fiasco'. Hakan made himself at home on the bar stool, having thrown aside his suit coat and vest and unbuttoned the first three restrictors on his white silk shirt.

He mind-linked Eloise to get him his limited edition bottle of dark rum from his private bar. He walked to the game room where a game of poker was currently going on. Thoughts still on his 'out of commission Luna'.

Sh*t!! Stupid stupid Gaia. Why did she have to have a mental breakdown at this time? Inconsiderate b*tch!

He thought as he waited for his Dark Rum. He needed the day to go without a hitch but No! She had to choose this time to bring out all the feelings he never thought she had. Funny though, how he found what or who could make her show emotion. Two minutes later, half of the Rum in the bottle had gone down his throat and settled in his now warmed stomach as he wondered off in thought with cacophonies from the poker game in the background.

The deeper his chain of thoughts went, the louder the ruckus at the poker table became. "What the hell is going on there?!" He thought with his mind's hind eyes.

(At the poker table)

"You're cheating!" Alpha Alfonso declared to the seemly unbothered Kairos.

"Me?!" the latter exclaimed. Seductively batting his eyelashes and utterly failing.

"How could I cheat? I'd never cheat in anything or on anyone! You insult me with your unfounded accusations."

He said in anger. Deep down he knew he was b*llsh*tting but he didn't give a rat's ass what anyone thought, though he knew how seriously werewolves took their poker games he was sly like that. Taking his words as truth the game went on. He won the 5th time in a row, making a significant dent in the million-dollar company CEO'S pockets. "YOU CHEATING BASTARD!!" The business baron shrieked as his fist struck the table. "Oh shit! Here we go again."

He thought. You see, this was not his first rodeo with poker games. He had a reputation for putting billion and million-dollar company CEOS on its knees figuratively and literally. Both brought him happiness but he loved the aforementioned better.

He turned to face the now bellowing Alpha. Fists ready to serve hefty punches. "I DIDN'T CHEAT HOW MANY TIMES..." He was stopped mid-sentence as the Alpha threw a punch in his direction. He managed to dodge it by a second. Oh, now he has it coming. How dare he try to destroy his prized possession, his face. With calculated precision, he threw a punch in the Alpha's direction. After the punch was thrown, the little scuffle evolved unimaginably fast into what a person of high society would call a 'distasteful brawl' between greedy men of high social standing. As punch after punch was thrown, omega's and beta's were running helter-skelter as the fight was quickly becoming a blood bath. Hakan was drawn out of his thoughts by the ruckus at the now overturned poker table. Deciding he had had enough of the disturbance he got up, directed his gaze at the unruly sight and heaved a sigh of frustration, this was the last thing he needed right now. He run his hands through his hair and walked to the "boxing ring". When he got there, a punch flew in his direction. What a joke! He laughed despite himself catching the punch just in time, stopping the attacker dead in his tracks. Hakan released strong pheromones sending everyone into a state of submission.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU!! GROWN-ASS MEN ACTING LIKE A COUPLE OF 2-YEAR-OLDS!"He bellowed. "IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT AND MAKE A FOOL OF YOURSELVES YOU CAN DO THAT IN THE BOXING RING AND NOT HERE! NOW ALL OF YOU GET OUT. NOW!". He continued. With that everyone started leaving. After everyone had left, that's when he noticed the gorgeous trouble-causer still on his knees. Well, after some minutes the effects of the pheromone wore off and Kairos was able to get up. It intrigued him that he was brought to his knees by this fine specimen of a man. The weakness and helplessness his body felt by being subjected to the mercilessness of that killer, dominant pheromones was bliss to the sadomasochist. Normally he was the one bringing people to their knees. His wolf growled and said the obvious "mine" that's when it clicked. Shit! He never thought he'd hear that word in his life. He'd found his mate? but wait! Would he even accept him? He was a Mojéleno and he was a sleazy high-end prostitute. The was simply no way. Plus he didn't look gay, not in the least. Plus he was probably betrothed or worse; married. Just as was straightening out his clothing, Gaia walked in with a look of annoyance and disdain at the sight before her. She didn't need to be a genius to understand the look her 'husband' was giving the other man.

Gaia's POV:

Right. I was supposed to be his wife. The world was supposed to know that today. But what had he been doing while I was out? I'd never wanted to end anyone more in all my years of existence. He was out here fucking around with another one of his lovers.

Today had been one hell of a day. Let me rephrase that. Tonight. Has. Been. One. Hell. Of. A. Night.

I could care less about how unsightly my face looked right now.

All I wanted to do was to wound these two for the utter disrespect and disgrace that would befall my name if word got out about the misdeed.

I looked over at my dishevelled husband.

"You should at least button your shirt and fix up your messed-up hair. You look awfully unsightly and perverse."

I made my way over to the man in the Taffy-coloured attire.

He was frozen in place on the ground, head bent and still. I stopped right in front of him, my form towering over his.

"What's all this about?"

I asked in my usual monotonous voice.

I heard a low growl from behind me.

Whirling around, I came face to face with an annoyed Alpha.

I flashed him one of my very rare Cheshire grins.

"Is he another one? I mean, I'm sure you have many whores. Right?"

He jutted his chin with an unmistakable scowl, he peered down at me.

"I don't know what the fuck happened to your perfect head. But—"

"It's not happening. You see, I'm really pissed right now. No, that's not the appropriate word. I'm—"

Before I could finish, a fist was sent flying toward my face.

I sighed, and just as it was about to make contact I stepped aside. Looks like words weren't going to cut it.

I was going to have to get my point across some other way.

Before I could think of anything else, I let out those pheromones I'd been holding back.

For the first time in what seemed like ages. My anger and frustration poured out of me in concentrated waves.

Fuck! I cackled maniacally. I only felt this good when I was out in the dead of night preying on those innocuous rouges. The fear and despair they emanated as I roughed them up and later tore through their flesh from all sides! Ah, dopamine is surely the devil's drug!


Alpha Mojéleno. He had some nerve! Going on about his whore when our image was at stake. When the image I had been traumatised to build was at stake. That Bitch. I could feel myself slipping. My anger was getting the better of me. Oh, I remember. It was emotions like these that I hated the most. Pain, anger. They made me lose myself often and when I regained control everything was out of place. It always seemed as though a powerful being had come out. A powerful and unimaginably angry entity had come out. I knew this being was a part of me. But I'd never heard it speak to me. In this body in which I always felt another's presence—I'd never felt lonelier. The emptiness...and the cold. That's all I've ever felt.

But it was nice to lose myself from time to time and fall into that deep endless void. So I did. Hoping that the being who lived with me would help get my message across. Please.


Hakan felt the room shift. Fuck! That presence he had felt once that nearly left him on his knees. Without any second thoughts, he bolted to a kneeling and choking Kairos. He needed to protect the man more than anything.

More than his wounded pride.

Upon making contact with the uncharacteristically tall omega, the Alpha held the frail weakened body in his arms as it would break at any moment. The man in return held on to Kairos like his life depended on it. Still in a coughing fit.

"Breathe. Take it easy and breathe. You'll be fine."

He soothed.

"She's going to...she's going to kill us. Please! I can't..."

"Shhh... it's alright. Just let yourself breathe. It's alright. You'll be fine. I promise. I won't let her hurt you."

Hakan didn't know what broke his heart more. The distraught look on his face or the fact that he didn't know whether he could do anything about the situation at hand. He had his back facing Gaia but it felt as though he was being ripped apart from her wolf's presence alone.

This wasn't the effect of pheromones. No. It was different. The air was full of gravitational pressure that no living being could ignore and the more you resisted the more harm you would do to yourself. It was a frightening feeling.

But he had to face it. For the man, he was fated to be with.

In all his life, Hakan had never wanted anyone more and he wasn't about to die before he found out why.

He released pheromones of his own calming his panicking mate. And slowly, quite miraculously actually—in that chaotic situation lulling him to sleep and peeling off his shirt, he folded it around Kairos' upper body.

He was beautiful. Simply, stunning.