

The sun had shattered to a zillion pieces, and the clouds wailed out their fears. Vermillion bolts of lightening danced beneath the shade of the grey monster-like clouds. The thundering felt as if it was the roar of a God bounded by fury. The gates of heaven seem to have been blocked by the evil aura of humanity.

The world was engulfed by eternal darkness. It was a time when thoughts of immortality had long departed from the world.

A scarlet fluid, nonetheless blood was plaplattered all over the now deserted, isolated, and abandoned lands of the Northern and Southern borders of Xundao.

"The Scorpion", the top assassination organization of Gordon, the Northern state of Xundao, had begun to revolt against the Southern state, Mordon, the other top assassination organization, "The Dragon".

Vexana longed for freedom, yet had no choice, but had to be part of the Scorpion.

The dark clouds seem to exhaust themselves in restraining the heaven from viewing the cruel, unredempional deeds committed by humans.

It was a time when assassins killed people in broad daylight. A simple competition had now turned into a calamity that had ultimatately overridden the world.

"Oh! How I wish if I could escape this poor fate", Vexana wished to herself. Yet she knew that her words would only sound like a hilarious joke of an ignorant child.

She had already planned to make an escape, knowing that it would be risky. A fatal journey as it was, it would either end in death or in a life of freedom.

"Sister, are you really leaving?" Yunxi asked. She was her closest comrade in The Scorpion. Yunxi had once had a golden heart binded by innocence, which had now begun to falter, her innocence felt vulnerable amongst the chaos of that time.

"Yes, I have made my mind! If I can't leave today, I would rather die!"

"But, sister you are my only company, look you are already our youngest professional assasin?"

"It has already been sixteen years now. I have had enough of it!"

"Then, please don't leave me, take me with you!" Little Yunxi pleaded. Her dark eyes glimmered, as tears rolled down her little cheeks. Vexana had enough skills to make an escape herself, yet taking someone with her would limit her, and could even become a threat to her.

Yet, thinking of it, she agreed. They were to make an escape that very night.

The night felt hollow, and dark.

Yet no guards seemed to be there.

It felt rather surprising.

"Oh we are so lucky! Aren't we?" Yunxi exclaimed.

" Wait... I almost forgot that today is the night of the final war between the two Assassination organizations. "Come on! Hurry up!" Vexana retarted.

They had only taken one step. Vexana had long been distracted by the red sparkle that had glimmered above her, unknowing that it was a sign of her own, incoming death.

"Ah! Sister run, sav.." A sharp arrow protruded from Yunxi's chest. She was just seven that year.

Only a moment had passed before another arrow struck through the chest of Vexana, which she didn't make any effort to block.

That night the Scorpion organization was eliminated. The Dragon suffered many casualties, yet managed to intrude the Northern territories. Vexana never proclaimed her freedom, nor did little Yunxi have a chance to open her windows to her future. Vexana's escape, despite being well planned, was futile.