
Redemption Of The Yandere Villain

Status: Paused Super Slow-Update After dying Eugene reincarnated on earth and live his life atoning for his past life sins. When he thought that he could finally rest after being killed by his childhood friend ― he came back to his original world as the second young master of the Marquis Household. Having fear of being alone. Being locked in the darkness with nowhere to run. And living an endless cycle of torment. When he thought he couldn't be saved ― someone actually extends his hand to lift him from the darkness? He couldn't believe that there's still redemption for a heartless villain like him. [WARNING] 1. Contain same-sex relationships. If you are sensitive to this kind of story please leave, thanks. 2. Mention of rape [No definite action describing was done] 3. Age differs from Mentality [Characters are 10 years old that is considered teen in the background setting.] 4. No underage relationship [Romance starts at adult age, no "x" scene of minors] 5. No grooming intended [In past life characters only have a 5 years age gap. Attractions are not instant but develop little by little.] 6. Mental Illness Awareness [Characters are all possessive and obsessive which will be explained through world background as to why people in that world are twisted.] 7. Mention of Necrophilia [No definite action describing was done] [NOTE] 1. If there is anything that can't be understood, feel free to comment on your concern. The author is ready to fulfill her reader's curiosity. 2. [Possibility] The writing is horrible, The logic is chaotic. Perfectionists should be careful. 3. 1v1 HE, mix of sweetness and bitterness. 4. Same-sex relationship story. 5. [Highlighted] Basically the paranoid shou villain hurting the female protagonist in the name of love and gets retaliated by the male protagonist and main villain, ended up transmigrating to another dimension in realization of his wrongdoing and decided to be a good person to pay back his past life sins. However, he was killed and travel back to his past only to wish for redemption. 6. Two-way background setting. 7. Credit to the owner of the picture used as the book cover. I do not own the art I used and it would be taken down upon the artist's request! If some of you know who the artist is please do tell me so I could credit. 8. Due to the author's study the update will be super slow.

CKhimira · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
110 Chs

Cede Ceremony

"This area is restricted!"

As Milan sat amidst the grass, engrossed in the delicate act of playing with flowers, he suddenly lifted his head. His gaze fell upon the guards accompanying him, who had unsheathed their swords in response to an unexpected intruder stumbling into the area where he, a prisoner of war, was being held.

Ever since his arrival in the Yuinshiel Empire and his subsequent captivity within the palace, Milan had been anxiously anticipating a visit from Eugene. However, as days turned into weeks, it became apparent that he had been seemingly forgotten by the one person who knew his origin and the circumstances of his presence.

"How dare you point your sword at the Pope!"

Bishop Veroncio's stern gaze fell upon the guards, who quickly stiffened and offered their apologies.

On this particular day, the Pope and Bishop Veroncio had arrived at the palace for the upcoming cede ceremony, which would take place under the gracious auspices of His Majesty the Emperor. The Pope had been invited to bless the three lords of the Pillars families and officially bear witness to the transfer of leadership.

Upon their arrival, Bishop Veroncio had encouraged the Pope to rest, but the latter insisted on taking a stroll, as it had been some time since he had visited the palace.

Bishop Veroncio, unable to dissuade the Pope from his decision, chose to accompany him, lest any untoward incidents occur. However, his unfamiliarity with the palace's layout led them into a restricted area, and the impudence of the guards who pointed their swords at the Pope ignited his anger.

"Since when did this area become restricted?"

Yitiach questioned, scanning his surroundings until his gaze landed upon an individual seated amidst the grass, surrounded by an assortment of freshly picked flowers.

Yitiach's pupils dilated in surprise.

"Who is this man? This is the first time I've laid eyes on him. He doesn't appear to be a native of the Yuinshiel Empire," he mused aloud, his curiosity piqued.

Upon meeting the man's gaze, Milan involuntarily flinched and gradually released the flowers he had been holding. He nervously averted his gaze away from the man, quickly seeking refuge behind the guards, hoping to go unnoticed and avoid any further attention.

"Your eminence, this is a prisoner of war," The guards explained. "This area has been designated solely for his use. The Emperor wishes for the man to be treated as a guest but with necessary restrictions, as he possesses information that could prove immensely valuable to the empire."

Milan frowns and purses his lips.

That being said, no matter what the emperor had no intention to use him. Milan doesn't know what Eugene did but despite being a prisoner of war he wasn't treated badly.

Eugene told him to wait but for how long?

Being in one place is boring, he doesn't feel like living anymore.

"Prisoner of war?"

Yitiach delved into deep thought as his gaze remained fixed on Milan.

Suddenly, a memory resurfaced—one of a person brought back to the empire by his cousin. If his recollection served him correctly, this individual was the very person captured by Eugene Shradinza during the war, brought back due to his exceptional intelligence, which held the potential for groundbreaking innovations.

The very person sought after by researchers in the fields of science and technology.

Milan Fullanza.

A subtle smile curved on the corner of Yitiach's lips as he voiced his thoughts, "How intriguing."

Bishop Veroncio widened his eyes and cast a gaze toward the man, experiencing a sense of inner turmoil. He is aware of the consequences when the pope becomes intrigued by something or someone. The pope will make every effort to ensure that the object or individual remains under his constant observation.

"Your eminence, kindly abstain from taking any actions that might incur the displeasure of the emperor!"

Yitiach frowns and glances at Bishop Veroncio.

"I plan to reside in the palace for a week, so it would be prudent to notify the church of my extended absence."

Bishop Veroncio almost collapsed.

"Your eminence you can stay outside the church walls for that long!"

Yitiach waved his hand and proceeded forward, causing the guards to step aside and observe as the pope approached the war prisoner.

Milan quivered, lowering his head.

The pair of eyes resembled those of a snake, and just by gazing into them, he felt a chilling sense of danger, as if he were being stalked like prey.

It was inconceivable. How could a pope exude such a sinister and repulsive aura?

"What is your name?"

─── One day before the cede ceremony.

Three households were in the midst of preparations, and the nobles couldn't help but feel uneasy, recognizing that the leadership of these families was undergoing a significant shift.

Grand Duke Karsten, Duke Viltaria, and Marquis Shradinza.

The previous head of the pillar family was challenging to manage, and now the next generation is assuming control, proving to be even more headstrong than their predecessors, with their unique approaches to matters. How can the seasoned members of the cabinet handle individuals who are so resolute in following their own paths?

It's over!

SFX: Clang!

Both Kaizer and Eugene leaped backward, their swords swaying in tandem.

Eugene retrieved his shirt to mop up the perspiration that was trickling down his skin. "Impressive, it's a draw."

Kaizer's swords disappeared as he advanced toward Eugene, tugging at the shirt that exposed his partner's midriff. "Don't do that in public," he admonished.

Kaizer shot a pointed look at the nearby butlers and signaled them to fetch a towel, intending to dry Eugene's face. Eugene simply shrugged and allowed Kaizer to attend to him as they settled on a nearby bench to catch their breath.

"You're stronger than the last time we fought."

Eugene grinned, "What do you think?"

Kaizer's face softened, and he let out a low laugh. These days had been gratifying and tranquil, but both he and Eugene refrained from lowering their guards, particularly Eugene, who still harbored concerns about Timber's stepbrother. At present, Klius and the count remained silent, while the countess was undergoing treatment. Eugene diligently sent letters to the Marquis House for Timber, his brother, and little sister, including Raphael, to ensure he was informed about the developments within the Household.

Once, Raphael suddenly mentions Simon.

That cunning man.

Eugene is ignoring Simon's presence because he doesn't want to waste his time on someone unimportant. Besides, Simon is doing a good job in handling the servants in the households, the only problem is Simon's love sick illness towards Vincent which makes Simon irrational and do things against principles.

Back then Eugene had no idea about Vincent, Simon, and Raphael's situation but when he once hypnotized Raphael he found something interesting in the relationship of the three.

Indeed, when Eugene made the decision to return Raphael to the Marquis Household, he couldn't help but contemplate their complex relationship. However, his primary goal was not to further distort their connection but to compel Raphael to confront the anomalies within their world. Eugene had long harbored a desire to unravel the mystery of Raphael's inexplicable disappearance in the past, particularly when he had issued the order for an assassination.

The quest for answers had always driven him.

"Eugene you should refrain from entering the Fatum Realm or you will be found out."

Eugene hummed, "I know."

Kaizer breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Eugene is aware of his own limitations, if not Kaizer feels like he'll be worried to death for the rest of his life.

Eugene possessed a formidable strength, a conviction that resonated deep within him. Yet, in both the realms above and below, he understood that no one remained undefeated indefinitely. Even if one day they triumphed over the forces of heaven, the world itself had a way of dashing hopes and casting individuals into the abyss of nothingness.

It was a desolate void, where existence persisted, but meaning remained elusive—a stark reminder of the capricious nature of the universe.

"Wrap your hands around me."

Eugene encircled his arm in Kaizer's neck and let the man carry him inside the castle.

The Grand Duke had gone back to the duchy so Khalil could now go back to the academy after the cede ceremony. While the palace is busy with preparations, people are anxious about the future. The same with Cadmus who is worried about the safety of his brother and wants to quit the academy to become his brother's personal knight. However, Casimin adamantly refused to entertain the idea

On the other hand, Eunice successfully made her way os social status and built a good connection with his elder brother. She became the flower of social gatherings, frequently receiving invitations to prestigious tea parties and extravagant banquets.

Meanwhile, Brittany's brilliance and sharp wit allowed her to excel at the academy, eventually securing the position of the first female president of the Meza Eusto student council.

───The next day, the Cede Ceremony finally arrived.

Kaizer leans on Eugene who is sitting on the sofa, deepening the kiss.

The servants had discreetly departed, leaving Kaizer and Eugene alone in the room. They were both impeccably dressed in elegant attire, a striking departure from their customary military uniforms. Their outfits were lavish, adorned with eye-catching and exquisite accessories. At a mere glance, one could discern the exorbitant cost of their attire, evident in the gemstones intricately embedded within the fabric.

"Stop now."

Eugene pushes Kaizer's face away, "My lips are numb. I can't kiss anymore."

Kaizer laughed and hugged Eugene, "I can't help it. You are so alluring. I feel like hiding you again, never showing you to others."

Eugene, well-acquainted with Kaizer's eccentricities, rose from his seat and encouraged Kaizer to expedite their departure, ensuring they arrived at the palace punctually.

Today's ceremony held more significance than just the formal transfer of leadership. It also marked the final appearance of the Duke, Marquis, and Marchioness before their impending exile. Though they were still afforded respectful treatment, this would be the last day they retained their high status. After today, they would be reduced to commoners, stripped of their former privileges and prestige.

Duke Del Viltaria doesn't care about status.

He is still a strong magician, he can make money to feed himself and Aison.

What made him dissatisfied was that the three of them were bound to live together and he hated Celisha the most. After all, he only wanted Aison and Celisha's life and death to have nothing to do with him but he didn't expect that one of the punishments binded them together.

How hateful.

Sitting on the couch, Arkiton glared at Celisha who was also glaring at him while staring at the hands that wrapped her husband's waist.

"I warn you, this time if you think of doing something again I won't spare your life."

Aison held Arkiton's hand to stop him while Celisha looked at the two with red eyes.

Her obsession with Aison still lingered, but she recognized that Arkiton was not an adversary she could confront. Without the shield of her father's protection, she was now vulnerable, akin to an ant that could be crushed in an instant. She couldn't bear the brunt of Arkiton's wrath, yet she also couldn't afford to lose her husband. Regardless of the circumstances, Aison was still hers, and in her view, Arkiton was nothing more than a male paramour.

Aison appeared profoundly lost and weary, his nervousness palpable.

Without the constraining influence of magic, he could now think clearly and recognize his two sons, his own flesh and blood, the treasures born with the blood of the man he loves. Aison's heart raced as he clenched his hands.

Just glance. Just one last glance then he could let go and atone.

He doesn't mind suffering with Arkiton as long as he can see them living just fine without them, their parents. He just hopes that if there is a next life, he could be a good father to his children.


Arkiton hugs Aison who is trembling and sighs.

"Don't dwell on it too deeply," he reassured him gently. "I understand that you wish to catch one last glimpse of them, and so do I. We can manage that, even if it's just a fleeting moment. But afterward, we must turn our attention to living our lives and allowing me to make amends for my mistakes."

Celisha grasps her dress and screams.

"Don't be shameless! Aison do you dare to forget our son?!"

Aison flinches and closes his eyes. "I'm not forgetting them."

"Lies! You only care about the sons with your male mistress!"

Arkiton stared at Celisha coldly but didn't speak.

This is a stupid woman, sooner or later Aison's feelings for her will disappear, even if the two are married and he only has a status of a paramour. Once Aison had enough of Celisha's presence then he will win his status. The two will divorce and Aison will marry him.

"Celisha are you questioning me now? When did I treat Euric and Eullian badly?!"

Celisha paused but still gritted her teeth in unwillingness.

"Eugene had been suffering, isn't it enough to feel sorry?!"

Celisha stood up and pointed at Arkiton, "He is the one who destroyed our family! Confuse you! And make us lose our noble status! Why is it like I'm the only evil one?!"