
Redemption (Fated To Be)

A couple is blessed with four beautiful daughters, Elle, Fiona, Tenshi and Goody. Their mother, Grace could not wish for anything else, aside from taking care of the household, she runs a small supermarket. Their father works at a transport service agency, although they were not a rich family they were contented until their father, Elon, started cheating on his wife and neglecting his fatherly duties to his wife. Coming out of her fantasy world, Fiona starts to realize that the world is not all bed of roses, seeing as a similar situation is happening in he lives of her friends she cries herself to sleep thinking about how heartbreaking it is to be in that situation and finally decided after multiple heartbreaks and insults from her classmates that she is not going to get married... ever Let's see how that decision works out for our darling 15year old Fiona

Fiona2she · Teen
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8 Chs


Fiona POV

All through out the day I remained focus on my lessons and tried not to get distracted because I read that registrations for a scholarship exam would be starting in a few months and this might just be my chance.  I skipped lunch and went to the garden to read, stayed in the school library after the close of school, this was how my days for the past two weeks went.

Zona didn't try to force me to talk to him but he kept apologizing, buying me gifts and all that. Everytime he did something for me, my heart would just keep racing, I haven't told my friends about my heart issue yet because I don't want them to have to worry about me even more but then again what if my heartbeat starts slowing down again? "Mom, I'll be right back. I'm just going out for an hour" I yell as I walk out the door. I went straight to a small shop and walked in, Ria showed me this place a while ago. "Excuse me miss, what can I interest you in today" I turn around to see the shop keeper walking towards me with a friendly smile "Oh, I was wondering if you still had those smart watches that I could use to monitor my heart rate" I look around, my eyes  scanning the shelves for what I'm looking for "Of course I have them, please follow me" I walk behind him to the front desk "Here it is, please pick the one you want" he arranges them in front of me and I choose the one that looked quite interesting, it was black with blue swirls and I could faintly see the word fate written on it. I paid and left the shop, not wanting to go home yet I went to the park and sat on the swing, I couldn't help just staring at the watch, I don't know why but I felt it looked familiar but I don't remember where I saw it from. "Fiona" I look up when I hear my name and see Zona staring at the watch "Oh, what are you doing here?" I asked him slightly surprised "I had a feeling you would be here. Why do you need to monitor your heart rate?" He looks at me this time, the had his glasses on today and it just made him look more attractive, although he didn't necessarily have the body of a god he was someone that captured people's attention. I sigh "Let's just say there's a possibility that I might die young" I let out a humorless laugh "What do you mean?" He asks worriedly "Were you the one who took me to a hospital?" I ask ignoring his question "Um yes" he says nervously "I know you said you wanted to have the least contact possible but when you fell unconscious nobody wanted to help you so I carried you and called an ambulance. I'm sorry if I didn't fulfil your wish but I just couldn't-" "Zona... Thank you" I cut him off, he's pupils dilute and then he nods before sitting on the grass in front of me "So how did you find the school? It isn't what it use to be right?" I ask staring at the grass "Well a lot has changed actually. I remember when I was here I had to take a lot of risk just so I could be friends with the guys here and one of those risks was playing with your heart" what he said had me looking at him "Back then I was like an outcast until I did what they told me to do but then I became their muse, so I transferred out of here or my life would have been ruined" he smiles at me knowingly, wait did he know I was the one who got him transferred? "Now that I'm back, all the girls are throwing themselves at me and all the guys invite me to drink with them, play with them. It's so different but I don't care about all that attention, there's one attention I really care about and that's yours but it seems it's pretty hard to get" I smile at what he said, maybe I should just forgive him "Zona, we cannot go back to how we use to be but at least we can start afresh as friends? Who knows, it might be fun having another nerdy friend" I laugh at that and look back at him, he just looks at me smiling "Friends, can I get your digits now?" I nod and stretch out my hand to collect his phone and type my number in it before handing it back to him, I see him save it as baby and I just roll my eyes "What's the deal with that watch?" Zona asks suddenly breaking the silence "Well I'm gonna start monitoring my heart rate because there's a possibility I might die very soon" Zona stands up abruptly "What's that supposed to mean?" I sigh before telling him everything the doctor said "Are you sure you can trust him? I for one feel like he's lying, a teenager having a failing heart? It's not exactly possible, I think there's something else wrong with you. Why don't I take you to see my family doctor? I can assure you he's very good at his job" I check the time on my phone "Well my one hour isn't up yet so, why not?" I shrug before standing up "Okay, let's go" he grabs my hand I thought sparks flew, I quickly withdrew my hand from his grasp "No physical contact" I warn him, he just nods before leading the way "Would you like to walk or take the bus?" I think for a whole minute "Walk"


"Ms White, it turns out there is something wrong with the blood vessels in your heart. We have not been able to clearly identify the problem but your medical reports and blood sample will be sent overseas for further test so please come back in a week" I opened my mouth to speak but Zona beat me to it "Thank you doctor Ho. Let's go Ona" I stare at him bewildered, why did he suddenly start calling me that? "Oh okay" I walk out the hospital with him "How's Elle doing? It's been a long time already, I wonder if Goody knows I'm in town" he chuckles "They don't know, I didn't want to tell them"