
Redemption (Fated To Be)

A couple is blessed with four beautiful daughters, Elle, Fiona, Tenshi and Goody. Their mother, Grace could not wish for anything else, aside from taking care of the household, she runs a small supermarket. Their father works at a transport service agency, although they were not a rich family they were contented until their father, Elon, started cheating on his wife and neglecting his fatherly duties to his wife. Coming out of her fantasy world, Fiona starts to realize that the world is not all bed of roses, seeing as a similar situation is happening in he lives of her friends she cries herself to sleep thinking about how heartbreaking it is to be in that situation and finally decided after multiple heartbreaks and insults from her classmates that she is not going to get married... ever Let's see how that decision works out for our darling 15year old Fiona

Fiona2she · Teen
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8 Chs



I told them everything about my encounter with Zona and I see anger flash through Ria's eyes. I brace myself because whenever Ria's angry she- "That mother fucking son of a bitch" -does that "How dare he? Who the hell does he think he is? If I get my hands on that bastard, I'm going to crush his family jewel" Ria flares. I look at Crystal and see that she is deep in thought staring at the table "Crystal?" I call out to her wanting to know what exactly she thinks of the situation. "Do you still like him?" I froze, Crystal looks at me "Do you still like him, Fiona?" I shake my head as my hands start shaking, when I start feeling the pain in my chest, I close my eyes placing my hand where I thought the pain was coming from "Shit, shit, shit" I hear Ria curse "I thought she doesn't have these episodes anymore" Crystal sighs "She doesn't, talking about Zona just triggered it"

"Fiona" I open my eyes trying to hold back my tears "It's alright, it's alright, okay?" I nod my head slowly "Do you still like Zona?" She asks again and I just glared at her, that question was what put me in this condition in the first place "Alright, you don't have to answer" she waves off the question before sitting next to me, I wrap my arms around her and let the tears I've been holding back finally fall "Why me?" I croak out, she just rubs my back "Shh, it's okay. Everything's going to be okay" I just rest my head on her shoulder and close my eyes for a while, I feel Ria sit at my other side and hug me from behind, their warmth calms me down "Thank you" I whisper to the both of them.

After that little episode, Ria and Crystal decided to follow me home and stay at my place until I fall asleep just to keep me from hurting myself. I've been sleeping less these days, just thinking about Zona is draining me.

It was already the second week of school after the summer break but Bliss wasn't still back from her Vacation at the Bahamas, I miss her. I close my locker taking a deep breath before walking towards my classroom. Aside from loathing boys, I hate my class. Why? you may ask, well let tell you that they are just darn right annoying, they also kinda hate me too since I refused to go with their flow, I already promised myself that I was going to be independent, what kind of promise would that be if I was controlled or ruled over by someone I don't even care about their existence. Because of our, as in me, Crystal, Bliss, Dasmy and Ria, rebellious attitude towards their logic, they named us the non bastard kids. I actually like the name cause it's kinda catchy, you might be wondering why all this while I haven't talked about Dasmy, well let me tell you that it's because we aren't as close as we used to be. I walk into the class earlier than usually and I'm not surprised to see, Gloriana, our Senior prefect, sitting alone. I don't exactly hate her but the fact that she just goes with the flow is stupid, a while ago she was dating our class most narcissistic fool but he's left the country so they're no longer together... I think

There's so much she could do, I mean look at her, she's a little taller than be, got that figure eight, the boobs and bums, she's even smart but she chose a toothpick as her boyfriend. With a body like that, you could rock the school because I often see guys staring at her even teachers. "Hi" I greet her, walking to my seat, as the good student I am, my seat is at the front to prevent any distraction from the rest of the class, unlike them my daddy doesn't have enough money to send me to an expensive university so if I want to go anywhere I'll have to get a scholarship an I can't do that if I don't study.

The bell rings and my classmates start filing in. I hear giggles fro the door way and try not to roll my eyes, it was Raguel, our class' English prodigy, maybe that's what her boyfriend Damien sees in her cause other than that she's a real asshole anytime she laughs like that it's always about something stupid. You see she's the kind of person who laughs when someone's hurt or injured, when someone falls down the stairs, when someone gets an F, she's an absolute jerk with no empathy or sympathy towards people other than herself. Following in after her is her gang or what I like to call click. They are all in sync with each other, completing each other's sentences, insulting the same people, doing each others homework and all that stuff. They take their signature seats at the back of the class, since I have known them, that's almost four years now. Nobody dares occupies any seat at the back, the last time someone did that he got pranked and humiliated in front of the whole school. I feel sorry for the dude because he didn't come to school for a whole week after the incident but I'm sure he's learnt his lesson because he now sits next to me in every class because my presence kinda repels them. There was a time they tried to intimidate me, they insulted me, played their nasty pranks but I just played deaf. It didn't really affect me because I didn't really care, it's only people who care about public image, their pride and ego that get it crushed. I am an introvert, I hate communicating with random people and I am definitely not proud just confident.

Today being Monday, our first period is English, I stare at the clock trying to figure out why exactly Mrs Olivia wasn't here yet, she is never and I mean never late for her class. "Fiona!" Ria and Crystal shout my name in sync as they take their away by my right side "What's up girl? I heard Bliss came back yesterday, so she'll probably start school tomorrow" I smile at her, finally Bliss baby's coming back "Cool, we'll go over to her house later" I look around and see everyone staring at us, their shouts gain the attention of everyone in the class who are now listening in on our conversation because they have nothing else to do to keep their boring life interesting. "Good morning everyone, sorry I'm late something came up" Mrs Olivia walk into the class and places her textbook on the table "Good morning, ma'am" we greet together "Okay class, we have a transfer student from Prevail Students High, come in Mr Philips" wait Philips as in Zona Philips? No, it can't be, I'm just overthinking it. I stare at the door waiting for our new classmate and probable new friend, I freeze when the door opens to reveal the one person I was seriously trying to avoid, Zona Philips. "Class, meet Zona Philips" he walks into the class and everyone starts whispering. He's eyes scans everyone in the class and when it lands on me he's eyes widen in surprise "You!" He exclaimed and I just smile sheepishly at him before giving a small wave. I'm sure every eye is on me but I don't care because they need someone else's interesting life to entertain themselves and guess what? My life is never boring, this should be fun