
Redefining Destiny; A Tensura Fanfic

A what-if story if Rimuru was replaced with a young adult who had read too much fiction rather than a middle-aged man also he's a tiefling now

mAsQuerade_ · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

chapter 3

Apart from keeping my skills a secret, I told him everything I had experienced, from the time I was stabbed to when I awoke as a tiefling, and how events led to this current situation.

It's true that it was a dreadful experience.

But from now on, I can experience a life filled with magic, thrill, and especially really cute women that will pamper me.

... wait a minute

I can't become a slime, which means I couldn't be pampered at all.

The thought was depressing

(Hrm. As expected, you were a "Reincarnated Being". I say, you were born in an extremely rare way.)

"I'm actually surprised you aren't suspicious or anything, I mean... I'm basically a teenage tiefling in this body aren't I?"

(Hmph. "Reincarnated Beings" do appear once in a while. If their willpower is strong, their memories are imprinted onto their soul.

Though among them, there are some that completely remember their previous lives, they are not unusual existences.

However, "Reincarnated Beings" from other worlds are indeed, quite unusual.

Not to mention, they are normally reborn as humans. Still, I would be less surprised if you were born from a demon, but to have been created out of magic essence, I have no recollection of such a thing occurring before.

It is rare enough as it is for someone to have a soul powerful enough to endure crossing over worlds. Still more, if it was the soul of a demon of this world, instead of stabilizing and taking hold in the world, it would be destroyed.

You are a unique case.)

"I see, so that's how it is."

I nodded in understanding, though I had mostly known everything he had said thanks to my memories of the slime light novel.

Great sage, make sure to hide that particular memory about the novel hidden.

<>Confirmed, the memories will be locked and kept under surveillance.

(Indeed. There are no precedents regarding souls of this world transmigrating to other worlds. However, it happens from time to time that souls of other worlds come over this side.

Records detailing these things were left behind by a "Reincarnated Being" that was confirmed to possess aforementioned level of knowledge. Though I'm sure there still remains things unverified.)

"I see, I see...so then, maybe I should start to look for these otherworlders? Maybe they know a thing or two that can help me"

"Hang on, if you need help then surely I, the great dragon Veldora, can provide anything you would want."

"Hmm? Really?"

"Yes, however, there are certain conditions that you must meet."

"Well, I can understand that part but what are they?"

"First, you must tell me stories of this.. other world you had just come from and second, is that you must visit me from time to time. To tell you the truth, I have been sealed here for 300 years. From then on, I had so much free time I was simply bored out of my mind. So will you agree?)

"If it's only that, then of course."

I immediately nodded and pulled myself closer to Veldora in order to easily talk with him, though it did confuse me on how he could hear me from the distance between us.

(Good. It is a promise, do not forget!)

"I will not! Honesty and honor is important to me as much as my life!"

I could see a grin form on Veldora's jaws which I admit, did faze me a little, but it was easily overcame with fascination as Veldora began to explain the magic perception skill.

Naturally, I have great sage understand it for the most part and generate me the skill but thanks to Veldora's explanations, I was able to confirm that the great sage can learn skills just by information alone.

(...You sure learned quickly, but is there a rush? You should have taken your time.)

Chill out dude, I won't leave you behind.

I deadpanned at Veldora's words before shrugging them off with a smile.

(So, what do you plan to do now?)

"Hmm, good question. Maybe I'll go out of my way and look for my fellow otherworlders"


"By the way. You mentioned something about being sealed? What's that about?"

(Mm? Well yes. Though I admit underestimating my opponent a little…and I did get serious halfway, but still I lost!)

Well, from what I remembered the one who defeated him was... someone I won't spoil, rest easy people.

"Was your opponent that strong?"

(Alas, she was strong. My opponent was what they call a human Hero, blessed with "Divine Protection".)

Yep, definitely her.

(Which reminds me, that Hero had claimed to be a "Summoned Being". It might even be from your world.)

"Really now?I doubt it, people from my world can't be that strong"

I say that but... yeah, no we'll dominate this place.

(No, it is common for "Other Worlders" that come into this world to possess special abilities. That is the power imbued into their souls at the time of crossing worlds.

Unlike the "Other Worlders" that accidentally drop into this world, their souls are strong enough to endure the summons.

The fact that the success rate of summoning is lower than 0.03%, is a testimony to their strength.)

Ah Leon, of course you'd be doing that in this timeline. Very weird dude

Veldora then went on recalling his figure with the hero, a black beauty who for sure didn't win because veldora was captivated by her beauty.

(Do not be ridiculous)

He had said it so himself

"Sure sure, if you say so buddy."

(Wha-, what did you say? For one such as I, the one feared as the "Storm Dragon Veldora", to become friends with the likes of a t-tiefling?!)

"You can just say no,"

(Fool! You!!! No one said anything about refusing!!!)

"Eh, then what are you saying?"

(Well, if you insist, then I can find it in my great self to perhaps.. consider it)

You're literally sneaking glances dude, are you a girl or something.

"No, no. I've decided, if you don't want to then we can just go on with our lives and I'll be leaving. Forever. "

(Wha-! …it cannot be helped then! I shall become your friend! Be grateful!)


I'm the same though, so we're even I guess.

"Alright then best bud, let's have a great time!"

(Likewise! …That's right, I shall grant you a name. You shall also do the same for me!)

"Ha? Why's that? What is it all of a sudden?"

I say that but that's what I was waiting for, he I should be named Akuma! A demon! A powerful existence!

"Alright, i get it.... I will, name you tempest! The storm dragon!"

(It is settled!!! It has a wonderful ring to it.)

Still can't believe he likes it.

(From this day onward, I shall be called Verudora Tempest! As for you…I grant you the name "Rimuru". You may call yourself Rimuru Tempest!!!)