
Redefining Destiny; A Tensura Fanfic

A what-if story if Rimuru was replaced with a young adult who had read too much fiction rather than a middle-aged man also he's a tiefling now

mAsQuerade_ · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

chapter 14

I decided to go into full detail. We all piled into seats situated deeper inside, and Kaido was kind enough to provide a quick recap for me. I added a few choice details, and things moved along at a good pace.

That younger one, though… Mildo, was it? I wish he'd say something. Like, how's he managed to stay in conversations by saying nothing at all? It floored me.

"All right," the old guy answered. "I understand. But what do you want? I can't do anything for you. I've got a job from a certain country I gotta deal with, too. None of this leaves the room, but…"

Ah of course, the ore inside me should be magisteel by now.

And so the story goes as is. He's busy with weapons and armor orders from various counties, probably because of a war brewing over the horizon or something something. I can't really be bothered to care, they weren't even mentioned in the original timeline so why should I care.

"So," he continued, tapping at his head, "I managed to pull an all-nighter to get an order for two hundred steel spears squared away…but I gotta come up with twenty swords, too, and I ain't even got one yet. There's just no material!"

"Why don't you just say you can't fill the order?" Kaido asked.

"Fool! You think I didn't, at first? But that damned minister Vester told me, 'So you're saying the great Kaijin, renowned across the entire kingdom, can't even fill a simple order like this one? Is that it?' In front of the king himself, no less! Can you believe that damned idiot?!"

Ohhh, so Vester was the name. Well I'll make sure to remember that and humble him in front of the court later... I hope nothing bad happens tho

"What's the difference between lances and swords?" I asked.

"I need special ore for the swords," the old guy spat out. "Magic ore. The spears are just simple steel spikes."

Hmm, so are swords the superior weapons here? I was hoping I'd use some kusaragimas or maybe a chained great sword.

Kurobe can probably make me one, so no rush.

And as they were going on and on about how they didn't have time to make 20 swords, I simply sighed and just reached into my pocket.

Er, my stomach rather.

"Here, do you think you can use this?" I asked as I pulled out the lump of magisteel inside of predator and let it fall to the floor.

"…Wait. Whoaaa! That's magic ore!! And, my God, look at how pure it is!!"

Heh. Not magic ore, man. Already processed it for ya. That's a hunk of pure magisteel! "C'mon, old man, your eyes giving out on you?" I asked. If they couldn't even see what this metal was, they couldn't have been worth much.

"What…? No… It can't be! This entire piece is magisteel?!"

He finally noticed. His shock surprised me a bit.

"You… You'll let me have this? I mean, I'll pay the going price for it, of course!"

Heh-heh-heh. Gotcha!

"Oooh, about that…"

"Nggh, what do you want? I'll do anything I can for this!"

"Good man, I'll give it to you as long as you help me with what I need. I scratch your back, you scratch mine. Get it?"

"What? Is that all you need?"

"don't disregard the importance of a hot shower old man, oh yeah I need some other things too but you know what I mean."

"If that's all it is, then of course!"

And so old man Kaijin and I forged a verbal contract for the hunk of magisteel. We agreed to iron out the details after his work was done. Judging by his reaction, I probably could've wrung him for a little more, but no point being too greedy.

I'd get more later anyway.

The three dwarf brothers took turns thanking me profusely yet again. They felt a bit out of place, no doubt, and at fault for the government's toying around with Kaijin.

"So why not come along with us?" I asked. Their jaws dropped. Then they started discussing it with each other. To me, that sounded like the best thing for their predicament.

The next day…

"...things aren't looking too good for ya bud."

"What do you mean?"

"Deadline is in four days isn't? Think you can finish it all?"

"…No, to be honest. But I gotta!"

Ah that can do attitude. Very great thing to have but if things are impossible then you just need to accept that it's impossible.

But eh, what the hell, time for me to shine.

"Kaijin, make the best sword you can."

"Hm? What for?"

"I have an idea I'd like to do, it can save you."

"But you're an amateur, what can you do?"

"Look man, just trust me." I shrugged,"then again if you don't want to then that's on you, just expect your license to be revoked."

"…So I can trust you? Because if I can't, you better not expect payment for that magisteel. I won't be able to take care of myself, much less cover you… You keep your promise, though, I swear I'll keep mine. I'll give you the best swordsmith this kingdom has!"

After a bit of an explanation why magisteel was so rare, courtesy of the three brothers, Kaijin went off to work and I on the other hand meditated.

Hmm, maybe I can add water manipulation to my repertoire and like, fire once ifrit is absorbed by me.

I was thinking of ways to make more unique skills, as evident when Rimuru got merciless, you just need to fulfill certain conditions to acquire them.

Maybe if I get 2 more elemental skills then I can get a unique skill? What if I developed metal manipulation more?

There were far too many things to consider and there was too little time. I had a bad feeling of the upcoming trial, and I wanted to be ready just in case I'd be in a rough situation.

And finally, the moment I had been waiting for arrived.