
Redefining Destiny; A Tensura Fanfic

A what-if story if Rimuru was replaced with a young adult who had read too much fiction rather than a middle-aged man also he's a tiefling now

mAsQuerade_ · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 11

"Ah, of course there's a line"

I grumbled beneath my breath at the ridiculously long line that span a good mile from the large metallic gates of Dwargon.

Now that I'm seeing it, it's actually a pretty good door.

The gate's hinges were built inside the walls, removing what would have been a weak point to its otherwise heavily fortified structure.

Gobta said the long line was because there's was only one door that allowed entry to the city, and on top of that, the inspections were really strict.

"Ah, I should probably hide then."

"Yes, that would be for the best Rimuru-Sama. I'm afraid the dwarves would feel threatened if you were to waltz into their front gates"

I nodded to Rigur before remembering a certain trait about Tieflings.

They were creatures of the night and were masters of trickery. They were hunted to extinction so they developed some neat tricks that should have helped them survive until they got wiped off by the higher demons.

Still, I should look into that. There wasn't any records of this in the novel.

Apparently an ancient demon was behind the extinction of the tieflings, for reasons no one knew. And as far as I knew, there wasn't any primordial that would have even wanted to do that.

Diablo wouldn't waste time, the tieflings were half-demons but even then they wouldn't pose much as a source of entertainment to them.

The three demoness would have been too busy messing around with each other, an argument could be made with Guy but I doubt he'd actually drive them to extinction when Tieflings didn't really change the balance of the world.

In fact, wouldn't destroying them be an imbalance?

That left that there was another ancient demon out there, someone that didn't exist in the original novel.

Might be a byproduct of me changing the world.

But we'll cross that bridge when we get there, for now I should be able to do a nifty trick that'll make things easier for me.

With a snap of my finger, a puff of white smoke covered my entire body. At a first glance, nothing changed but just by judging how Rigur and Gobta looked at me, I was sure the illusion worked.

"How do I look?"

"What an amazing disguise, Rimuru-Sama! You're just as majestic ever as a slime!"

To other people, I was just a blue slime, which I wanted because it was too much of a hassle to hide in the shadows.

"Alright, let's go!"

Me and Gobta got in line deciding to leave Rigur and the others to camp at a nearby forest, since I dislike any forms of unnecessary attention and having muscular goblins and giant wolves would definitely get me that.

"But seriously... this line is like... just as long as the ones back in my world."


"Forget you heard that Gobta."

"Y-Yes Sir!"

Honestly, I should stop complaining too much. I might reveal that I'm an otherworlder way too early than intended and I don't want to change the story too much.

That'll just make things a hassle.

Some forms of entertainment should be coming along soon, I'll make sure to try out all of my new tricks on them.

Sorry future victims, blame the fact Dwargon has heavy traffic.

"Hey! Hey, check it out, there're monsters out here! We can kill 'em, right? We aren't inside yet."

"Yeah, what the hell're you guys standing in line for? You think we're gonna letcha do that, you little runts? Gimme your spot before we kill you! And leave your crap there, too, all right? Then we'll letcha go!"

Right on time, but wow were they rude.

"Hey, did you hear something, Gobta?"

"Yes, I did…"

You were supposed to say you didn't, but eh

"Did you run into any trouble last time you were here?"

"Of course I did, sir! Ooh, they beat me silly! The kobold merchants had to pick me up off the ground! Might've died if they didn't, eh?"

"…They did, huh? So we can't avoid this?"

"It is, uhh, the fate of the weak…?"

Weak my ass, humans should have morals, without them then they're more worthless than an ant.

"Yo! You think you runts got a right to ignore us?!"

"Hey, isn't a talking slime pretty rare? Maybe we could get some money outta selling it."

I'm a tiefling, which is rarer, heck I guess I'll be worth a good stellar coin and some.

The adventurers kept on yapping about us. People back in my world did complain about me having a short fuse so I'll take it that I've experienced character development since I haven't nuked them yet.

Still... patience only lasts a little bit.

"Gobta, remember my rules?"

"Y-yes, sir! Absolutely!"

"Good, now close your eyes and cover your ears."

"Um…? All right, but…!"

Breaking my own rules, especially only after a few days once I made them. Yeah, not really good leader material but hey, I did say I despise politics plus gobta isn't looking.

Just then, the hostile adventurer on the right shifted his gaze, and I followed it. It led to another group, a trio, grinning as they watched the spectacle unfold.

One of my adversaries carried a sword; the other was clad in light armor. Bandits, I figured. The other three consisted of two robed figures—wizards or monks or something—and a big, brawny fighter.

Rimuru rolls Initiative, a natural 20!

Without wasting any time, I snapped out of my illusion and in an instant the adventurers took a step back out of shock.

"What the— THAT'S NOT A SLIME!"

Duh, what gave it away? Was it the horns?

"What.. is it, it's not a demon is it?"

"Are you stupid? If it was a demon then the guards would have called the royal army by now."

Ah right, we're in front of the gates.

I turned my back to the front of the line and sure enough, the guards were rushing towards us to see what the commotion was.

Welp, time to sweep these idiots.

"Look, you're all too stupid to live so just... greet the goddess if you meet her."

With a flick of my wrist,the armor that one of them wore crumpled under an invisible pressure which crushed the man's organs in a flash.


Next up was the dude that was really badmouthing me, but I was a generous man so I'll let him live, not without robbing him though.

You won't need those jewels.

Like a maestro conducting an orchestra, I waved my finger across the air and watched in glee as the adventurer's sword flew out of his hands and began flying across the air.

It was a symphony of their screams and the sound metal slicing against their bones and flesh, which oddly enough was actually a good tune for me.

And to end it all off, I struck the blade into the crotch of the one who was badmouthing us, a satisfying shriek that sounded like it came from a girl rang in the air which made me smile even more.

Ah, music to my ears.

I heaved a satisfied smile and cast an illusion of a slime over me once again, just in time to greet the guards.

... wait a minute, I wasn't supposed to kill them.

Ah crap.