

story of a guy who unravels the truth of the world while redefining his beliefs and world itself

g1noname · Fantasy
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8 Chs

4. Not normal?

Ah! I am awake. But I don't want to wake up, but I will have to wake up. I don't know how much time has passed since I fell asleep. But that wasn't a dream, right?

"No, it isn't"

Right, I got involved in some crazy incident. And now I don't know what is going to happen to me now.

"How long have I been asleep mam?"

"Oh, so you were awake"

"Huh, you told me that you can read my mind right"

"Yes, I can and that was what we were going to talk about and no, I am not going to hurt you now"

What does she mean? She was able to read my mind at that time and it seems she is not reading it now. Does her ability have any restrictions for usage? No, that doesn't matter because it is just a part of her abilities. I need to know as much as I can before my luck turns its tail against me or, before that 'now' happens. Before that I need to wake up but where should I sit? Yes, I will sit on the ground where I am of a low position to that of hers.

"Why are you sitting down, child?"

"I am giving you respect. In India we do not sit on the same level as someone of higher position. So, I am sitting down on the ground because I can't stand yet for a long time."

"There is no need for that child. Sit on the sofa. Ah! I forgot, what was your name again?"

Didn't I tell her my name? Ah! I don't remember anything but shivers in spines since she met me. Let's just go along with what she wants. I don't want to die After all.

"My name is Jeevan mam."

"Oh, right now let us get to the main topic. I thought you were some specious person and tried to interrogate you. Sorry for causing you the trouble"

"No mam, I can understand. If you wanted to, you could have silenced me the moment you thought I was suspicious, but you didn't. And gave me a Chance and I am grateful for that"

"No, I shouldn't have been that rough on you. Who knows what could have happened if anything had gone wrong."

Yes, I would have been six feet underground if anything went differently. It's a miracle in itself that I am still breathing. I almost stopped breathing the moment I felt that breathtaking pressure pointed towards me. And that water attack of hers, as if diamonds itself were melted down and were floating in front of me. Not even diamonds would come close to that luminous liquid that she used.

"Yes mam, a normal human being will surely die if we experience anything like that"

"Yes, you are correct in saying that any normal human being will die if they experience something like this. Doesn't that mean that you are not normal, and I was not wrong in thinking that you were suspicious"

Oi, oi, oi where is this conversation heading towards. I thought I was safe for a second there. And this is what happens the next moment. Does she not want to let me live? Does she want to kill me so that this matter does not get outside. If so, she can just erase my memories, can't she? Surely, she has some way to erase my memories when she is able to read them. No, I can't die like this here, not now I need to at least ask her to give me some time before she kills me. About some years or so.

"No mam I am still alive because you let me live and the luck of whole life just came into act all at once"

"Do you really think just luck can save your life in a situation that you are in? If so, shall we test your luck one more time and see if you can stay alive after that"

It's over. She doesn't have any intentions of letting me live. I can't convince her that she was wrong, and I am not suspicious if she doesn't have any intention of letting me go. If so, I will try to save my family in case she wants to go after them after taking care of me.

"I know that I can't prove anything for certain to you and I also know that you can't simply let me go after all that I have seen and experienced today after all it may endanger you"

"You are smart for your own good kid. You are telling me things even I may have forgotten"

"Anyone can tell that much from this situation mam. But I really am not of any danger to you, and I am a completely normal average human being. I think you know that too"

"Yes, you don't have any abilities and you certainly are a human being"

"Then, can't you let me go after erasing my memories or something"

She is staying silent. So there really are limitations on how she can Control my mind. There is no other way around it. I need to convince her to at least grant me some time to live. Ah how troublesome convincing and conversing are the things I am worst at, and I am using those things to stay alive. If there is no way out of it, then I might as well try to get as much time as I can so that I can perform my duty in this life before dying.

"I get it mam. If my memories can't be wiped out, then killing me is the only option. But I have a request to ask please give me some time. You can kill me after 10 years. And please leave my family out of this problem please. I beg of you; they don't know anything about this after all please mam."

"Ten years you say; why? Do you want to build a family or perhaps want to enjoy your life as much as you can?"

"No, not anything like that. I just want to perform my duties as eldest son in my family before I die. So, please, even if it is not ten years, at least give me around eight years. Please..."

"Oh wait, wait …. Like I have been telling you I am not going to kill you or your family. I was pointing to the fact that you are not NORMAL. And not because I wanted to silence you or something."

"Ha, if so, then, you don't need to worry, I am a totally normal human being. To be exact I am not even that good at any sports nor am I physically fit. You could even call me weak among humans. Very weak to be precise."

"I am not asking you for any opinion. I am stating a fact that you are not normal."

What is she saying if she wants to kill me, she can do it without any excuses so, why is she making this ridiculous statement that I am not normal. I don't care if she kills me anymore. If I can't get out of this situation alive, then I will have to die here. If I die without going outside, then she doesn't have to suspect that I may have leaked any information about her to my family. And from what I have been observing she doesn't seem to be a person to kill innocent people without a reason. So, I might as well bet on it to ask away and prove that I am a normal person.

"What do you mean not normal? How am I any different from a normal human? If you can't keep me alive, then just get on with the task you need to and don't state these ridiculous statements. But just leave my family out of this."

"Oh, so now you are suddenly shouting at me huh."

Shit, the atmosphere suddenly changed, and she is approaching me with anger. So, this is the end of my story huh.

"So, you are asking me how you are different from other human beings? What were you doing from the moment this whole incident started and even now when you concluded that you were going to die and asked me to keep your family safe huh. What were you doing to answer me?"

"What was I doing? Nothing, I simply did nothing but simply answered you just by simply thinking rationally and after concluding that I can't live I asked you to spare my family, that's all. I did nothing else."

"Exactly, do you think a normal human being could have stayed sane. Do you think they could have answered at all? And thinking rationally you say. They won't even be conscious if they stayed alive, that is. And certainly, won't even be able to think or process the situation."

What is she talking about? Yes, I was thinking but... wait how was I able to think that fast and rationally. Was I always this calm? How am I able to really think? How am I still sane? Am I really not normal like she stated?

sorry for late submission. i had my semisters going on so sorry for the delay and thank for reading my novel ( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ

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