
Redeeming The Alpha's Love

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iLma · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 3

The deal was struck, and there was no turning back. Reluctantly, I found myself following Eric, my sworn enemy, deeper into the heart of his territory. My hatred for him had not waned, but my desire for vengeance still burned fiercely within me. I would bide my time, use this alliance to my advantage, and then strike when he least expected it.

The moon cast a silvery glow upon the path, guiding us through the thick woods toward a destination unknown to me. My footsteps were heavy with trepidation, but I couldn't afford to show fear. My every move was watched, every word analyzed by the man who had destroyed my life.

The imposing gates of his palace loomed ahead, a foreboding fortress of stone and secrets. I had heard tales of the cruelty that took place within those walls, and I knew that I was walking into the heart of the lion's den.

Eric pushed open the massive gates, and I reluctantly followed him inside. The palace was a labyrinth of opulence and darkness, a reflection of the man who ruled it. Rich tapestries hung from the walls, and torches cast flickering shadows that danced like phantoms.

He led me through winding corridors, past countless closed doors, until we reached a room at the end of a dimly lit hall. The heavy oaken door swung open, and I was thrust inside.

The room was decadent, with plush furnishings and a grand, canopied bed that dominated the space. It was fit for a king, and in many ways, Eric was just that. But the opulence was tainted by the knowledge of the cruelty that lay beneath the surface.

I turned to face him, my defiance still burning bright. "This is where you plan to keep me?"

Eric's expression was inscrutable as he closed the door behind him. "For now," he replied, his voice cold and unwavering.

The room was bathed in a soft, seductive light, and the tension between us was palpable. I could feel the weight of his gaze, the magnetic pull of his presence. But I would not be swayed by his charms.

"I am not your prisoner, Eric," I spat, my voice tinged with venom. "You may have convinced me to be your informant, but I am not under your control."

In the dim light, I saw a glint of frustration in his eyes, a chink in the armor of his stoic demeanor. But he quickly composed himself, stepping closer, and I was reminded of the danger he posed.

"You're here because you chose to be, Seraphine," he murmured, his voice low and seductive. "But make no mistake, this palace is my domain, and my word is law."

I felt a shiver of unease as he approached, his steps slow and deliberate, his proximity almost suffocating. I couldn't deny the pull of his presence, the magnetic force that seemed to draw me closer to him.

"Your word is law," I mocked, my defiance still burning strong. "But it won't change the fact that I will never bend to your will, Eric."

In an instant, he had me pinned against the wall, his body pressing against mine. I could feel the heat of his breath against my skin, his intense gaze locked on mine. It was a seduction I had no desire to succumb to.

Eric's lips brushed against my ear, and his voice was a wicked whisper. "You're a stubborn one, Seraphine. But I have a way of making even the most defiant of souls bend to my desires."

I struggled against his hold, my heart racing, my anger and fear warring within me. "I will never be yours, Eric. You can't break me."

But he didn't release me. Instead, his lips found mine in a cruel, possessive kiss. It was a bruising and dominating embrace, a violation of my will. I fought against it, biting his lip in defiance, but he only deepened the kiss, his grip unrelenting.

As his hands roamed my body, I loathed the way my heart raced, the way my body responded to his touch. The intensity of our hatred was mirrored in the ferocity of our kiss, and it was a battle neither of us was willing to lose.

In that moment, I hated Eric more than ever, and I hated myself for the undeniable attraction that simmered beneath the surface. But I would not submit, not to his desires, not to his cruel seduction.

As he finally released me, I gasped for breath, my defiance still intact. "You may have won this battle, Eric, but the war is far from over."

He smirked, his cold gaze locking onto mine. "We shall see, Seraphine. We shall see."

And as I stood in that room, my body still tingling from his touch, I knew that the battle had only just begun. Eric had me under his roof, under his control, but I would never be truly his. My heart belonged to vengeance, and it would not be swayed by his cruelty or his seduction.