
Redeemer's Accord

If I could fix my regrets with anything; may it be redemption or even death. I'll see it through The story follows a young boy named Xu Xiang who dies after saving his family from a serial killer, leaving with the regret of being unable to stop the death of his best friend. Xu finds himself meeting a God of Death, who makes a deal with him. Xu is then sent to another world dedicated to completing his part of the deal.

Akrilt · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Act X (ch 2)

The smile on Amelia's face drooped down and she collapsed on the ground.I nudged her to make sure she was okay and she was. Expect, she didn't want to move anywhere."I'm hungry," she said as she refused to budge.Look, I knew we'd gone without food for a while, but we had to get somewhere.But I couldn't tell her that. She would kill me.It was up to me to acquire food.I wonder if what Amelia used was something I could do. If so that would help hunting and traveling much easier.Maybe I could have her lay on her sword while she levitates it. Then again, I'm not sure how draining that would be."Say, Amelia how about you try hovering with the sword as we move?"She didn't even look at me. Just made a grunting noise"I'm hungry," she said.Okay, I get the point now. I scanned the area, but there wasn't a single sign of life within miles.This place wasn't a desert so there wouldn't be cactus or an oasis.I sat down and thought about the situation more clearly. Then I remembered the dead guy.Perhaps I can find something of value from his body. He wouldn't mind after all.I inched closer to the lifeless husk and crouched next to it. The blood was drying quickly because of the heat from the sun. The injury Amelai inflicted was deep, a guaranteed death.I shuffled around his pockets and found a few pouches along with his belt that held a few things."Ah ha!"Triumphantly I held a specific pouch in the air.Amelia immediately stood up and stared drowsily at the pouch.Inside the pouch was a hefty amount of jerky. With this, our travel would be secured for a little longer.The belt contained a water container, coins, and flint.The other pouch he held had a map. I unraveled it and peered at the details.The map confused me. The map was labeled with their current location, yet the area didn't exactly fit where we were.We resided next to the kingdom of Elenguad. Based on the map it looked like it would be where the crater was.Oh, that's strange. Surely those bandits wouldn't get such an outdated map unless the destruction of this place happened recently."Ackk!"There it was again... that headache.I shared the water and jerky with Amelia while resting.The headache faded for now, but I had no idea what was the reason for the headaches. They seemed to be triggered by specific words or knowledge.Well, no use worrying about it. Based on the map, there was a town a decent bit from here. But with Amelia's help, I don't think it should be a problem.I found a boulder and climbed it asking her to come with me. I grabbed her hand and pulled her up and I explained my plan.Based on what I saw Amelia do with the broadsword she could probably hover with it. I planned on having her give me a ride on her sword. A little odd, but it beats having to walk everywhere."So, Amelia can you do it?"She raised her hand and the wind started to blow against our faces as a light flashed out. The large broadsword materialized and levitated next to her.She sat on the sword like how a princess would sit on a horse. Then she started to move around in the air.It was amazing how her hair flowed through the sky. I shook my head.Hold on I need to get on as well. I waved my hand signaling her to come down. She slowly glided down until reaching the boulder again."Is there a weight capacity?"Amelia tilted her head in confusion. Yeah okay."Never mind."I carefully sat on the sword trying not to cut myself. As I thought sitting on flat metal burning in the sun hurt. Those damn wizards make it look like riding a broom was comfortable.As the sword began to move the wind started to pick up pushing any hair from my face. We went faster until the ground was almost a blur as we moved.Within an hour of flying, the ground started to turn into a flourishing green with trees and flowers following. I pondered on how I was able to stay on the sword without flying off, but it was pointless thinking about such things. Magic was real here.Yeah...Magic really was different. It was different than flying on an airplane or a helicopter. It quite literally was the closest thing to straight-up flying without anything. I almost felt happy I was there.No. I can't do that. I'm here because I made a deal. I want to go back to my family."Hey," Amelia pointed past me causing me to turn in that direction. There was a town.We made our way down safely a fair distance from the town and walked the rest.Once we arrived I noticed the town wasn't exactly in the greatest condition. It was probably due to the once-established kingdom disrupting the trade flow and such after its fall. The place seemed pretty rundown and many impoverished spewed out onto the main roads. In such areas, it was important to keep close to each other and leave as soon as possible.That was what I was going to do but Amelia seemed to have other plans. She went up to every vendor and carefully examined foods and items. She acted like she had never done this before.Wait was she a princess trapped in a tower and escaped after some sort of commitment? I held my hand to my face. Of course not...Amelia wanted to buy quite a few things but... She didn't try to buy anything. She tried 'stealing' everything. I had to waste money because of her foolishness. I made sure to explain that we couldn't just take stuff whenever. With the money from the bandits, we only have enough for a few days of food and water.I somehow understood the currencies and bought the things we needed.We left swiftly and had no problems. We planned on riding the sword again, but it was not available right now...? That doesn't even make sense.Either way, we took to a road and followed it down. Our next destination was another city.The city of Salius.