
Redeemed and Mated To The Lycan King

Ashley heart shattered when her werewolf mate cruelly rejected her upon learning of her pregnancy. Tears streamed down as she stumbled through the dark forest, ready to end her suffering. But the legendary Lycan king Dante emerged, his golden eyes filled with kindness. He vowed to protect Ashley and her unborn pup, embracing her despite her perceived sin. Though her path had been sorrow, Ashley now had hope under the king's wing. Was this truly a new beginning? Could the fragmented pieces of her heart finally mend? Or would the ghost of her past forever haunt her?

iamgwriter · Urban
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52 Chs

Chapter 7

As the weeks went by, I found myself settling into life at the palace more and more. The grand halls and lavish rooms that had once intimidated me started to feel familiar, almost comforting in their opulence. 

Dante was always respectful of my boundaries, never pushing me farther than I was ready to go. But his gentle presence was a constant in my days - during meals, strolls through the gardens, or just passing time together in the library. With each interaction, I felt the invisible walls I had erected gradually lowering.

One morning over breakfast, Dante cleared his throat. "There is to be a formal celebration tonight in the great hall. It will be your first real introduction to the rest of the pack as my intended mate." His eyes searched mine carefully. "If you are not ready for such a step, I will understand. But I would be honored to have you at my side."

My fork paused halfway to my mouth as his words registered. Introducing me as his mate was a big step, one that would solidify my place in this new world. Part of me still felt that lingering twinge of unease and doubt. Could I truly embrace this destiny?

But as I met Dante's warm gaze, I saw only sincerity and affection reflecting back at me. This man - no, this alpha - had saved me from the depths of despair and given me a second chance at life and love. Did I have the strength to meet him halfway?

Taking a steadying breath, I gave him a small nod. "I'm ready. If you'll have me, I would be honored to stand as your mate before the pack."

The brilliant smile that curved his lips at my words made my heart flutter. As the day passed and nightfall approached, I found myself both nervous and excited for the celebration ahead.

Sophia arrived to help me prepare, delivering an exquisite burgundy gown to wear. "You look fit for a queen, my lady," she murmured with a warm smile as she laced up the back. 

When I finally joined Dante, he looked at me with such reverence and open admiration that my nerves instantly settled. Taking his offered arm, I allowed him to escort me into the great hall where the entire pack had gathered.

A hushed murmur swept through the crowd as we entered, but Dante kept us moving steadily forward until we stood before the assembled wolves. His grip on my arm was warm and reassuring as he turned to address them.

"Brothers, sisters - we gather here tonight to celebrate a joyous occasion," Dante's powerful voice rang out. "For I have found my destined mate at long last."

He looked down at me then, his expression softening. "The woman before you is Ashley. Though she has not come from our world, fate has decreed that our souls are eternally bound, two halves destined to make a whole. From this night forward, she is to be afforded all the honor and respect as your future luna queen."

Letting his words sink in, Dante extended his other hand towards me in invitation. I hesitantly placed my smaller one in his, emboldened by the certainty blazing in his eyes.

"Ashley has suffered much in her life," he continued, giving my hand a gentle squeeze of reassurance. "But here, under my care and protection, she will finally find the belonging and acceptance she deserves. Any who dare disrespect or challenge her standing at my side will face my harshest judgment. Am I unequivocally clear?"

A resounding chorus of: "Yes, my lord" and "Hail the luna queen" echoed through the hall. While some looked at me with obvious skepticism and distrust, the overwhelming majority appeared willing to respect their king's commands, at least at this juncture.

As the celebration carried on with drinking, dining, and reverie, I allowed myself to soak in the joy and belonging that surrounded us. Though the road ahead was still one of uncertainty, one thing was undeniable - by Dante's side was where I was truly meant to walk.

Across the hall, I caught a glimpse of Ryder, the wolf who had once brutally rejected me, now looking at me with an expression caught between fury and bitter acceptance. A small, vindicated smile tugged at my lips in that instant. 

I was no longer the shattered, discarded soul he had so carelessly tossed aside. In Dante's embrace, under his eternal devotion and protection, I had blossomed into someone powerful and cherished in her own right. The old wounds had been healed, allowing something new, resilient, and undeniably stronger to emerge in their stead.

Tonight, I had been formally reborn. And as Dante's proclaimed luna, I vowed to meet whatever challenges lie ahead with the same regal poise and determination he clearly saw burning within me.

I decided to take a walk around the building while I left Dante to attend to a few guest. I turned back and noticed Ryder's trail after me.

My heart raced a bit but I managed to calm my nerves. He won't do anything to me, not when he is around the king's premises.

So you think you've won? Just because Dante rescued you? I am still your mate you know? He said pulling my hands closer to him.

Let go of me!! I told him calmly to avoid people's attention. I was not about to let people notice what was going on. Today is a good and peaceful day.

Ryder let go of my hands seeing that he was starting to draw people's attention.

I turned around and kept walking, trying not to pay attention to Ryder's really intense look at my back. But his words repeated over and over in my mind in a mocking way . 

"I am still your mate , you know?"

Pushing away the small feeling of unease, I went outside to the perfectly kept gardens. The fresh outdoor air and sweet-smelling flowers helped slow down my fast heartbeat. This was Dante's house, his powerful place. Surely Ryder wouldn't try anything more aggressive here.

Even so, him being around and lurking made me feel on edge. I kept looking over my shoulder a lot as I walked along the curvy paths. The green plants and bushes gave plenty of hiding spots, and the idea of Ryder hiding somewhere unseen filled me with a really strong feeling of dread.

All of a sudden, I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. Was he following me? Has he hidden somewhere around?

I quickly turned around, but there was nothing there except branches slowly swaying. My heart was pounding in my ears as I tried really hard to notice any other signs of someone being there. 

"You get scared easily, little wolf?"

The mocking words cut through the tense quiet like the sound of a whip cracking. I quickly turned around to find Ryder coming out from the bushes just a few feet away, a mean smirk on his handsome face.

"What do you want?" I demanded, proud that I kept my voice mostly steady even though I was trembling inside. 

Ryder's dark eyes shone with something dangerous as they slowly looked me up and down in a way that made me feel really uncomfortable. "I think you know exactly what I want," he said in a tone that hinted at dark promises. "The real question is how far are you willing to continue with all this?"

Do you think I will just let you go when you have something of mine?

My whole body tensed up at the implied threat in his words. This was the wolf who had once said he loved me forever, only to then completely crush me into many pieces by rejecting me in a brutal way. And now he was going after me with that same intense, uncontrolled desire.

"I'm Dante's mate now," I managed to say, somehow finding bravery from deep inside despite the possibility of being this monster's next victim of torment. "You have lost any claim over me."

There was a heavy silence between us, with the only sound being my rough, uneven breathing. Ryder's expression was coldly calm as he seemed to think over my words. Then, without any warning, he suddenly lunged forward...