
Redeemed and Mated To The Lycan King

Ashley heart shattered when her werewolf mate cruelly rejected her upon learning of her pregnancy. Tears streamed down as she stumbled through the dark forest, ready to end her suffering. But the legendary Lycan king Dante emerged, his golden eyes filled with kindness. He vowed to protect Ashley and her unborn pup, embracing her despite her perceived sin. Though her path had been sorrow, Ashley now had hope under the king's wing. Was this truly a new beginning? Could the fragmented pieces of her heart finally mend? Or would the ghost of her past forever haunt her?

iamgwriter · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter 11


"Now take a deep breath, you're shaking." Dante held my hands, trying to calm me down.

"Okay, okay," I took a deep breath. I was scared; Ryder was right, I didn't know how to control my shifts.

I wasn't trained like the rest of the members of my pack; I was a naive Omega, and it scared me that I would disappoint Dante.

"Is everything okay?" Dante held my chin, his firm hands sending shivers down my spine.

"I-uh, I have something to say." I started.

"What would that be, little wolf?" He lowered his gaze on me.

"Uhm... I do not know how to control my..." I was too ashamed to finish up the sentence.

"Now that's not a problem." My silver-eyed mate began to laugh hard.

"What's funny?" My cheeks flushed as I punched him playfully on his chest.

But he didn't stop laughing, and I should feel more embarrassed, but instead, I loved the view. I had never seen him laugh that much; the sight was amazing. I wouldn't forget that in a hurry.

"Can you just stop? You're making me feel uncomfortable." I hit him again.

"Fine, fine, I'm sorry. It's just that..." He paused to wipe his face.

"It's just what?"

"I was also a late bloomer. I didn't get my wolf until age 21, and after I did, I was unable to control my shifts. So trust me, it's not a problem." Dante assured me.

His words were really assuring, and for the first time, I felt at peace with my flaws. The entire time I spent with Ryder was just an unending reminder of how useless I was. Maybe he was really my second-chance mate.

"Thank you, Dante." I threw my arms around him, and he lifted me up, "Drop me down, Dante."

"No, I won't. I don't want you to ever step your feet on the ground."

"But I need to train."

"Okay, fine. You'll only walk on your feet when you have to train."

"Deal." I concurred, and he let me down, our lips slightly brushing against each other.

We started off with simple sprints and jumping jacks and stretches, and then it was time for me to control my wolf.

"Are you sure you're ready?" The lycan king asked, obviously noticing how breathless I had become.

"Yes, I am," I declared, feeling motivated.

"Good, now close your eyes and take a deep breath." Dante started.

I nodded and took in a deep breath, shutting my eyes as I anticipated his next words.

"Now feel the air around you." I could feel his presence, commanding yet comforting. "Focus on your inner wolf," he instructed, taking a few strides toward me. "Feel its presence as it is ready to be unleashed."

All of a sudden, I started feeling a rush of emotions. My senses were getting heightened; I could hear almost everything, but all of a sudden, that amazing experience turned into a strange one.

I began hearing the voice of my ex-mate, reminding me of how weak and useless I'd remain.

"You are a weak, pathetic Omega. I wonder why I have been mated to you. You are a disgrace." Ryder's words kept on playing in my head, and then nothing.

The entire feeling, everything disappeared.

"Is everything alright?" Dante asked, turning me to hug me as tears rolled freely down my eyes.

"I'm sorry—"

"Can you stop apologizing, little wolf?" He shook me till I opened my eyes widely and began to stare into his.

"I didn't expect you to get it immediately; it's meant to take time." He patted me gently on my back.

"Okay, would you want to see me turn?" Dante questioned, taking a few steps backward.

"Yes, I'd love to see it." I chuckled.

The silver-eyed man quickly took off his shirt, revealing his broad chest and chiseled abs. God, the sight alone was enough.

And then he smiled again. My legs felt like jelly, and gloriously he turned into the most majestic wolf I had ever seen.

I had seen his wolf form before, but I didn't know why his current view affected me in ways I couldn't explain.

Motivated to try again, I took a deep breath and tried shifting. For a moment, I thought I was successful when I felt some fur on my face, but then I was back to normal and began crashing through the trees as I tried chasing after my mate.

"Ashley!" Dante's voice roared through the woods as he hurried toward me, and in a heartbeat, I was in his arms, "Are you okay? What part hurts?"

Was that hurt in his voice? Did he truly care for me? It was still a mystery why he was so nice to me.

"It's my ankle; it hurts." I cried.

"Let's go check it out." He lifted me bridal style and headed to his chambers.

I sank into his arms as he carried me, falling in love with his earthy smell that invaded my nostrils.

"Here you go." He placed me gently on the bed and ordered one of the guards to get a pack of ice for my ankle before he called the doctor.

Moments after he dressed my ankle, one of the guards walked in, "Lord Dante, there is a matter I'd like to discuss with you."

"Okay, what's the matter?" Dante asked.

"Uhm... My Lord, it's a pri—"

"Can't you see I'm attending to my wife?" Lord Dante snapped, "If you want to say anything, say it in front of her."

"I do not wish to disrespect you, my Lord, but it's about the thing we previously—"

"I don't care abou—"

"Don't worry, Dante." I patted him gently on his shoulders, "You can go, I'll be alright."

"Are you sure—"

"I will be alright, Lord Dante." I teased. Unexpectedly, he placed a kiss on my cheek before he followed the guard out.

But just as they left, my stomach churned as I had a feeling that something was not right, and so I chose to follow them.

As I tiptoed through the hallway, their tiny voices got louder and louder until I could hear them well.

"Which letter?" My mate, Dante, asked. He didn't act like he cared so much.

"Hear." I watched as the guard handed it over to him.

But then, Dante's expression changed, and that scared me.

"What's the meaning of this? I have to send Ashley back unless they kill her? Who sent this rubbish?" Dante growled, his fists tightening.

"We don't—"

"Tighten every entrance and every exit of this place. No one enters or leaves without my permission. Is that clear!" Dante gritted through his teeth before storming outside for air.

It was at that moment that I knew that the war had gotten a bit serious.