

"In that case you three leave me no other option…" As Yamato said, silence filled the room. Hinata and Nozomi felt sad. All their effort hadn't paid off but at least they would still be together with Tomoka and that is all that matters. 


"A friend of mine once told me this: Those that break the rules are trash, but those that abandon a friend are worse than trash. In the world of shinobi our lives are at risk and our decisions can lead to deaths. I am of the firm and believe that orders are a priority. However, I won't follow them if it means sacrificing my friends and those I care for. 


You three have shown me your conviction. I respect your decision and so I approve of you all. Congratulations, you have passed my test." As Yamato finished speaking a smile adorned his face. Unlike Kakashi this was the first time he had been assigned as a jounin instructor. He couldn't be happier that his team was this united and strong. 


"Really!? We passed!?" Hinata was having a hard time believing Yamato's words. She had been ready to accept her failure and now she was given the best news she could hope for. 


"Yup, this is real Hinata" Hearing Tomoka's words Hinata got reminded of their time training together. Nozomi, like Hinata, remembered their time training together and then it clicked.


"You knew about this, didn't you?" At that point Nozomi was glaring at Tomoka. In the past Tomoka had insisted that their survival and that of their team took priority over whatever mission they were assigned. At the time they thought Tomoka was being a worry wart for them. 


"Yup, sorry for not telling you directly but as I said, some lessons have to be lived so they can be learned." After hearing that the two girls couldn't stay angry with her. 


"Well Yamato-sensei, how about we go and eat out as a team in celebration, My treat." 


"Sounds good to me though I would like to be the one treating you girls." After that the group left and Tomoka guided them to Ichiraku. Tomoka had to admit that Ichiraku had perfected the art of cooking ramen. Maybe that was her Uzumaki heritage speaking but she didn't care. 


"I still can't believe you can eat so much." Nozomi looked at Tomoka with a wry smile. While she had just finished her first bowl of ramen, Tomoka was at her second at an amazing speed. 


"I eat for two" Tomoka had to swallow hard before answering as her mouth had been full of food at the moment. 


[Oi! Don't blame your excess eating on me!] Kurama for his part was having none of it. He had heard Tomoka talking about the yin and yang differences and how naruto tended to eat a lot due to yang kurama. He as the yin part had nothing to do with Tomoka's eating habits. 


[Go and blame that scary lizard instead of me] 


'I can't blame Oditomnia, for starters she is me as well so it would be like blaming myself. Second no-one aside from us knows about her so no can't do.'


"My wallet." Was all that Yamato could whisper as he saw the insatiable girl devouring her food. He couldn't even comprehend where all that food was going. 


"Don't worry about it Yamato-sensei. I will pay for the extra bowls." Hearing Tomoka Yamato felt relieved. Although he wanted to be a gentleman and pay, he feared for his wallet. In the end he let it go, he knew Tomoka was loaded with money so there was no problem. 


Like that team five spent their time chatting and eating before Yamato had to leave. He still had to report his acceptance of team five and what not. Meanwhile Tomoka, Hinata and Nozomi left to do their own thing. 


"Now that I think of it. Tomoka, you said your world had a bunch of technology that doesn't exist in this one. Do you have any plans to make those here?" Hinata hadn't given much thought to Tomoka's origin but this question would pop up in her mind from time to time. 


"Hehe, I have lots of plans regarding that but it will be a surprise, no spoilers."