

Wombo combo

Seeing how Hinata and Nozomi drove Zabuza away made Tomoka smile a bit. The two girls had the chance to land hits that would have killed the Kiri-nin on the spot. It had been thanks to Tomoka's warning that they restrained themselves to only disabling blows. Not like it matter, Tomoka knew for a fact that the Zabuza that had attacked them was a water clone. 


Zabuza for his part felt some sweat trickle down his brow. The reaction time of the brats had taken him by surprise. However, now he found an angle of attack. The next instant a whistling sound could be heard as Zabuza's blade traveled at high speed towards Nozomi's torso. In an instant the girl was bisected only to turn into a puff of smoke. 


Zabuza cursed internally, having been deceived by such an old trick. Out of the smoke appeared Nozomi holding a Kunai she stabbed towards Zabuza's abdomen piercing him with ease. However, unlike what she expected, instead of blood flowing out of the wound water did so. 


"Tch." Clicking her tongue, Nozomi quickly moved away from the water clone. Having fought Tomoka's constant flood of phantoms before she had grown used to the frustrating feeling of dealing with them. Though that didn't make dealing with clones any less annoying.


Yamato for his part felt proud of his pupils. Even though it looked like he was just standing there doing nothing. He was spreading his wood style all over the place to make an underground web. Like this he was planning on detecting Zabuza by using the vibration generated by his steps that would be transmitted to the roots below. 


Suddenly two Zabuzas appeared, one attacking Yamato who couldn't really move without cutting his connection to his root network and the other going for Tazuna again. A moment later with a crack of lightning Tomoka stood in front of Yamato while blocking the blade with her armored hand. 


"Hinata that's a clone." Hearing Tomoka's confirmation the Hyuga girl moved with amazing speed as she pummeled the clone into a puddle. 


"And this one is as well" Covering her other hand in the same chitinous armor Tomoka pierced the heart of the clone with it. Turning it into a puddle as well. 


"Eleven o'clock, thirty seven degrees, twenty meters" Yamato's root network had finally managed to find the original Zabuza standing on a tree. 


The first statement defined the direction taking Yamato's front as twelve o'clock. The degree was to determine the enemy's vertical location taking into account the third statement which simply put is the distance. 


In an instant Nozomi got on the move waving hand seals preparing a jutsu. Meanwhile with another crack of lightning Tomoka sped towards Zabuza who had little time to react. With masterful control of her speed and strength Tomoka sent a kick towards Zabuza. She controlled her body perfectly to give him time to doge but not retaliate. 


Zabuza for his part had cold sweat running down his back as the kick that missed him by a hair's width landed on the tree he was standing on. With a loud boom the tree exploded into wood shards. Though he had little time to admire the destruction as Nozomi's jutsu sped towards him. 


Dodgine out of the way of wind blades, Zabuza felt like he was steadily being driven into a corner. The wind blades wouldn't have killed him but the many cuts would have drastically diminished his combat capabilities. However, dodging them had left him in an awkward position mid air. 


To make matters worse for the Kiri-nin Hinata had moved to strike his torso once again. With how unbalanced he had become mid air he couldn't dodge and there was no time to try any jutsu. With no other option Zabuza used his sword as a shield to try and block Hinata's blow only to fail. A moment before Hinata's blow could land on the sword a pillar of wood shot out of the ground impacting Zabuza's sword moving it out of the way. 


With a loud fleshy bang Hinata's palm landed on Zabuza's stomach driving all the air out of the poor ninja's lungs while sending him flying. With his back against the tree he landed on, Zabuza tried to regain his breath. 


"Looks like you lost." Tomoka couldn't help but gloat a bit. However, the next instant a little spurt of blood came out of Zabuza's neck.