
Red World

A story of a girl, whose journey through pain was sunshine to many, danger to some and Love to one.

Red_Horse_7574 · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 : The Dream

Scorching sun flashing at my face..sweat was dripping like hot water. I noticed that I wasn't able to breathe well. I was panting, way more than normally. It felt heavy...something in my hand felt very heavy. I looked back and saw a huge steel Ball, twice bigger than me. The ball was tied to my hands and I was pulling it, or rather dragging it. It was heavy. very heavy that my body was barely moving. My hands they bled but it was as if my hands grew numb to the fact that I'm dragging this huge weight...but I could feel the pain. It was screeching through my body. It was wreathing against my bones. I looked down at the ground..my bare skin pricked on the ground. The ground was dusty and scored my bare feet. I wanted to stop..! "Let me stop Just stop!!"

but I couldn't.

It was almost as if i had to reach somewhere. I had to get to somewhere. But I did not know where. My breathing grew heavier. Each step

felt like a thousand thorns pricking my body. My eyes wandered the land, a desert. There was nothing bedore me...I did not want to cry...it was not the time to cry. The next moment! found myself screaming.." Hello??! Anybody??!!"

There was no one...not even the wind came by me.

It's all right.....

"Okay, calm down". I needed to stay sane. I needed to disassociate from this pain. And then....

There was a faint smell....I couldn't comprehend what it was, but I lifted up my eyes to the horizon and there it was! A Red Door. I realized, even in

this scorching sun, I wasn't feeling thirsty. So this wasn't an illusion. "Ha! Thank you Lord! All of this is about to end!" Closing up the distance, the relief of escape blinded me. I was about to reach the door and my body suddenly gathered up all strength...

I stood before the door. And that was the moment i felt that my feet stopped. The chains unbuckled and fell to the ground. I stood there...for a second...breathing.

I stretched out my hands towards the doorknob..the blood rushed back to my face. I was .....happy.

I turned the knob and pushed the door open. The door slowly squeeked open as i stepped in....and I gasped..!

It was a room smeared in blood...the walls were covered in splashes of blood and as my eyes centred towards the room...I saw a horror I wished I'd never opened the door. My eyee widened to see what was lying before me. Dead bodies. In heaps.

All strength left my body. My legs gave away and I fell to the ground. The stench, I recognized. I wondered why I couldn't recognize the smell before. It wasn't like it was the first time ! smelled blood. My hairs stood up and my lips were trembling. I felt insane...! felt unsafe...! felt like........! DID THAT!

I was panting As eyes were about to loose focus, a little boy, walked towards me, from the midst of a pile of bodies. He was seven years old and my eyes followed him as he walked up to me. My heart felt snatched out pf my body when he spoke to me saying, "Why did you not save us? Why did you not save me?" I could hear him screaming...his eyes, bloodshot...were trembling. He stretched out his hand as if to touch me...my mind hazed through the feeling of being afraid...I was leaning back as his hands came closer...

I was scared...

And then....

I woke up with a gasp...

It was that dream again.....