

"Jason pov"

After talking to her, I felt embarrassed that I shared something that I always lock it in the back of my mind.

I must have looked pathetic

But the way she cried, all I wanted to do was hold her and tell her that everything was okay.

I even took her to the place where me and my mom used to go.

I went to do some workout at the pack gym, but I can't seem to take her off my mind.

Her scent, her innocent smile, fuck I feel like a love stricken puppy. But I know she isn't mine to take, thought I will try to make her mine, if she doesn't find her mate.

It was mid night but I can't seem to sleep with all her face on my head. I jumped out off my window and land on my four paws.

I shook my fur and ran towards her home, I let my wolf take control.

She thought I wouldn't find her house. I trotted near her house and sat on my butt. I felt a deep sense of protectiveness towards her, I m confused for all I know, she isn't my mate. And why do I feel this way.

I howled to the moon, praying to the moon goddess to keep her safe and away from all the lurking evil.

I saw her watching me with those most beautiful emerald green eyes, looking into my soul.

I slept below her window.

I wouldn't let her get hurt, more than she is now.

"Leah's pov"

She fell asleep again after seeing him standing outside, she knew he wouldn't harm her, they had something in between them as common: pain.

He had made her feel better, she felt light after crying to him, that felt right and wrong at the same time.

'What are you doing to me Jason' I whispered to no one.

I was woke up by my uncle saying that the drill starts today.

I was strong for a normal werewolf, I have 2 years of intense training which escaped me from my pain, thinking that it would go away.

But I got strong and now I m waiting for my revenge.

I quickly brushed my teeth and put my hair in a ponytail. Pulled some sweatpants on and a hoodie.

I rushed downstairs, saw uncle Jim waiting for me.

"What took you so long, I thought you started sleeping again" he sighed

"Being a girl takes me so long, come one move your rusty butt off the couch" I giggled.

We went for a run of 5 laps around the private area that we own, I was already tired.

'I was getting rusty too' I sighed

I gulped the water down my throat, my uncle came to a stop behind me.

" let's call it off, you have to get ready for your school, go ahead I will make you breakfast" he walked towards the house.

His phone rang.

"I have to pick this up, you go ahead" he rushed towards the area where we came from.

I walked up stairs and took a quick shower and wore a legging with hoodie, I didn't feel like dressing up.

I went downstairs to find the kitchen empty.

'Weird', he would always set me up with food or something in the morning mainly after training.

I quickly made pancakes, I set the table and walked towards my uncle, who was furiously talking to the other person on the phone, he gestured for me to leave.

I left and ate my breakfast alone, took my car to school.

The parking lot was almost full, I was searching for a parking lot and finally found one, but it was very far away from my main.

I sighed.

I slammed the door shut.

"I see, someone is cranky today, not a morning person I see" Stephen chuckled.

"It's none of your business" I seethed.

I started to walk towards the entrance.

"Tell me your name, beautiful" he smirked

I growled.

"Its not very lady like to growl at a handsome man" he looked at me.

"Your ego can't get any bigger" I walked a tad faster than before.

"It's not that big"

"Why are you following me" i hissed at him.

"oh, don't flatter yourself rogue I m just having the same class as you" he walked in front of me.

Being the embarrassed one, I let him walk in front of me and moved on a snail phase.

I dumped my things at the locker and walked towards the class and sighed when I saw him siting on the same shot where we sat yesterday.

He smiled at me.

I sat next to him and the class started within few minutes.

He nudged me.

I ignored.

He kept on nudging me.

"For fucks sake, what do you want" i seethed.

"Now you act like a rogue, you're a bit scary when you angry" he teased me.

"I m asking you again, what do you want, and stop nudging me" I whined.

"What's your name" he smiled.

"Leah" I sighed.

"Leah what?"he looked at me.

"Leah Martin" I muttered.

"Blue-moon" he whispered next to me.

"Don't ask me like you don't know, and put some salt on my wound, you would have known from Jason Ryder" I whisper yelled him.

"The ryders aren't telling me anything, and me being the curious one, it's not helping me, so tell me about yourself Leah, how did you end up near my territory" he continued.

"I think the information I have given you is enough" now I started to get angry real bad.

Taking the point, he kept to himself and stopped irritating me.

Rest of the class was peaceful, I was rushing to the cafeteria when I bumped into someone.

"Sorry" I ducked my head and moved to walk further.

"Your lucky that you bumped into me" Jason chuckled.

"Oh god, why do all alpha males have such a big ego" I hit him in the arm.

"To put up with you female aphas" he chuckled.

He dragged me towards the parking lot.

"Where are you taking me" I laughed.

"It's a surprise" he smiled and opened the door for me.

Hello peps!

I just wanted to say that everyone are broken at some point to reshape them into something beautiful. You are beautiful just know that.

mrithika_gcreators' thoughts