
CH 1 Pt 3 Green/- The successor.

Green/- The successor.

Izuku Midoriya was a plain freckled faced boy with emerald, green eyes and hair, and like our previous two, he was quirkless. However, unlike the other two, he had already done something to change that. One day almost a year prior he had been rescued by the number one pro hero Allmight. Who promptly and completely and utterly crushed his dream saying that he couldn't be a hero without powers. Now in Allmight's defense, he didn't have any ill will in doing this but regardless it was still crushing. However later that same day he proved him wrong. When he rescued his childhood friend turned bully Katsuki Bakugo from the same villain who had nearly killed him earlier. This earned him the respect of his idle and with it the chance to inherit his idle's quirk. Though this was no easy task as without readying one's body for the quirk's power it would kill the user the moment, they acquired it. It was this monumental task Izuku was working on right now. As Izuku jogged he Looked around at the continuing cleanup after the insane storm that had quite literally rocked the entire town a little over a week ago.

Normally with the use of quirks, it wouldn't take that long to clean up after a natural disaster like this, but the storm had lasted for over three days. The heroes were able to prevent the worst of the damage, but large swaths of local infrastructure had still gone down. Roadways have been flooded train lines had been damaged power lines knocked out and the giant lightning bolt had EMP'ed over half the city Not only damaging infrastructure but frying electronics. Izuku had been cleaning up Takoba municipal beach before this but after the storm, he and Allmight had taken to helping with the cleanup as part of his training. Though he still hoped to finish cleaning up the beach once things had calmed down a little bit more.

He smiled at the thought before running to help two men who were clearly struggling with moving a load of new appliances into an apartment. This good deed had earned him some pocket money even though he insisted that they didn't need to pay him. He would have insisted more if his phone hadn't pinged with a message from Allmight wondering where he was at. So instead of arguing he just excepted the reward and ran off to meet up with Allmight.

Joey nervously fingered Heroman's controller in his pocket his school had been turned into a relief center students still had to pick up and drop off school work but classes, in general, were canceled for the time being. However, due to the ongoing cleanup efforts all across Japan, the government was issuing day by day quirk permits to let civilians use their quirks to help with cleanup and repair. They had to demonstrate their quirks and control over them before getting picked by a volunteering hero. Who acted like a supervisor and chaperon who would lead the volunteers into the city to do what needed to be done. Mostly clearing rubble or moving flood waters or in a few cases generating electricity to help supplement the grid.

Joey and Psy were at the school picking up the day's assignment. "I swear Psy Heroman got struck by that big lightning bolt and turned into a giant robot bigger than Allmight and was insanely strong." Joey said pleading with Psy to believe him.

"Sure, sure, and when do you get to the part where you woke up." Psy teased lightheartedly

"I'm serious!" Joey whined sounding more like a girl when doing so.

"Look it's not that I don't want to believe you but the doctor said you were quirkless. Then you tell me something otherworldly happened like Heroman got struck by the lightning that fried half the town and became your quirk I'm going to need to see some proof." Psy said placatingly as Joey reached into his pocket to pull out the controller.

"Joey!!!" Lina pounced slamming into Joey's chest nearly knocking him over as she hugged him. Though Joey found it odd she felt so light the last time she hugged him he'd nearly been knocked over by her leaning on him. However now she felt light enough for him to easily pick her up despite their size differences, and he had to do just that to keep from toppling over from the girl's momentum.

"Wow!" Lina giggled as he stepped forward before setting the now blushing Lina down. It was then he noticed the connection as it was severed. His connection with Heroman was still there but a lot weaker no maybe quieter than before almost like Heroman was sleeping for lack of a better word.

"Lina what are you doing here I thought you were still in the hospital ?!" Joey asked dusting himself off.

"No, I was released the day after the storm, but my father won't let me go anywhere unchaperoned. One of his employees is going to pick me up in a few minutes. Will brought me here so I could pick up my schoolwork and so he could volunteer as part of his work studies at U.A." Lena sighed in annoyance at her brother's antics.

"Aaah I thought I heard you lot out here." Professor Denton said spotting the group as he walked over from the volunteer tent.

Huh, Denton what are you doing here? What don't tell me you're volunteering." Psy said in feigned shock at Denton's sudden appearance.

"Yeah, they're asking for volunteers for more than just people with quirks. They've got me working on the city's automated infrastructure. A lot of the computer networks that control power water and so on went down or were destroyed during the storm. They're desperate for any qualified computer technicians to try and get things up and running again." Denton said pretending to be hurt by size words. Though as it was Denton it was very overdramatic, and no one believed he was actually insulted.

"Well, I guess that makes more sense." Lena said still holding on to Joey.

"Uum professor, I've been meaning to ask something for a while now is it possible for someone to develop a quirk later in life?" Joey said drawing the attention of the group while also slightly blushing for the fact that his face was currently close to the taller girl's chest.

"Well, it's not unheard of especially if the quirk requires some sort of activation parameter unknown by the user. Even the old pinky toe test isn't always accurate it's just the most common marker. Of course, if the quirk does not manifest at the age of three and they have the second joint it becomes extremely less likely. I believe it's a .01% chance to manifest a quirk after the age of three and having both the second joint. So, it's next to unheard of I think there's only been less than a few dozen cases like this. I'd need to double check the statistics though." Denton said helpfully whilst Psy just sighed.

"Joey says he got hit by lightning during the storm and it turned the Heybo he's been working on into a giant robot. He thinks it's his quirk or something, I just asked him to prove it when Lena and you showed up."

"Oh, right I wa-." However, before Joey could finish there was a slam drawing the attention of the group to the schoolyard where they were testing out quirks. Lena's brother had just punched a super strength tester hard enough to force the machine to slide backward. To the shock of both the attendants and several of the heroes.

"Fffeew well I guess that's Will for you. His dad is a powerful emitter, and his mom is an enhancer it's no wonder he packs a punch." Psy said with a low whistle.

Two memories flashed in Joey's mind with something akin to eagerness. The memory of Heroman punching the demon and sending it flying from both his and Heroman's perspective played in his mind. He felt Lena jump slightly when she noticed Joey's irises were glowing a bright blue with his connection to Heroman.

"Hey, you said you wanted proof right, so why don't I try that then?" Joey said slipping free from Lena's grip.

"Hey Joey, there's no need to go that far plus that's for the volunteers." But as Psy said that an attendant did the last call for super strength quirks.

"Don't worry guys I'd actually like to do this. I haven't really gotten a chance to use it since the night of the storm." Joey said with a smile startling the group with his glowing eyes before walking off.

"Hey! can I try?" Joey asked getting more than a few odd looks.

"What the hell can you do shrimp this is a test for strength quirks? You don't even have a quirk." Will said in disgust.

"Actually, I found out recently that I just needed a large enough electrical shock to activate it now I can use it at will." Joey said pulling out Heroman's controller. The controller literally sparked to life as small bolts of electricity poured from the device as the matter of the controller was converted to energy reforming into its gauntlet form. This was enough to startle most of the people who knew Joey, but Joey wasn't done yet he pulled off his bag fishing out Heroman in their toy form getting a baffled look from everyone but Psy

"No way." Psy muttered remembering the story Joey had told him.

Meanwhile, Joey had set down Heroman in Infront of the punch machine before taking several steps back his eyes starting to glow brighter before.


Joey shouted hitting the command on the controller. Heroman straightened up as its black lifeless eyes lit up. Before exploding into a small storm as electricity pored off the small toy but in a far larger magnitude than that of Joey's controller. The discharge lit up the entire field kicking up wind and tossing around small objects as the small figure of the toy rapidly grew and morphed as it turned to face Joey. When the discharge vanished the massive imposing armored figure of Heroman stood in front of the shocked crowd.

"This is my quirk Heroman, well that's his name I'm not really sure what to call the quirk itself. Like I said I just figured out how to activate it." Joey said as Heroman turned to face him. Will took a step back intimidated by the armored giant in front of him. As Lina's legs gave out as a flash of a blurry memory of a white and black giant fighting below her played in her mind.

"So can I try the strength test I've only seen him do a few moves, but I know he's really strong." Joey asked the attendants.

"All right but you will need to fill out the paperwork to volunteer right after." The attendant said inspecting Heroman who was just looking around curiously.

"All right I can do that." Joey said with a nod.

"Well then most of the tests should be simple enough you'll need to lift weights a grip strength test and lastly a punch test. To simplify things these will relate to the type of work you can do. Be it moving large objects breaking apart rubble or literally holding things together basically whatever is needed." The attendant explained starting to fill out the kid's paperwork so they could hurry things along.

"So other than super strength and I'm guessing animating a toy? You know what why don't you explain your quirk in its entirety and I'll just fill in the blanks." The attendant said with a resigned sigh." Well, this is only the third time I've used it, so I don't know its full scope yet." Joey said awkwardly

"Oh, right you mentioned you were a late bloomer. If you don't mind me asking, how did you figure out how to activate your quirk?"

"Oh, I got struck by lightning." Joey said simply getting baffled looks from those who were listening in on them.

"Um, are you ok kid?" He asked wondering if he should wright down electrical resistance or have a paramedic look him over.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it hurt a bit when I got struck and it destroyed my bag but I'm fine now." Joey said as the attendant scribbled down electrical resistance.

"All right then in that case just tell me what you know how to do?" The attendant asked simply.

"Well, as for myself I can only summon Heroman I'm pretty sure he needs some form of medium thus the toy, but I don't know what qualifies as a medium or if I can even change it, but I think it needs some form of wireless connection the more complex the better." Joey said holding up the controller to show off its screen.

"This controller can produce forcefields." Joey said as a blue transparent dome formed around him and the instructor.

"I'm not sure how strong it is though I know it can handle a wall hitting it from the storm." Joey said half truthfully in actuality he had been thrown through a wall, but he didn't need to know that.

"I see um William mind helping us test this." The attendant asked the baffled Will, finally snapping him out of his shock.

"Uh okay though you sure you want to be on that side of it when it shatters." Will said regaining his cocky demeanor.

"We should be fine so long as you don't overdo it. let's just start at a quarter of your full power and will go up from there." The attendant said stepping back away from Will.

"All right as you wish." Will said as a golden glow enveloped his fist while a faint blue glow covered his arm.

(William Davis. Quirk: shock and stand. Shock and stand is a duality quirk. The first part shock is a golden energy discharge that can cause a small shockwave on impact. Stand amplifies the strength and durability of the user while projecting a weak energy barrier around them. Notes: these are two distinct abilities they cannot combine or overlap in any way, so he has to carefully decide what parts of him he wants to be coated in what ability. Furthermore, he can only have it active at three distinct places in his body at one time these three however are shared between both abilities.)

Will's fist impacted Joey's shield both releasing a discharge of energy. However, to Will's shock, the barrier held easily.

"What the hell! All right, let's see how well you hold up against this." Will said before slamming his fist nearly full power into Joey's shield. There was a far larger discharge and Will was nearly thrown back off his feet but again the barrier was unharmed. This, however, got the attention of Heroman whom Joey had to assure everything was OK before he grabbed Will. Will glanced down at his fist he took a deep breath everything from his elbow down was coated in a violent golden glow well the rest of him was covered in bright blue armor.

Lina panicked she had seen her brother practice his finisher moves enough times to know just how destructive they were. Though he couldn't use it carelessly as it could easily bring down a building. He could only get a few punches off before his power reached its limit and forcefully shut off.

"Will NOOO!" Lena shouted but it was too late. Will's fist slammed into Joey's barrier however instead of the barrier cracking or shattering like will or Lena expected the dome released a massive discharge throwing Will back.

"That's enough. I think we've proven the durability of the barrier." The attendant said sternly not wanting things to escalate any more than they already had while scribbling down. 'Generates highly durable barrier capable of taking an immense impact'

"All right is there anything else you can do?"

"Well, that's all I can do Heroman on the other hand has a couple of abilities. From what I've seen he can release massive electrical discharges. He is about as durable as the barrier. At least I haven't seen anything that could scratch him yet, oh yeah and he has Magnokinesis." He said to the shocking bafflement of both the examiner and those paying attention.

"Damn kid you really hit the jackpot with this quirk even if it took a while to show up." The attendant said while scribbling away on the forums.

"All right kid let's start on the strength test then." What followed was less a test and more Heroman smashing up equipment as despite it being built to deal with people with superstring quirks Heroman quite easily tore through it with his immense strength. The most shocking of which was the punch test we're Heroman sent the punching machine flying through a wall to the shock of all the onlookers.

"OK kid I think that's enough." The attendant sighed now in desperate need of a drink. Meanwhile in the forest of Arcturus Woodward and Akko watched these events occur using a spell cast by Woodward. Before shifting to a view of a massive blond giving a hair to a green haired boy.

"This cannot be a good sign. Two new guardians and a thirds creation." Woodward said nervously as she observed the spell.

"Hey Woodward, I'm, not really sure what's going on?" Akko said freaking out a little seeing Woodward so worried.

"I'm sorry Akko I was hoping to tell you this story later. When you were ready, but it looks like things are progressing faster than I had suspected. You see long ago when humanity was still young the world was full of monsters and magic, but this was also a time of chaos and strife. The nine old witch's the greatest magic users of their time came together to try and bring order to the chaos but despite their best efforts, they met only with failure. It wasn't until they encountered a force, they would later name the will of the world did they finally find some success. They pleaded with it for its aid, and it did eventually come to their aid in the form of the Claiomh Solais. The power of the nine old witches a seed from Yggdrasill and a small sliver of the power of the will of the world was used to forge the staff you now hold. Currently, however, the full power of the Claiomh Solais is locked away thus you can currently only access the power of the nine old witches. I had planned to tell you this when you were ready for the Claiomh Solais's full power." Woodward said as Akko looked down at the staff in her hands with shock.

"But it would appear the will of the world has other things in mind. You see this is not the last time it interfered in human affairs. Towards the mid of the twentieth century humanity was on the fast track to its own destruction. Overpopulation climate change war it was a wheel of blood that simply would not stop turning. It was then the will of the world that introduced what you now call quirks into the general population. This caused years of strife some of which is still felt to this day. However as dark as it may be it alleviated most of the problems the years of strife culled humanity's overwhelming population. As well as increase its genetic diversity and complexity lowering the birth rate so it would be harder to ever reach that level of population again. Combining the effects of quirks technology was advanced hunger was solved diseases conquered. Except for those who seek to abuse their newfound powers your world is on the path to a new golden age. Even magic that was once dwindling has begun to return to the world proper. However, there was an unforeseen consequence of this action. You see a single individual received a quirk that never should have existed. All For One. A quirk that could steal other people's powers and even give them to other individuals. In the right hands, it could have been a great boon. Unfortunately, the man who received it decided to misuse this gift and try to build an empire of his own. This is where the will of the world stepped in again. For you see when all for one tried to force a stockpiling ability onto his sickly dying brother to save his life it granted him another ability. One For All, All For One's twin. Unlike All For One, One For All could be willingly passed from user to user along with the stockpiling ability the brother had received. This ability has been passed down through generation to generation until the eighth wielder. The man you know as Allmight fought one for all and both were gravely wounded. One for all has since gone into hiding and Allmight grows weaker by the day. However, it seems he has chosen his successor the ninth wielder of One For All." Woodward said gesturing to the orb where the green haired boy Akko had saved from a group of bullies took a single hair from a skeletal blonde man and swallowed it. As Akko looked on in mild confusion and recognition but mostly horror. The realization of the most powerful man in the world the one who had single handedly and literally brought peace to the world was now growing weaker was almost too much for her to handle.

"For two new wielders of powers granted by the will of the world to appear at one time. Is either a sign of great change or great strife but I'm afraid, I fear things are far worse than they seem. For you see on the night of the storm when the demon escaped the will of the world came into play once more and a third guardian was forged. Three guardians at one point in time can only mean a great travesty is coming something this world is not ready to face on its own." As she said this the orb displayed Heroman's birth and its fight with the demon.

"I know not who the white one is nor who the child he serves is. What I do know is you must make contact and ally yourself with the two and aid in their development as much as possible. As I continue to aid in yours, I know this is a great burden to put on your shoulders, but I fear this is one you must bear." Woodward said solemnly well Akko had a small breakdown this was simply too much for her. It had been one world shattering realization after another. The Claiomh Solais had morphed into a staff to help support her before turning into a chair catching her when her legs gave out.

"Way too many reveals in one go Woodward I think I need a moment." Akko said taking deep breaths trying to calm down.

Omaka's memories of a broken toy: Joey plopped down on a hill by a riverbank. He had been training all day while keeping Heroman active. While it wasn't hard for him to keep Heroman active outside of a fight it wasn't helping with his fatigue. This caused him to nod off on his impromptu rest break leaving Heroman to his own devices.

They started to look around exploring the riverbank and freaking out some local heroes whom he preceded to ignore until more showed up. Not really understanding what was going on they just walked back to Joey and sat down to wait for him to wake up and either handle this or tell them how to handle this. Thankfully one of the heroes showing up was one who recognized them and calm the others down by this time they were starting to get tired of just watching the passing civilians who stared at them and occasionally flashed a light at him. He looked down at his partner before trying to reach out to him with his link finding it oddly open but rather quiet like a speaker playing static. Curious as to why Heroman mimicked his partner's actions laying back and closing his eyes. He sat there for a few minutes before with a small click and where its eyes opened but now black and empty and the red ring on his body went dark as he fell asleep.

Meanwhile, memories and minds melded as they slept their connection fusing dreams and memories. Heroman watched through Joey's eyes as they watched their own rebirth/reassembly. Flash by flash they watched as Joey worked to rebuild them each flash was in reverse chronological order. That was tell the last memory they had no memories from before Joey had fished them out of the trash can well none that hadn't come from Joey. This one had however awoken one in them. Their smaller form moved on its own he felt Joey shocked they want it to stop. Then his memories vanished in a flash of static as he watched through Joey's eyes as the Heybo he had once been shattered by an oncoming car. Heroman bolted up with a shout panting heavily they did not understand the sensation, but they did not like it. They really didn't like it the scene just continued to replay over and over and over in his head static started to form on the periphery of his vision and red began to creep into his irises. However, it was then he heard something that snapped him out of it, and he felt his connection to his partner return to normal.

"Huh, Heroman is something wrong?" Joey asked as he started to wake up rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Only to look around noticing it was already dark out.

"What! it's this late already oh crud I need to go home. Grandma's going to be so worried come on Heroman we got to go!" Joey said starting off in the direction of his house the now calm and seemingly

emotionless Heroman getting up and following behind him.

Omaka demon's aftermath: Detective Tsukauch rubbed his tired eyes as he chugged his twentieth? Thirtieth? Damn it he lost count again cup of coffee it had been a long month coming up on two now. Things had started when a girl vanished teleported away by a boy who apparently had over two dozen victims already. Most hadn't been as lucky as young miss Kagari who had managed to find a teleporter to send her back. They had managed to locate three of his victims one was currently arrested in the US, and they were trying to explain that one. One was found in the middle of the Outback the third was frozen alive in Russia and thank God for his lizard mutations and the local hero known simply as the Yeti for finding him. If that headache wasn't eating up enough of his time a huge storm had come in and the entire city was still in chaos. As he lamented this the lights flickered as one of the backup generators stalled again, he just hoped the batteries held this time. He didn't want to finish his interview in the dark again he sighed on top of that he had both a vigilante case and a villain kidnapping and possible possession case on his hands. The entire department was spread so thin he was worried about the health of some of his fellow officers not realizing how hypocritical it was as he himself was one of the worst offenders. He shakily stumbled passed the interrogation room before turning around and walking back to it. He drained the last of his coffee and swore there he go pass out in his office for however long he could manage after this interview.

He took a deep breath he just needed to finish this the guy had been in jail for far too long and they just needed to confirm that he was not the actual villain and that was easy enough with his Quirk. He took a deep breath and walked in, inside the room was the sickly pale figure of the shopkeeper who had apparently kidnapped a girl. He had been seen by multiple doctors and medical professionals, yet his health had seemed to refuse to improve. However, a nurse that had an extrasensory quirk that she used for diagnosis claimed he felt drained as if something had tried to suck the very life out of him. He wasn't sure if he wanted to put any stock in that just yet but hell, he had seen weirder in his time on the force. He sat down setting the case file down in front of him. "Hello, my name is Naomasa Tsukauchi, I assume you have been read your rights already correct."

"Yes Sir." The shopkeeper said with a small nod.

This was a small relief to Tsukauchi it was his first sign of improvement. When the shopkeeper was brought in he had barely been able to talk and when he had spoken it was simple one or two word answers the fact he was actually talking was a good sign.

"All right sir we need to get your side of the story for our records. Now I must inform you that at this time we are under the impression that you were acting under an outside influence and as such they requested that I do your interview. As I'm stating now for the record, I have a lie detection quirk and will be using it during this interview to authenticate your statement as to what you believe happened so we can figure out whether or not you were under the influence of someone else. Now for the record do you understand and accept these terms?" Detective Tsukauch stated for the record.

"Yes, I understand and accept. Though I want you to know ahead of time that a lot of what I remember doesn't really make a lot of sense to me so I don't know how that will affect your quirk if at all." The shopkeeper said before taking a sip of his water.

"Before all this started, I remember purchasing a suit of armor from a collector an intact Japanese samurai general suit of armor. My plan was to immediately take it to an auction house to gain a return on my investment. However, as I was authenticating the suit to make sure I had been actually given what I paid for I discovered a small paper tag in the helmet. It looked like one of those old shrine seals I think? You see it's when I found this seal that my memory starts to get a bit fuzzy for lack of a better word. I started to pull it off when I remember hearing a voice in my head ordering me to remove the seal. I tried to ignore it and for the next few days the voice only got louder and louder and my head fuzzier and fuzzier. At least I think it was a few days I I'm missing almost a month. Since I never got my investment back they foreclosed on my shop and the villain I think he called himself the grudge demon or something? When he Finally managed to get me to remove whatever that paper seal was maybe it was someone else's quirk I don't know but the moment I removed it I can barely remember what happened next. I only get bits and pieces I just so much anger flashes of a girl's face and a white giant the next thing I truly remember is being carried out of a burning building on the shoulder of a white armored man, I think? I don't know his body almost scene mechanical. I mean I've seen a few robots in my time they're not my cup of tea but that clunky clanky way they move around it acted almost like them, but his movements were two fluid to be a machine, and it's eyes. White back lit with glowing blue irises I don't know why but I remember the eyes they weren't angry or upset it was almost curious and questioning. I remember it set me down with the girl and someone coming to meet us but after that I blacked out. I just I barely remember much of anything and what little I do remember is fuzzy or fragmented almost like I was drunk or on painkillers most of the time." the shopkeeper said while Detective Tsukauch just nodded.

As far as his quirk could tell the man was telling the truth and the way he described the effects of impairment gaps in memory and the inability to remember most things clearly all were signs of some sort of possession or mind control quirk. He doubted once he submitted his report that any charges would be pressed. The girl's father might try for it, but he had already put in to have a telepath check him over in a few days. If the man's statement with a lie detector wasn't enough that would prove without a shadow of a doubt, he was controlled and not behaving under his own actions. Tsukauchi stood up he'd need to write up the report first and then he was gonna get some goddamn sleep.

"All right that's all I need for now once I submit my report I'll see if I can get you moved to a witness holding room for the time being." Detective Tsukauch said before leaving the interview to do just that.

Omaka wrecker needs a nap: on The Wreckers corner stage record groans as he poked away at a new silver-gray laptop.

"OK little context here so my laptop died. I got a new one and something went wrong with my new word lost the entire first quarter of hero of time chapter two and a little over a week's progress on everything else except for this and three worthless heroes. On top of that a few weeks back, I had shingles or chicken pox we aren't really sure which. Apparently, there's no real good way to test for either. Anyway, I spent an entire week bedridden from it so yeah that's why this wasn't out last month instead of this month. So yeah still here still working but might be a bit before I get back on my feet proper. Anyways enough about me let's get into the notes for this story. So, a little bit of context yes, it's not stated in Heroman Canon that Heroman and Joey has some form of mental link. However, there are so many scenes where they just seem to glance at each other and know what the other one wants to do that I feel it should have been. Next why Heroman? Because it's an awesome underrated show and in all honesty, I think the author of MHA is actually a Heroman fan. I mean we know he's a fan of Stan Lee but come on can you not see the resemblance between Heroman and Allmight or joy and Izuku. Heck the UA robots look like knockoff versions of the MR1. So, while I have no official basis to base this on that is my personal belief. Next yes, I may Joey trance in this. In all honesty, when I first watched the show, I kept screwing up and calling Joey a she whenever I tried to talk about it to anyone. Heck, I even showed the manga cover with Joey on it to a few of my coworkers and three out of the five of them I showed it to said it was a girl so yeah, I'm gonna be playing around with that in this if you don't like that sort of thing that's fine, please be respectful. Next, why is Akko not having such a hard time learning magic? Simple in this version she never had her magic stolen, to begin with. I'm not going to get into the whole explanation here though while Akko did attend the show where she lost her magic in cannon there was never a dream fuel spirit in this and that's as far as I'm going to go on this without going into spoilers' territories. Next, isn't this just a rip off of your three worthless hero story? And to that, I say kind of the same formula different story in its entirety this will be following a much different plot than the three worthless hero storyline. Though it has the same general premise of me adding in two characters from two other universes and playing around with the MHA universe to make the origins work. All right now that those little notes are out of the way time to get into my usual ending spiel. I have a new poll up on my fan fiction account to vote for my next new story if you want a say and what I write next go over there and cast your vote. As always if you wanna leave me or my characters a question and have them answered in my Q&A story. Which if I'll ever get enough questions for, I will do a chapter two to answer them. Leave them below with the Q&A tag or in the Q&A section on my discord Lastly any comments or feedback as always are greatly appreciated and go a long way to showing that this is a story you want me to focus more on. I'm planning to work on all my stories and inevitably finish them and write newer ones. Showing your support motivates me more to work on those stories. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this until next time this is Wrecker signing off."