
Ogre and orc

Alan was currently standing out front of the building, 100 or so meters away from him was the newest goblin hoard. or through, the lack of goblins and its small size meant that it would be more accurate to call it a hobgoblin hunting party. There were 4 hobgoblins at the front, two with spears and two with swords, two more at the back, both with bows, and three at the side, all shamans, and in the middle were two large creatures. One only wore a loin cloth and the other was wearing a leather pauldron and leggings.

The one with the loin cloth was holding a large wooden club in its right hand and a car door in its left, it was incredibly ugly and fat, and its skin was dark green and wart-covered. It lumbered forward slowly as it was nearly three meters tall(9.8 ft) and 1 meter wide(3.2 ft)

The one with the leather armor, on the other hand, was only about 2 meters tall (6.5ft) and was rather muscular with its massage muscles visasable through its armor, its weapon of choice was a two-handed greatsword, in visibly better condition than the hobgoblins weapons as it didn't have any rust and looked well maintained. Its skin was also green but a lighter shade and didn't have nearly as many warts as the bigger creature, it also had two tusks protruding from its lip.

Seeing this impressive lineup Alan was slightly worried, it's a shame that worry was overshadowed by his unyielding excitement. This was going to be his most exciting fight yet and he could tell, just standing there he could feel his heart beat faster and faster as the adrenalin rushed through his veins.

Raising both his hands up he began to move his essence, preparing the essence bullet spell, he had gotten to the point that he could cast two a second with little to no cooldown in between. Once the hobgoblins were within 60 meters of him the mele-focused ones charged at him while the bowmen and shamans readied their respective ranged attacks.

Opening fire Alan managed to kill three of the hobgoblins by the 30-meter mark and the last one died by 20 meters. At that point, Alan readied his new spell after checking his essence reserves, he had 600 essences so that meant just over 13 minutes of his buffed state so long as no other magic was used, activating his buff spell, which he named 'lesser enhancement' as he intended to make better versions in the future.

Changing full force towards the bigger creature he jumped up and went to punch its head, but despite its size and moving speed, it was quiet to fight back, raising the car more to block. When his fist landed on the door a large dent formed, using the momentum from the punch he went for an axe kick, aiming for the large creature's attacking arm, this time landed, but it did little to harm it.

Seeing the glint of the smaller creature's sword in the corner of his eye, Alan kicked off the car door, leaving another large dent in it. Landing back on the ground he dodged out of the way of two arrows and one of the shaman's binding spells. This scuffle took a total of 5 seconds, he had another 10 before the enhancement started to wear off, he could renew the spell as the effect started to wear off but that would drop his total spell time to just over 6 and a half minutes.

With no time to rest as time dwindled, Alan rushed past the bigger creatures to the hobgoblins in the back line, as he rushed over there another volley of arrows and a binding spell greeted him, luckily the curse spell was rare in shamans and he seemed to give gotten lucky with this batch as none of them seemed to have it.

At about 5 meters from the shamans, he felt a wall in front of him, not metaphorically, two of them had cast a barer around them, pulling his arm back he struck the shield with his elbow once and a loud crack sounded out, seeing that it didn't break the shield though he struck again, this time shattering the shield, this took another five seconds, five more before he needed to renew the spell.

As one of the goblins started to chant Alan rushed towards the closest one before ripping its head off, throwing it to the furthest one pulverizing its head as he blitzed the second closest, putting his hand clean through its chest.

But before he could get to the archers the big guys had gotten there and he needed to renew his spell, 590 essence left. Charging at the one wielding a sword he narrowly dodged one of its swings before doing a roundhouse kick to the side of its knee. As the creature roared from pain it swung its blade down forcefully and Alan wasn't able to get away in time as a long, but shallow gash formed on his chest.

After this, he rolled out of the way from the fat creature as it swung its club down to crush him, standing back up, five seconds had passed. Jumping back for some distance Alan looked down at his chest, the cut went diagonally from just under his his right shoulder to just above his abs, crossing over his sternum along the way, dodgeing another volley of arrows he looked back up to the fight.

Smiling a wicked and toothy grin, Alan's red eyes began to glow faintly as the tips of his hair began to turn red, feeling the rush of the fight he charged right back into the fray, once again charging at the sword-wielding creature. Ducking under a horizontal slash Alan delivered a powerful right hook to its now unguarded side, his fist landing with a crack as the creature's ribs broke under the force.

Immediately he launched a left uppercut to its jaw, disorienting it as he dug his drawn-back right fist into its stomach, the creature gasped as its breath was forced from its lungs. But before Alan could continue the fat creature finally swung its club again, and as Alan jumped over the club, once again, five seconds had passed.

Sleeping on its club Alan jumped up to the ugly creature's head before twisting back and throwing a full-force punch to its head before it could react. A loud bang resounded as Alan used the force of the punch to reengage the sword-wielding creature. Just as his feet touched the ground he turned his body sideways to dodge yet another downward swing from it. Crouching down he threw a quick and powerful uppercut to the creature's right arm, shaping its elbow, and he renewed his spell again, 578 essence remaining.

Yelling out, the sword-wielding creature swung its sword towards Alan wildly, but with one of its arms out of order its fate was all but sealed, ducking under the blade Alan threw yet another punch into its gut, emptying its lungs again, but this wasn't the end.

With it severely weakened he began to unleash a flurry of blows into it, right hook to the ribs again, kick to the leg, uppercut, dodge sword, stomach punch, stomach punch, left hook, dodge, break its other arm, again and again.

By the time the fat creature was able to get a swing in Alan had to renew his spell once more, he now had 567 essence remaining. Ducking under the high swing of the club Alan changed targets to the fat creature as the sword-wielding one was no fun.

Rushing forward he Alan jumped up again, this time digging his fingers into its skin and taking hold of its ribs as he sent three full-force punches to the same rib, breaking it in two before jumping off, pulling on the now broken run he had ahold of, pulling it partly out of the skin. Dodging the creature's hand, it had dropped its makeshift shield to grab at Alan.

Landing on the ground as the creature roared in pain, five seconds had passed. Rushing forward Alan grabbed onto the creature's right arm, specifically its wrist, with both hands. After getting a firm hold and pulling with one hand and pushing with the other, destroying its wrist and forcing it to drop its club.

Once again dodging its hand he grabbed onto its still-working arm and pulled himself up to its head, sitting behind its head with his legs around its shoulders like a piggyback, Alan reached his right hand from the top right of the ugly creature's head down to the left of its chin and put his left arm behind its head to grab the left of its head, now in this position he leaned down to the creates ear and said "say night night." before leaning back and pulling his arms rapidly, shaping its neck with a sickening crack.

Jumping down from the now-dead creature's body, he dashed toward the crippled sword-wielding creature before grabbing its throat and pulling, tearing it out, killing it too. Finally, he renewed his spell one more time as his essence dropped to 554 and rushed towards the archers, dodging their arrows before putting his hands through both of their hearts. Standing up, covered in both his and his enemy's blood, he turned around to see the building on fire and the sounds of fighting going on, his fight hadn't ended just yet.

Dbz abridged reference along with some awesome fight scenes, your welcome.

Black_rabbit24xcreators' thoughts