

"What the fuck Kevin! You did that on purpose." Youngmin shouted causing everyone in the cafeteria to look at them.

"Oh yeah, I totally did" Kevin replied as he rolled his eyes while Youngmin just gave him a death glare.

Everyone started whispering and getting back on doing their own things. "Wow, their back at it again." someone whispered to his friend. "Yea, when will they get tired of arguing all the time?" the other person replied.

"Shut up and clean up your fucking mess!" Youngmin once again shouted at Kevin. Kevin didn't do what Youngmin told him instead he just laughed. "What's so funny huh?? After spilling your fucking drink on me you don't want to clean it up? You haven't even say sorry!" Youngmin complained. "Well sorry and I don't even know why I'm laughing," Kevin said as he laughed even more. "Whatever you say you piece of shit. Thank god it spilled on my fucking hoodie." Youngmin sighed and walks away leaving Kevin there laughing like an idiot. He went into the restroom located near the cafeteria's main entrance and took off his hoodie. He fixed himself and went out with his black hoodie on one of his arms.

"Youngmin, here!" he saw his group of friends in one of the tables not so far from where he is standing right now looking at him while one of his best friends are waving at him. He quickly walks up to them and sits down beside his best friend and roommate, Mark.

"We saw you arguing with Kevin again you know. Didn't we tell you to stop? You know you can get in very big trouble because of this." Mark said to him while Youngmin puts his hoodie in the table. "I know but how am I suppose to not argue with him? He literally spilled his drink to me on purpose!" Youngmin replied as he crossed his arms. "He didn't min, it was just an accident." Mark sighed as he drank his orange juice. "No, he didn't, I saw it with my own fucking eyes, Right guys?" Youngmin asked the 2 others who are now looking away from Youngmin and Mark. Youngmin sighed and stood up from his seat. "You know what? I feel like you're on Kevin's side now.. God, when will I have a loyal friend." He said leaving his friends.


Youngmin drops his body on his bed. it's 1:19 PM and he decided to go back to his dorm because he is in need of his 'me time'. He also doesn't have any class until 2 and Mark still have classes so he won't be here that means he can do anything he wants right now (unless he's breaking the school rules).

Youngmin sits in the edge of his bed and looks down at the dorm floor. Thinking about what happened before.

'I can't believe that they're on his side now. What did I do to deserve this..' He said inside his head.

Youngmin hugged his legs and sighed. He stood up and took his phone out of his bag and plugged his earphones in. He put on some slow EXO songs and lay back in his bed. He closed his eyes and before he knew it, he fell asleep.

"Where is dad?"

"Mom, where is dad?"

"Mom, please answer me.."


"I'm sorry Minnie.."

"Your dad, he--"

"--PARK YOUNGMIN!" Mark sighed when he finally saw his best friend woke up. He quickly hugged Youngmin leaving Youngmin in confusion. "I called your name for about 5 times and you didn't wake up. I thought you were dead." Mark broke the hug and looked at his best friend in a worried look.

"Stop being dramatic Mark, I'm fine I was just sleeping." Youngmin sat down in his bed and held his head. He suddenly remembered his dream. It's really rare for him to dream about that incident. The last time he dreams about 'that' incident is when he was 11 and that means it's about 5 years ago since he dreamt about it.

"Youngmin, are you alright? Did something happen??" Mark puts his hand on Youngmin's shoulders. "I'm fine, why did you ask?" He replied to Mark. "Then why are you crying?" Youngmin quickly wiped his tears. "It's nothing," Youngmin smiled at Mark "what time is it anyway?" Youngmin asked. "11 PM," Mark answered him. "so do you want to join us or stay in bed?" Mark lifted his hand and opens his wardrobe. "of course I will join you guys." Mark took out comfortable clothes for him to wear and walks to the bathroom. "then get ready." Mark smirked at him before slowly closing the bathroom door.

Youngmin walks towards his wardrobe and took out a cozy grey sweater and black sweat pants before closing back his wardrobe and walks back to his bed and sits down. He took out his phone and opens his Instagram while he waits for Mark to finish.


When they both finish on getting ready they both walked to one of their best friends dorm that they all like to hang out in. Mark knocked on the door and the door was opened a few seconds later revealing everyone inside.

Youngmin's eyes went wide when he realized that there were 2 other people that he failed to recognize and 1 annoying student inside named Kevin. "WHAT THE HELL?? Now you guys are friends with him?!" Youngmin shouted causing everyone inside the dorm to look at him.

"Come on Minnie, he isn't that bad." one of his best friend a.k.a Felix looked at him with a smile on his face. "You say that," Youngmin closed his eyes and sighed. Felix went inside first and sits beside Sean. Mark grabbed his wrist and dragged him inside the dorm which causes him to stumble inside the dorm. He dragged him until they reached the beds and Mark forced him to sit down beside Felix and then walks away to sit down beside an annoying person.

Youngmin frowned and cursed under his breath but it was loud enough for some people to hear. He finally gives up and let them do what they want. He was just listening to them without saying a word and feels like he was just being ignored by his best friends who are currently talking to Kevin and his friends(?). He closed his eyes and before he knew it, he fell asleep in Felix's dorm room.


He woke up the next day inside his dorm room.

'wtf did I miss..?' he said to himself. He realizes that his grey sweater and black sweat pants were replaced with his blue pajamas. "Who the fuck--"

"Youngmin, you're awake!" He looked at the person who just went inside his dorm room and positioning himself to sit down. "Mark? How did you even wake up before me?" He said as he looked at his best friend who is currently kicking his shoe off. "You know you just missed math class right?" Mark replied ignoring Youngmin's question.

His eyes went wide and realize that it's already 10 AM. "FUCK, why didn't you wake me up?!" He shouted at him. "I did, many times actually but you didn't wake up so I decided to leave you." Youngmin looked at him with an annoyed looked and sighed. He couldn't count how many times he sighed these months. Ever since Kevin came, everyone changed even his own best friends.

"You know what? I don't care anymore, I'm not going to skip classes for today. If they ask about me, say that I'm not feeling good." He laid himself back down and wrapped himself inside his blanket. Mark was shocked in what Youngmin just said to him, why? Because he never skipped any classes before. "Why so sudden?" Mark asked. Youngmin just turn around and face his study table. "I just need some time alone I guess.." Youngmin said to Mark before Mark stands up and walks towards the door. "If that's what you want I guess," He replied as he opened the front door. "I won't be back until 11 PM btw, I'm going to hang out with Kevin and Felix today," Mark said before leaving him in the dorm alone. Youngmin gripped his blanket tighter and dropped a single tear. He felt betrayed by his own best friend,

By everyone..

Please bear with my grammatical errors for a while, I'm still improving on my grammar which fucking sucks because English is not my mother language and I'm really lazy rn so...

Please comment and vote this storyyy.. I want to improve my writing :)))

KuzuKana2434creators' thoughts