
Red Talon Piercing The Darkness

Jason Slate was your ordinary spy, if you could say such things about spies. High marksmanship, battle tested, and expert infiltrator. Never has he lost a battle, and never has his mark escaped. Though while finishing up his latest assignment, the unexpected happened. Now Jason has been thrust into a world of martial arts and cultivation in a body of a five year old and given a new name and purpose. Into a land where the strong rule over the weak and corruption reins free. The only way to return home is to become the strongest in the land. He must attain the cultivation rank of God within his lifetime. Can he survive? How exactly will this master infiltrator adapt into this strange world?

JCNord · Action
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128 Chs

Huang Ji's Warning

Though the match seemed to go on forever, the end came within twenty minutes. Hong Zhao's nerves were on edge. He had told Li Wuhan not to use his Qi Sword, yet it was the only thing that had kept him from bleeding out on the arena. He mentally kicked himself for underestimating the combatants. He looked back over to Huang Yi. The Village Elder's grandson didn't look pleased. He didn't lose his cool, but Hong Zhao noticed a hint of annoyance in the young man's glare.

"He has something else planned." He said to himself as he tore his eyes away from Huang Yi. Li Wuhan slowly made his way off of the arena floor. Hong Zhao noticed that no matter how shaken the boy must be, he still carried himself with the same pride he had shown upon entering the arena. If Hong Zhao was not impressed before, he was now. He had evaded many assassination attempts in his previous life, but not one did he walk away with the grace this young boy was walking with now. Most times he had fled the country and hid for a while, letting his trail grow cold. Li Wuhan walked with a grace which almost dared anyone to try another attack.

"Are you alright?" Hong Zhao asked as Li Wuhan finally made it back to his side of the crowd. He took a recovery pill from his storage ring and handed it to his friend. Li Wuhan gratefully took the pill and swallowed it. Nodding his thanks, he looked at his sister.

"If anyone uses an ability like the one Fu Jianhong used," he looked meaningfully at Hong Zhao. "Use everything at your disposal to get off the arena alive, even if it means forfeiting." He knew that Fu Jianhong had tried to kill him. If he succeeded, he would have been killed on the spot by Huang Ji, yet then Rantori Village would be one less successor for the Village Elder position.

Li Wei looked at Hong Zhao who nodded his approval. His plans were not going to work if his friends ended up dying while following his instructions. He needed to know what Huang Yi was planning. He didn't think the boy was brazen enough to walk back into the village and kill all that opposed him. He had to know that Huang Ji would take his vengeance out on him. He was a first star disciple ranked cultivator now. He was literally peerless within this continent, yet his grandson didn't seem phased by his new strength. He still ordered the hit on the Li family heirs.

Catching Hong Zhao's glance, Huang Yi smiled openly at him. It was almost as if he were daring him to stop what he was doing. Hong Zhao grimaced and looked away. He would not be baited by a child. Not when he had suffered far more. His friends were still alive, and Li Wuhan still won his match. Hong Zhao doubted anyone but Huang Ji would have noticed what Li Wuhan had used in order to win the match, so he didn't need to worry about the Qi Sword being exposed.

"I would have hoped not to have to say this." A menacing voice boomed from the arena. "But killing is forbidden." A powerful aura weighed down on the cultivators. Hong Zhao felt his own shoulders slump from the weight of the powerful aura. Even though it was just the aura of a first star disciple ranked cultivator, it was still leagues away from what he was now. That gap was shown through the raw display of power.

"If there is another attempt on any student's life, the one who attempts will be leaving here without a body part." Huang Ji took his place back on the stage. "I can't guarantee which one it will be." His eyes scanned the entire courtyard, yet Hong Zhao knew his gaze was only meant for his grandson.

"We will take a brief intermission before the next round. The next fight will begin in three hours!" Huang Ji turned and walked from the stage.

Hong Zhao was only a little disappointed by the announcement. He had been looking forward to the next fight, yet he had started getting hungry when Li Wuhan's fight had ended.

"Hello in there!" Li Wei's hand moved into Hong Zhao's vision to grab his attention. "We were thinking of grabbing something to eat while waiting for the next fight."

With a sigh, Hong Zhao turned to leave the tournament area with his friends. Before he left, he noted Huang Yi who stood with Li Wuhan's opponent, Fu Jianhong. He didn't look too happy with the other cultivator. Huang Yi only exchanged a few brief words, yet it seemed to be enough to get his point across. Hong Zhao had a sneaking suspicion that Li Wuhan wasn't supposed to leave the arena unscathed. He remembered the other cultivators that had seemed to know the Village Elder's grandson at the beginning of the tournament. He remembered the feeling of this not being a normal tournament. The Li family was being targeted by the Huang Yi, yet Hong Zhao doubted that was the end of it. The existence of Ren Cai was enough to make him question the scope of the coo.

Ren Cai just so happened to be the same rank Hong Zhao was. She also seemed very adept at putting him on edge, which was no easy feat. Though he was inside the body of a seven year old boy, he had the experience of a seven decade old spy from his world, who was adept at infiltration and subterfuge. He didn't expect for someone to be on an equal playing field in this world, especially not one as young as him. She also seemed to know him, which put him on edge. Hong Zhao didn't even remember his own name from when he was back on earth. So much of himself was burned away in the fires of his rebirth. Even if he did know this girl from back then, he doubted he would be able to piece together the relationship between the two, even if he had a hundred years to ponder.

Hong Zhao absentmindedly followed his friends through the village back towards the market place. He knew little of the village aside from the two entry points as well as every dark shadowy place he could hide in. He hadn't quite paid attention to what he could do in the village, since he was always at the estate due to his run ins with Huang Yi. He didn't want to cause problems for Rantori Village. If he was an existence which surpassed most other cultivators within the village, he didn't want to stick out so much. He had known far too many existences like that in his old world. He had made an occupation of hunting down and killing most of them due to the waves they were making in their country. Though he had also made an occupation from supporting other existences. He knew all too well the influences one would receive if they stood out too much. He could be showered in praise at one moment, then killed the next. He would rather avoid both happening.

As they neared the edge of the market area, the Li siblings turned into a small building that he had never been to before. As he entered the threshold, the earthy scent of alcohol assaulted him and brought him out of his musings. Besides the wine he had every so often with the Li family at dinner, he hadn't smelled ale within this world, yet the familiar scent seemed to call to him. Shaking off his surprise from the familiarity of the scent, he looked around. Within the small establishment their were at least twenty tables, most with chairs, yet some had booths. Towards the back of the building there was a staircase leading up.

Li Wuhan led Li Wei and Hong Zhao to the staircase leading up and began to climb. At the top, it opened up to a balcony with a set of five other tables in what seemed to be a garden. He took a seat at one of the tables as if he owned it. Such mannerisms led Hong Zhao to believe that Li Wuhan frequented the small restaurant often.

"Maybe now you can tell us what your problem is." Li Wuhan raised an eyebrow at Hong Zhao as he took a seat in a cushioned booth. "You seem to be looking at that Ren Cai a lot during the tournament. Something has you spooked. I don't like it when you are spooked."

Hong Zhao chuckled slightly. Li Wuhan was used to being taken aback by Hong Zhao's maturity level. He was used to questioning the true age of the seven year old child. He knew him to be well beyond the mortal years of this world, yet didn't quite know how it was possible for such a thing to be real. Yet, now seeing Hong Zhao questioning the existence of Ren Cai, he was slightly worried. To see Hong Zhao worried was to be worried.

"I never expected an existence like Ren Cai within my plan." Hong ZHao said simply. "She is an outside influence which seems to know me somehow. I believe that maybe Huang Yi brought her here to leave me off balance, yet I don't know enough about her to be sure."

Before he had the chance to continue, a waitress appeared by their table. Li Wuhan ordered three servings of what he called 'the usual' and wine to pair with it. He brought out four silver pieces and placed them in the waitress's hand. She looked at the money eagerly and bowed her head. Hong Zhao could tell that his friend had overpaid for their meal, and he doubted it was the first time he had done so at the restaurant. Though he wished to ask what the usual was that his friend had ordered, he instead trusted Li Wuhan's experience and instead continued his discussion.

"Huang Yi showing back up in Rantori Village was not something I expected." Hong Zhao continued. "He also seems to know a great deal of cultivators which are competing in the tournament." He gestured towards Li Wuhan. "With the ferocity that Fu Jianhong used in the battle with you, it seemed like he was trying to land a fatal blow instead of just exchanging pointers. I have also noticed smiles and nods towards Huang Yi during the matches."

"Are you even paying attention to the tournament?" Li Wuhan raised an eyebrow.

"Of course I am," Hong Zhao coughed into his hand and continued. "There are just many more elements in play then just the tournament. I believe that Huang Yi may have paid off many of the cultivators here to either kill or cripple the three of us. He may have even set a reward for doing such."

"He wouldn't dare!" Li Wuhan actually looked mad at this revelation. "If his grandfather found out, he execute the culprits on the spot!"

"That was my thought as well," Hong Zhao said more to himself than to his friends. "Yet he doesn't seem to be afraid of his grandfather, even though he is now an existence that hasn't been seen in this continent for thousands of years. He has become a disciple ranked cultivator, yet Huang Yi hasn't even batted an eyelash. He seems completely in control, as if his grandfather was nothing but a nuisance.

Hong Zhao let the conversation drop for the moment and just exchanged pleasantries with his two friends. They talked a little about Li Wuhan's battle with Fu Jianhong, yet they didn't talk about the ferocity of the opponent, but praised Li Wuhan for how he had fended him off. Even with the handicap he was forced into, he was still able to hold his ground.

"Young Lord, the Miss over there wishes to give you this favor and asks for you to join her." Another waitress showed up with an amber liquid Hong Zhao knew only too well. He accepted the glass and looked to where she gestured. A woman with a deep red robe sat at another table. Her hair was put up into two buns at the top of her head. He knew her instantly.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." Hong Zhao excused himself from his confused friends. They watched as he made his way over to the woman who sat near the edge of the balcony. As he sat, he had a perfect view of the village below, yet his attention wasn't on the sight below, but the one in front of him. "Hello Lan."