
Red Sun: Book 1

In a fractured world, where magic stains the soul and war is an eternal tide of blood and steel, the ruins of an imperial dream rise. The Eiyu Empire, once envisioned as the foundation of eternity by Taiko Hideyoshi, has fallen prey to decay. From the ashes of the second Eiyu-Cataya war, a conflict that neither side claims as victory, emerges Ritsu, a youth with an uncertain future, marked by the misery of a discarded class. His only hope shines in the legends, in the whispers of a trial that will grant the fortunate passage to the Forbidden City, the sanctum of power, where imperial reikan and the secrets of shadows intertwine in a deadly dance... In "Shadows of the Empire: Red Sun," there is no clarity in the strife, only the ravenous shadows that dance around power. A power that does not understand justice, but survival, and that weaves its web over the throne of an empire that has forgotten how to dream. It is in this setting of palpable darkness that Ritsu will discover that the true battle is not waged on the bloodied fields, but in the abyss that each being harbors within. And as the pages are consumed, the reader will wonder if it is truly worth emerging victorious in a world where thrones are forged with the lost souls of countless fallen.

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Pelude Pt.2

Ritsu sat down at the table and found a steaming bowl of miso soup in front of him. The soup exuded a warm and comforting aroma, and noodles floated in the broth along with pieces of tofu and green onion. It was one of Miyako's specialties and, despite earlier disagreements, Ritsu knew that his cousin had an innate talent for cooking.

As he brought the first spoonful to his mouth, the umami flavor filled his palate, and he couldn't help but smile.

It was delicious, as always.

His aunt sat down beside him and watched him as he ate. After a moment of silence, she spoke with affection and concern in her voice.

"Ritsu, you've been studying hard for the imperial examinations, haven't you?" He nodded with his mouth full, and she continued. "You know they're an important opportunity for your future, right?" His aunt leaned in a bit closer to him and asked with a penetrating gaze. "Do you feel prepared, Ritsu?"

Ritsu, with restless thoughts, felt the weight of the question like a slab.

Could anyone truly be prepared to face the judgement of the empire's higher echelons?

He didn't believe so.

The magnitude of the test was overwhelming, and the very idea of being completely ready was a fleeting illusion.

Nevertheless, he concealed his doubts behind another sip of soup. He chewed slowly, savoring every bite as if they held the secret to the confidence he needed.

"Yes, auntie. I'm a bit nervous, but I think I'm ready."

His aunt nodded with approval and gave him a warm smile.

"You're a strong boy, Ritsu. Your mother would be proud of you. But always remember to be grateful. Have you expressed your gratitude to Mr. Otsuka for his support, have you?"

Ritsu's gaze got lost in the steam rising from his bowl of soup, and he reflected on the path he had taken.

Old Mr. Otsuka, his mentor and guide. He had been the beacon on his journey toward the imperial exams. He recalled the long hours of study in the old man's modest house, the passionate discussions about philosophy and strategy, and the stories the elder shared about his years of service to the empire.

Old Mr. Otsuka, unlike those who climbed to high ranks at court, had made a decision that had kept him as a third-rank civil courtier. While others had risen to positions of power and wealth, paying the price of their manhood by becoming eunuchs, Otsuka had chosen a different path, one that had kept him whole as a man.

This choice had lent his tutelage a depth that transcended the academic. He had shared with Ritsu not just knowledge but also life lessons that had shaped him as a complete individual. In essence, the old man had been a father figure to him, guiding not only his education but also his path to maturity.

Ritsu took a final sip of the miso soup, savoring its delicious aroma and comforting taste.

"Auntie, after dinner, I will go to see Mr. Otsuka. I want to express my gratitude to him personally for all that he has done for me."