
Red Strings (RS)

"I don't want to love you anymore" It's true. I'm tired of loving him. But I was held by an invisible chain, binding me into this inescapable world. I tried to leave and ended up killing myself. By the time I lost my breath, I will breathe another one. A new life again, and again and again. Like a broken stereo that's been repeating the same old song. I wanted to die peacefully this time. And I don't wanna love him anymore. *** It's a new reincarnation story and is also inspired towards the drama "Extraordinarily you" which I extremely love. Anyways, I really hope that you would like it all. All names, places and events are fiction and forgive me for my lack of English skills. I'm not fluent in that language and I hope you can understand, thank you. Please enjoy reading!

Alex0024 · Urban
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75 Chs

Chapter 6

Every little pieces of my heart was broken.

I don't even know if I could still love again along with the pain and torture that I had experienced.

Love, heh, it's a curse for me.

Why would you love someone who hurts you without inflicting any injuries in your body? Why would you love despite the rejection? Why would you love if you knew where it was already heading for?

Sometimes, the word love is being reasoned out for people who thinks that they can control or hurt someone's life because they are lovers.

You know, I would sometimes reimagine in my head, what if I didn't fell in love with him that day? What if I didn't agreed to be his fiance? Would my life change and how would it change?

Thankfully, my fever went down and the good thing is that I wouldn't see his face because of his job.

I don't know really know how to face him.

He doesn't even know how much impact I got when he arrived in this house yesterday and till this day, I couldn't get over the fact that something has indeed changed.

Don't hope too much or you'll get hurt again.

And that changed is just a tiny crack in this perfect plotline but to me, it's a miracle.

"Caia? Are you okay?"

I turned to my left and saw my longtime best friend aka. the villainess friend and my only ally into this world.

She's got dark brown hair, her eyes always sparkle whenever she speaks about her clothing business, that straight forwardness of her that everybody hates is just part of her charm in my opinion. Of course the way she dresses with those ridiculously loud colors was also part of the reason but those clothes that would definitely be too flashy to others is perfect for her. It's like the colors seemed to fit on her personality.

That's just her, a ball of colors.

"I'm fine...just...a bit peachy"

I can only answer her with those bright smile of mine. I can't let her see me sad or else she'll go to An Yi Wei again and cause him trouble. Though I wanted to see that husband of mine to be throughly trashed by my best friend, I don't want her to put her foot into these murky waters that I'm currently in.

I don't want to trouble her more.

"Really A'liu, I'm fine"

She's my only confidant in this harsh, cruel world.

And I don't want her to experience another doomed path, like always.

Now that something has changed, even if it's just a little change, it's something for me.

Ru Liu Ye, I won't let you suffer like me.

I'll change your fate, for all the times that you've helped me, all the tears and distress that you've felt for me.

I'll help you.

Even if I can't help myself.

Chapter 6 is now up!! Thank you for reading!

Our friends bring color to our life, keep the true ones in our world and share countless of memories with them.


Thank you!

Alex0024creators' thoughts