

It's about how he fall in love with her in their contractual marriage for residency where she wanted to stay but doesn't have any idea to stay in the country where she strongly refused to take anything from him later when he found out about her he flew to her begging her to be in his life again, How he made sure that she is his not letting anyone come near her.

otaku_panda · Urban
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47 Chs


"What were you doing" An icy voice echoed in the corridor, he tighten his grip on my hand when I didn't reply, I hissed but still kept quiet, he puts my hands above my head and close the distance, "I asked you a question, my wife," he asked in frustration tone, I flinched but I replied, "What are you talking about?" I ask while making an innocent face,

"Don't you dare try to act all innocent" he moves his one hand around my waist and pull me even closer until our body is touching each other,

"Ooh, you mean what I did with Sam?" I said still trying to pull myself away but all my moves are useless in front of his bulky body,

"Come on why are you mad we are not even married anymore," I said in irritation tone, his face got even more serious but he didn't say anything, "I just kissed his cheeks one time," I said to him. "I saw that, that was a very cheerful look I have seen so far," he said while leaning his face,

"What did you say before why am I mad because you are mine" I can feel his breath syncing "remember this you belong to me, you were, you will, and always will be" he kissed me before I could say anything,

"Sopyurek" I murmur on his lips, but he just kept kissing me, I bite his lips and he hissed but still kept kissing, we can taste the blood in our mouths,

"This is the second time you bit me," he said while pulling away, "You are a kitten," he said with a smirk, "Let go of me" I manage to say while trying to catch a breath,

He puts down my hand but did not free me, "Mr. Watson can you please let me live my life, you have already broken the terms and we are already divorced, and we are allowed to date anyone right?" I said while trying to release myself but the more I try the more he tightens his grip. "I just said you are mine and nobody can fucking touch you," he said in his angry voice

"Kitten, make me jealous all you want but you better be ready to face the consequences," he said in his icy tone, "and what are those?" I asked in my frustrated voice. He grind and pull me closer, his grip is tighten again but this time he didn't say anything he just kissed my neck, "wha… what are you doing" I tried to free my hand from his but couldn't, he kissed lightly at first but he kissed hard near my collarbone, he bite it lightly, and I hissed, he smiles when I hissed and he continues his biting,

He pull himself away and said "this is your first punishment for kissing that jerk," he said and he kissed my lips before I could say anything, after kissing he slowly moved his fingers around his bite mark which left a hickey, "This is a symbol that you belong to me," he said with a smile on his face. "I… I hate you, have you gone crazy" I said when I catch my breath.

"Ooh really, but I guess your body loves me," he said while pointing at my nipples, "NO, it's not because of you," I said while trying to move, my body is betraying me its begging for his touch, his touch is like a magnet I can't pull away from him no matter what I do, he caught me and said "I can show you how much wet you are by pulling up your dress, your body speaks to me" he smiled,

"You…" before I could say anything Mia interrupts "Ahem" she walks towards us and when she saw my condition she says "Am I disturbing something fun?" I gave her a death stare to which she ignored, "What are you doing here Miss Mia" Cam ask her, while not letting me go,

"Ooh Mr. big shot, I know what you did out, you can stop anyone entering but you can't stop me, and I am here to take my friend," she said in her serious tone. He let me go, as I was almost out he said "Remember my words you are mine kitten," I stop myself and ask Mia to hold a sec, I walk towards him and my steps were heavy can feel my frustration building inside me, I pinned him against the wall, yeah I know there's a height difference but I don't give a fuck,

"Listen here Mr. Watson" I tap his chest with my index finger, "I don't give a damn fuck about you, so go and fuck off, I have already completed my deal, and if you do anything again-" I pressed his chest "I will take you to court." I pull my hand down and as I was about to turn he pulls my hand and swing me around and I hit the wall, I hissed but he didn't care he pull my face up and said, "I want you to give a fuck about me" he leans near and said "give me a chance and let me prove it to you that as much as I need you, you also need me" I almost laugh but I control myself "Mr. Watson, please go and play your this cute game with someone else, I don't give a damn about love," I said while trying to keep my smile.

"Trust me this is not a game," he said while closing the distance, Fuck why to can't anyone let me live my life like I want, "Maybe you are having a hard time after what Stella did to you" Yeah His mother said everything what happened, I am kinda glad that she is gone from his life I knew from the strat that somethings not right but I cant say anything because as people already know that love makes you blind, I was sure that he would not trust me even if I say anything.

"Oh so mother said you everything" he said and I nod "let's do one thing" I tried to free myself and luckily he let me go, "What" he said while frowning "ummm lets date for a while and if the date thing didn't work at the end we can try dating than" I am sure he is just messing with me because of some reason he can't be in love with me right, plus I am not even his type, he had said it many times while we were together so it's gonna be fine, he will eventually fall in love with someone else and I can be free, "have you lost your mind" he growl, "No believe me I know what you are going through its just frustration and maybe you are trying to distract yourself because of Stella, Try dating few girls" before I could complete he pinned me again, "It's enough Kitten, If you wanna go and have fun just go, but remember-"

"Hey" someone spoke while Cam was talking, we all look in his direction, he is ignoring everyone and his eyes were on me, "It been a long time Love," he said in his Italian voice, Man, those Italian men are so fucking attractive, their voice is on second, I can feel my body getting heat up as he comes near.

Maybe Cam notice my reaction he fists his hand but waits for his further words, "Don't say to me that you forgot me, love" his voice became icy but he kept his warm look on his face, I can see his face is happy but a bit of disappointing appear in his green eyes, "Don't say me it's you Ale" I cupped my mouth in shock, "How many times do I have to tell you not to call that, my name is Alessandro" he pouts in return and I laughed.

Cam and Mia look at each other in confusion, Mia shrugs her hand like it's telling even I don't know this hulk, I cleared my throat and introduce them "Alessandro, meet my best friend Mia, Mia this is Ale my childhood best friend" I said while smiling, "Hey" Mia said in a daze, and I guess he noticed it because he pulls her hand and kissed her hand. "Hello there where were you hiding, why haven't I met you yet." He winks at her,

"Alessandro Meet-"before I could complete he spoke "Cam Watson, who does not know you" he shook Cam's hand, "So what brought you here," I ask him before they can even talk about something, "I missed you my love and I heard you are here so I rushed here," he said while placing his hand over my shoulder, "Kevin mentioned earlier that you are in New York." He completed while removing his hand, "you talked to Kevin" I ask him while placing his hand again, "Yeah, our group will be reunited now that we have you again" he said smilingly, "Nah I left it for good" I said while shushing him, "What group" Mia and Cam ask at the same time,

"Aah it's nothing," I said but Alessandro hit my shoulder, "hey don't lie, Guys, you won't believe she was the only girl in our group" he hugged me from the side trying to keep me in place so that I won't hit him, Cam's jaw tighten, "Every girl in our university was jealous because of her, at first she didn't want to join but she joined it because of Kevin, and we had a blast" he laughed, it looks like he remembers something but a sudden movement made him come to reality, Cam wrap his arms around and glance him in anger "Keep your hands off her" his voice is as icy as ever, "Woow, Love you got yourself a very possessive guy" he looks at us "looks like Kevin was right"

"What did he say," I ask him while trying to control myself, "he said you got hooked up with a psycho" his voice was teasing but I guess not everyone can take it. "Trust me I can even become one" Cam replied in his poisonous tone,

"Okay, let's stop this" I place my hand on Cam's chest and said, "were you busy with some nasty stuff," Alessandro said his eyes were on the spot where Cam bit me "No… lets go everyone must be waiting" I can feel my cheeks getting heat up, I manage to change the topic and I pull my hairpin out which was in my bun, my hair fall on my shoulder and I tried to hide it, but Cam puts my hair back and said "Let everyone see that you already belong to someone" he smirks, while Alessandro and Mia were chatting about something as they were walking in front of us,

"Did you forget what we agreed on" I said and ran towards Mia and Ale I do not wanna hear his nagging, and suprincingly he didn't said anything.

We soon joined our groups, I with my college friends and Cam with his business but I could feel him staring at me. "Hey June can you give me your number" my crush Noah Wilson ask me maybe I am not over him yet because when he asked I almost spill my wine, "Ye…yes here" I saved my number on his phone. I do not know if I am smiling ugly or I am not smiling.

"Wow, June your smile is so bright" Ale came beside me, fuck it is so embarrassing, I hit his shoulder, and he continues his talk with Mia, "June I will call you, now I have to go, I have some meeting" Noah left after saying his goodbye to everyone.

We had a wonderful evening after the wedding Cat, Harper and I crashed on the bed we are so tired from the wedding, Mia said she have something to do so she left, she did said she will join us in an hour.

We fall asleep, after an hour later doorbell woke us up, I hit Cat's shoulder but she didn't wake up so I went to open the door and when I opened it I saw Mia holding a big box, she walks in and I ask her "What's in this?" to which she smiled and said "First call everyone" I did what she said I drag Cat and Harper out and they kept yelling but stopped when they saw four wedding dress waiting for them in living room.

Cat jumped and took her dress and rushed in Mia's room without asking whose dress it is or why is there a wedding dress? Har walk towards Mia and ask, "Mia what's with the wedding dresses?" Har examine the dresses, as I follow her, Man the dress are breathtaking it is so beautiful "Well guys don't ask anything first go and try it on." Mia shoved the dresses and veil on us and push us in Harper's room. We all came out after fifteen minutes, "Will you please tell us now" I ask her while adjusting the dress, "WOW it fits so perfectly to everyone" Mia pats her shoulder to congratulates herself, "Well as you know we went to a wedding today" we all nod and she continues "Guess what when Jessie came for her dress fitting, I got the idea, we all watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S right?" we looks at each other and we all said "Yeah, and don't say me" Mia cut us all just to say "Yup that's right the episode where the girls wear wedding dress, and guess what" she sat on the sofa and pointed at the door, "and there it is" Har opens the door just to see a delivery guy carrying four boxes of pizza, "Man you are great" Cat hug Mia while sitting next to her.

"Oh come on we all said that we also want to try this thing in future but we got so busy with our own jobs and the wedding brought us together so I rushed and picked the dresses," Mia said while eating the pizza. Man I missed my old days, we played F.R.I.E.N.D.S on the smart TV, but doorbell rang disturbed us, I think she ordered more pizza, But when I opened it I almost shut it but the person stop the door.

In addition, guess what the episode where the Joshua came to meet Rachel, and ran away, yup that's what playing in the background. I did not realize its morning, we completed season 3, and we were on season 4.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Watson?" I ask him in whisper I don't want my friends to know he came, he didn't speak for a while he just kept checking me out in the wedding dress, i wave my hand in front his eyes and when he came to his sense he pull me in his arms, the door behind me shut, and he kissed me, "Umhos" I tried to free myself but he didn't let me go.

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