

It's about how he fall in love with her in their contractual marriage for residency where she wanted to stay but doesn't have any idea to stay in the country where she strongly refused to take anything from him later when he found out about her he flew to her begging her to be in his life again, How he made sure that she is his not letting anyone come near her.

otaku_panda · Urban
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47 Chs


I finally met him the one who was behind my kidnapping surprisingly he slipped away whenever I tried to reach him during the dance I could see the surprised look on his face when he noticed me, he stay hidden after the dance but when caught him he denied that he hired someone to kidnapped me so I yelled that I heard them talking about the sponsor who hired them and do you think I would believe you, you looked so angry when I rejected your marriage proposal.

Someone broke the balcony door and walked in "What are you doing here?" Cam asks while walking towards us and I do not know how but Jackson pulled out a knife and points toward me saying, "if you move any further I will leave a big scar on her face." I laughed and walked slowly towards him "You think he's gonna buy that shit" as I was walking towards Jackson I heard Cam say "Okay I won't move to drop that knife or else" It was surprising to see him act like that somehow he's been gentle tonight but I ignored him and I walked towards Jackson and look at his eyes in anger and said "Why don't you use it in real see I am even getting closer" he panicked and said "Don't come near me I know what I did is illegal but you are also harming me" Cam look at us in anger and he spoke "Miss Luper is this the person who kidnapped you" I nod in return and as I am close to Jackson I push the knife from my one hand and pull his hand over my shoulder and pulled him up and throw him down and pinned him with my heels.

Cam runs towards us and he checks me while asking "Are you Okay?, you always surprise me" he bend down and picked Jackson and said "First of all how dare you touch what's mine, and did I hear it right that you… you asked her to marry you." I was standing there in confusion but he stands up and pull me in his arms and look at Jackson and said "Look she is mine and let's wait for your punishment you sure will be getting a sweet one soon" I was trying to get down but he tightens the grip every time I tried "Let go of me" I said in a low voice to which he just gave me a stare I know he looks scary all the time but I could see fear in his eyes mixed with anger. He lowered his head and whisper in my ear "What if he used it against you" I let out a small laugh and said he has no guts to do that but I guess I was wrong because when I look at him over Cam's shoulder he was picking up the knife and he ran towards us and he pointed out the knife he was about to stab Cam. So I look at Cam and said "Mr. Watson and you turn around for a minute real quick" he gave me a look but he turned but as he turned the knife quickly stabbed me on my thigh as it hit me I garb Cam's blazer tight and hissed a little he noticed what just happen and kicked Jackson on his chest and he fell while laughing,

"You think just because you are so pretty you can do anything take that bitch" he coughs a little while saying it but before he could get up police came and picked him up and handcuffed him.

Cam on the other side showed many emotions on his face so I smiled and said: "Oh come on it's nothing compared to you being gentle all night." He hugged me tightly and I hissed so he said "What if it leaves a scar" he ran outside carrying me in his arms it's funny how my blood is leaving a trail on the mattress I look around to see everyone staring at us but I couldn't find Harper I guess she is hiding somewhere I look at Cam who's trying to keep a straight face "Hey Mr. Watson can you look for Harper I am thinking she is hiding somewhere because your brother bullied her" he looked down and stopped for a sec just to yell "Is this a joke to you… you are fucking bleeding" I shook my head in return and look at my thigh and then I look who was who's yelling Why is this fucking door so far I cracked a smile at his words,

Maybe It's because I am drunk I am getting sleepy so I place my head on his chest man I can feel his muscles twitch but I couldn't do anything I fell asleep.

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