

It's about how he fall in love with her in their contractual marriage for residency where she wanted to stay but doesn't have any idea to stay in the country where she strongly refused to take anything from him later when he found out about her he flew to her begging her to be in his life again, How he made sure that she is his not letting anyone come near her.

otaku_panda · Urban
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47 Chs


"Have you lost it?" she yelled at the person and the person was laughing at her reaction. Harper is trying to control Mia I walked to them and ask Harper what happened to which she said the person walked to them and ask Stella to be his date for tonight I look at the person but then I saw Mr. Watson talking to him and I walked to Mia and ask "Are you okay?" she nods and said "I think it's not only my blood pressure is high but someone too" she points at the person and he laughed again when he heard her "I think she is funny what do you think brother?" he asks Mr. Watson "Stop it Luke, and what are you doing here I thought you are busy in handling overseas business." He looks at me and said, "I just wanted to meet my sister-in-law and as I was driving home I saw you two walking inside the café so I thought I would meet you here and the reason I ask Miss Angry Bird out is that I need a date for tonight's event." I got shocked when he said that but before anyone can speak Mia cover me beside her and said, "There is no one you are looking for so just leave" she look at him dead serious.

"Well… Well… Miss Angry Bird, I can take it that my way of approaching you was rude but I did want to meet my sister-in-law" he took out his hand and place it. I look at Mr. Watson who was staring I shook his hand and to my surprise, he pull me into a hug "this is how you meet sister-in-law." He hugged me tightly and I gasped.

Mr. Watson pulled me out and stare at him and said, "Know your limit, Luke" he makes a pout and said, "Look sister-in-law he is bossing me around." I find it funny so I laughed and I heard someone else laughing Harper was also laughing at this scene I looked at Mr. Watson and said "I will go now and I have the address I will meet you there directly and as for you I am no longer your sister-in-law but its nice meeting you brother-in-law" I laugh at the last part and grab Mia's hand and walked away before they could say anything. Mia and Harper look at me in confusion "I will explain to you but I need a party dress from you Mia" she looks at me and said "Babe you got a lot to explain" luckily, they do not ask me anything until we reached Mia's store.

"Girls it's time to play dress-up" Mia yelled as we walk inside the store, Harper ask while walking behind me "Why is it close Mia?" to which she replied, "Oh the place was booked the whole day because of some important party tonight so all my workers got tired and I gave them the day off." "Wow, so the whole store is for us?" Harper spins and asks her to which she nods. She walks towards the area where the curtains were closed she walked inside and as she open the curtains a beautiful dress shows up Harper and I look at the dress and said "Wow it's breathtaking" we laughed after saying at the said same time Mia pulls out the dress and walk toward us and said I was planning to give you as a gift on your birthday which is coming in few days, I gasped and hug her tightly.

Harper push me into the changing room and said "Get dressed I wanna see you" I walked in and as I was putting on the dress Mia asks, "So, What's the deal with that weirdo we just met." I stopped midway "Do you wanna know the whole thing or just top-ups" they both yelled "whole thing" It's surprising to see the introvert of the group yelling but that's Harper for us I signed and I continue wearing the dress as I spoke "Well the thing is, Do you remember I came from Mexico, so I had to travel back many times because of the visa expiring" They just hmmed so I continued my story.

So one day as I was on my business trip I met Mr. Watson his full name is Cam Watson, He was one of the members we were meeting, the trip lasted six days and my visa was going to expire in four days just after the meeting starts and I can't just fly back so when I was talking to Cat on the phone before she went on a concert, I heard Mr. Watson yelling at someone on the phone, We shared the hotel so it was easy bumping to each other outside the business. I think he heard me talking so he walked towards me and asks me if I can be his wife but of course, on contract bases, he has a lover but his mother won't accept his lover so he need someone to pretend to be his wife well as I noticed that he will get me a resident license I agreed and we got married there and we came up the story that he fell in love the day he we met at the meeting. The contract was for one year no touching, no sleeping on the same bed, no interfering in each other's private life I found it useful plus he said after the divorce he will pay me but I denied the amount and luckily our contract ended four days ago so yeah we are strangers now." I came out of the room and they both awed at the dress and hugged me tightly.

"Are you an idiot, why didn't you say anything to us, we made a pack right in university that no matter what the situation we face we will face it together. Mia hit me on the shoulder while saying it. I just nodded in return they hug me tightly "You are our best friend and we have your back so trust us when you don't know what to do in the future" they pull away "Also does Cat know all along?" Harper asked me to which I nodded again "I bet it's her idea," Mia says while pulling the strings tight around my dress well as I look at the big mirror on the wall I gasped I do look stunning it's my first time wearing something so beautiful dress its dark navy color, with backless barely hanging on the shoulder with the string which attached to the back it's hugging my body perfectly as if it's made for me also it's cut halfway down showing my side legs.

"Okay ladies I have a party to attend so I will take my leave," said while putting my hair in a messy bun with the hairpin and booking the cab on the phone. They took a photo and said we will send it to Cat. Yeah, we do share everything exciting "I am feeling so embarrassed" I heard Harper say in a low voice so I turned around to look back I found Harper in a beautiful dress. "Wow you look stunning Har, Hey, Mia did you make these dresses for us?" I walk towards them as I ask. "Yeah I know it's out of the box you ware only office outfits and as for this girl" she pointed towards Harper "she only wears baggy clothes which hide her beauty and her body" to which Harper shook her head "I have a job which provides me comfort so why should I dress" she protests in return but before we could say anything we heard a loud noise

When we turned, we find Luke picking up his phone from the ground we looked at him in confusion "What are you doing here?" Mia yelled to which he just walks towards us while his gaze fixed on Harper. It made her uncomfortable so she hide beside me and I put my hand out in a protective gesture "I asked what you are doing here?" Mia walked towards him before he could get any near and said "The shop is closed can't you read the sign?" she tries to push him but he didn't budge in return he said "I saw the lights on and I booked a tuxedo for the event I didn't know it's your shop" Mia looked at him in disbelieve but when he shows his booking receipt she went to look for his tux.

He kept his glaze over Harper all the time which made her uncomfortable even more "You look stunning" he broke the silence first, Harper nodded in return and she hides even more behind me trying her best to avoid him but he looked at me "You also look beautiful in the dress sister-in-law" I look at him and I spoke, "I already said you I am not your sister-in-law anymore and thanks for the compliment." He shook his head and before he could say anything Mia brought his tux and handover it over to him and asked him to get out but in return, he asked if he could change here because he is going directly to the party so he has nowhere to change he said he will pay double so Mia agreed and showed him the changing room.

"I am sorry guys" Mia apologize when she came to us we both look at her and pat her back and said it's not your fault anyways but as Harper was going in to change back someone asks her to stop "Miss can you please not change" Luke came out of the room all dressed up and look at Harper and me and asked me "sister-in-law please tell your friend to do me a favor this once." I look at him and then I look at Harper I know the code of the invitation couple are compulsory I guess that's why he asked Mia before but before I could say anything Mia spoke "No one doing you any favor" he looks at me in his puppy eyes and pout, Man I know he is a famous movie actor overseas but he is good "I can do you a favor but it still depends on the person you want to go with." I stepped away and revealed, Harper, she gave me a dude you are betraying me look to which I smiled sweetly and pulled Mia away.

He walks towards her and he goes down on one knee and asks her "Miss will you go out for a party with me? Will you do me this favor?" Mia was about to say anything but I put my hand over her mouth to shut her up and I whispered in her ears "Dude do you want this chance to go to a waste look at her it's rare, we don't get to see her all dressed up and if she went to this party she would get more sponsors for her novels right" she nods in return so I pull my hand.

We both look at Harper I am sure she is having a panic attack but she has to go so we both nod when she looks at us for advice "Okay fine I will do the favor" Luke hugs her in return and I can see Harper flinching I laugh a little after the hug he looks at me "Come with me I am also going to the same party. I look at Mia and said I will meet you tomorrow we hugged and left for the party.

Harper and I talked until we reached the hotel where the party was held I know she did that to ignore Luke but man she has to overcome her introverted personality one day. As we walked inside I saw all the glazes were fixed on us I was walking behind them on purpose but yet I could feel the gazes were also on me I looked everywhere but I can't find Mr. Watson but someone came to me and disturbed me looking around "Wow you look so stunning are you with someone?" he is drunk but the party started not long his gazes were telling me to stay away but he is one of the members of the biggest company so I have talked it out "Hello Mr. Charles how are you doing?" he laughed and said, "Oh Miss Luper is this you, you look so… so different and I am doing great thanks for asking me." I have to fake a laugh at everything he said after the greetings, Man, this person is stuck with me like glue I tried looking for Harper but I found her standing beside Luke and it looks like she is trying her best not to be nervous around the people. Suddenly two pairs of hands came from behind me and wrapped me in a hug.