

It's about how he fall in love with her in their contractual marriage for residency where she wanted to stay but doesn't have any idea to stay in the country where she strongly refused to take anything from him later when he found out about her he flew to her begging her to be in his life again, How he made sure that she is his not letting anyone come near her.

otaku_panda · Urban
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47 Chs



I woke up in the afternoon, and it was quite a shock to wake up in my old house. It felt like everything was a dream, but what happened last night flashed into my mind. I did not recall it in full, but I remembered everything in parts, and I remember that I hugged Cam. Shit, how can I lose my control? Luckily, he left soon after, but why did he purchase my house and why did he say he would transfer it back to me? The call distracted me. The caller id shows Mia. I know she called me to interrogate me to her last night. "Wake up, sleepy head!" she shouted from the other side. How can she be so energetic after all those drinks? "Hello," I replied while getting up from bed.

"You are meeting us at four, right?" Ah yeah, I did ask them to go for a picnic, but Mia said to bring a date, but how come I don't have anyone to bring? "Yeah, I remember. I will meet you in front of the Mirror Lake Inn Resort and Spa entrance. So they changed the plans when Cat got an offer at the resort, so she changed the plans. Now we can have fun in private. Well, it is best for Har also. "She hung up the call after saying something luckily. She did not ask me, but I know that once I meet them they will dig. Should I call Cam and ask him to join me? No, no, it would be a bad idea. I think I saw Ale last night. He will be free, right. I called Ale and asked him to go with me, and he agreed. I guess he also wanted to take his mind off something.

I spent my hour adjusting the house as I wanted, and when it was three o'clock, I went to take a shower. I wore shorts and a black off shoulder crop top, picked my blue two-piece suit and a cardigan, and placed them in my bag. As I was about to leave, I got a call from Ale, "Hello Darling, I am standing in front of your building." "Come down." I picked everything up and left the room. I hugged him when I saw him. "Hey, thanks for doing me this favour."

"I should be the one thanking you." I can see beauty, not some boring files." I laughed at the sentence. We chatted all the way to the beach. It did not take long to reach where I saw my friends waiting; Mia, with Mike, Cat, and Har, was with someone from yesterday. I do remember telling them, "Finally you are here." Cat gave Ale a look, "Who's he?" She whispers in my ears when I hug her, "Ah right, you haven't met." Ale walked behind me, "This is Catalina." He shook her hand. "Cat, this is Alexandro, my childhood friend." He looks at us and walks towards me. "I thought you would bring Cam." "Why do we have nothing to do with each other?" Her looks told me she did not believe me, "Chill, I am not dating Ale." I asked him to join us just to have fun."

As we walked in, we were all amazed to see it. Ale used his charm to change the rooms into suites, but they only had four suites. Well, we all came with someone, "Will you control yourself in the room?" Ale looked at me as she said, in a teasing tone, "How can i," I teased back, but my friends looked at me as if I did something. We agreed to change and meet in half an hour.

The rooms were not far from one another; "You change first and go, I have something to do." Ale stood outside the door and said, "I know what he meant; he's going to bang that girl," "Sure, enjoy yourself," I teased, and sat on the sofa. I change into my swimsuit and went out, I saw everyone walkout at the same time, "Let's go the pool I can't wait anymore" Mia pull Mike as she says,

"Where's Ale?" She turns around and asks, "Ah, he went to have some fun." "Ah okay, well we will also enjoy it," she says, "Oh my, were you missing me?" Ale walks towards us as we pass through the corridor. "Ah, did you have a nice time?" she asks him, to which he nods, "Darling, you look sexy in the swimsuit." I am regretting leaving you." He ties the laces of my cardigan. "Thanks," I said to him, it felt like my old times they have to care about me because I would pick a fight and be messy every time and they had to be around me, every time, "Look at the view." Har said when we reached the pool. After a while, Mia said, "It's boring to just sit here." "Let's play a game. The loser has to dive in the pool while carrying his date. "I have a bad feeling about this,


I was surprised by her sudden hug. She never made a first move, and I know she did it because she has not sobered up yet, but still it made me happy. I left her in her own house. Even though I wanted to stay, I did not want things to end up like last time. I did not know she was also there until I saw her walk in. She looked so breath taking. Luckily, she did not notice me because I could not explain myself to her questions. What would I have said that I came here just so I could take you out of my mind? That is something she would not believe.

I went to the washroom and I heard something that caught my attention off from her. Hearing him made my blood boil, but I controlled myself. I wanted to show her that not every man is worthy of her, but i guess i hurt her somehow, because the look on her face made me miserable. Just one word from her and i would kill that fucker, but she dealt with it as if it was nothing. Her coldness towards him made me happy, but after the scene, I lost her in the crowd, and it started raining and it was boring to stay there any longer. I took my leave, and as I was on the road, I saw her walking alone without the umbrella. Luckily, the car did not hit her. I rushed towards her and pulled her near me, but at the same time, her childhood friend popped out of the car. I hate how she is so close to the men.

Why does she always try to test my patience? I did not react that much when she imagined me with the bartender, but she dared to kiss someone else in front of me. How can I let that happen?

It took me off guard when I saw her friends walk in as we were leaving, but luckily, Catalina handled it well.

"Um, Sir," my thoughts were interrupted by Mathew. "Yes," he looked at me with concern filled in his eyes, "You have to sign these papers, and your phone has been ringing for a while." He passed the papers. The papers contained the records I gathered for all these years to destroy my enemy. They had a pawn in my company. It did not take long to find him. He was just a cleaner, but surprisingly, his computer skills were good. If only he had not had to die, we could have used those skills.

My phone rings, and the caller ID flashes Catalina. "Hello, where were you?" "I called you so many times." She yelled at me from the other side, "What is the issue?" Why is she so worked up? "Stop anything you are doing and get your ass at the address I am sending you. I have a surprise for you. "Better get here soon or else you will regret it." She cuts the call off. Soon I got the address. Why would she send me the address of a resort? I called Mathew, "Let's get some vacation. After all, it's the weekend. We are the only people in the company, and I want to know what surprise she has planned for me.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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