
Red Spider Lilys

Outcast from everyone in the village, Akumu Chi left to find a new place to call home. Only to find more bloodshed and heartache, She knew one thing though. And that was to keep the promise to a certain someone, follow her painful journey.

AkumuChi · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Dark Side

"Now then Akumu you will come to me on your own free will along with the last Uchiha boy and that other boy what's his name again... Oh yes Rokudo!" Orochimaru said making my attention quickly snap towards him. "You leave him alone!!!" I yelled pulling out my Katana running at him and Kabuto but they were gone before I could even do anything, I fell and landed straight on the ground too tired I tried getting up but my body was too heavy and prevented me from moving. "R-Roku...do..." Was the last thing I said before everything became dark.

Akumu Age 15

I woke up feeling nothing but pain, my left eye and my neck were killing me I got up from the ground slowly preventing any other damages. I looked around with my katana out sensing a group of people around me. "Come out I know you're out there!!" I yelled waiting for them to come out from their hiding spots, a group of six people came out from their hiding spots with their weapons in hand. "Why are you here?!" I demanded glaring at what seemed like their leader, he walked up with a smirk on his face.

"We are here for revenge!" The leader answered glaring at me as his followers all shouted in agreement, I gave them a dull look with little interest. "Revenge for who?" I asked not really caring they seemed to notice because their glares harden and their hatred raised up. "Are fallen comrades you brat!! The ones you killed!!!" One of the leader's followers shouted in a rage all of them yelled at that, I rolled my eyes at them with little emotions. "...They were weak..." I simply stated which made them growl and shout in anger and protest.

"We will show you weak!! GET HER BOY'S!!!!" The leader shouted causing all his comrades to follow his orders, they all ran at me at the same time I was able to cut down and defeat a few of them but the amount they had was too much and were able to prevent me from attacking. They slammed me to the ground making me grunt in pain and the pressure of heavy men on top of my small body, they all looked down at me with a look of satisfaction their leader stood right in front of me with a smirk on his face. I just looked up at him before looking away not intrusted at all, the leader apparently didn't like that for he spat at me in my face.

"You look at me brat!!" He spat I let out a tired sigh looking at him with dull eyes and a bored look, he kicked me in the face growling down at me I just looked at him with a bloody nose. "You are going to pay for what you have done" He lends down grabbing my face forcing my head left and right, I spat in his face with a grin on my face he stood up whipping the spit off his face with a chuckle. "You know what to do boys"

I soon felt pain shoot through my body as punches and kicks we being planted on my body, I felt kunai's cutting me some digging deep into my skin. I screamed in pain when I felt the tip of a kunai stab into my side, I was in so much pain I blanked out.

Enemy's Boss

"AHHH!!!" I heard screaming I quickly pulled out my Kunai before walking to where the scream came from and saw a gruesome sight, blood and body parts everywhere this side of the forest looked like a battle was over here. "B-boss... H-help..." A painful voice cried out I turned around and saw a destroyed man on the ground eyes gorged out of his socket half his tongue hanging from out of his mouth.

I was about to go up to him when a small heavily living body fell and landed on his head feet first crushing and killing him instantly. "You bastard!!!" I shouted at the person with a glare on my face, I wanted to run at them a slit their throat but my body wouldn't let me. My hand was shaking ferociously my body was frozen in free.

Who is this person? I thought to myself watching, waiting for them to move but they didn't they just stood there. "Who are you!?" I shouted a little bravery but they still didn't say anything, I opened my mouth to say something again when I felt a shooting pain on my thighs. "Shut...Up...hehe..." They laughed staring at me with their crazy glowing red eyes, wait for red eyes! "It's you!!! The little girl!!!" I shouted but soon screamed in agonizing pain I looked down and noticed my right leg was cleanly cut right off.

"I said shut up, didn't I? I guess bad 'guys' like you don't listen very well! I guess I'll just have to say it again... SHUT UP!!! Or else..." She yelled glaring down at my fallen figure, she then smiled down at me with that sickening smile. It was devilish, mischievous, and dangerous.

"...Now then...what shall I do with...you...Hmm? Got any ideas?" She asked me tapping a bloody red finger on her chin, I quickly nodded my head tears threatening to fall down. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Tell Me! Tell Me!" She giggles jumping up and in a pull of blood splashing it everywhere.

"Y-you can let me go..." I begged to look up at her holding my right cut-off leg, she stops laughing and jumping and gave me a blank look scaring me even more. "No... you will suffer." She muttered watching me crawl backward bumping into a tree stuck between it and her, she walked up to me with her stained red katana a smirk on her face. I felt a warm substance in between my legs so I quickly looked down and noticed I peed on myself.

"Haha, you peed on yourself!! I guess you really deserve to die!" She laughed loudly standing right in front of me with her katana raised up in the air, she then swung it down and I soon saw was darkness.