
Red Spades

Two worlds collided. One full of violence, horror, and trouble. The other full of loss, secrets, and betrayal. They are so different but so similar at the same time. Axel is the bad boy of River High school, people hide from him when they seem him and refuse to speak his name. He leads one of the biggest gangs on the streets that no one can control. He's cold and intimidates everyone around him. He's not afraid to kill or be killed. Aella is a girl that can't be intimidated. She ignores everyone that pushes her around as she keeps to herself trying to graduate high school so she can get away from her abusive uncle and aunt. With a broken past she covers with a mask she fights her inner and outer demons.

LionoftheStars01 · Teen
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20 Chs



I held Aella in my arms as we watched TV. The boys sat around fighting over the chips. Even though it's been a week and she seems to be feeling better I can't help but want her close to me at all times.

I started going back to school just to make sure she was okay. Luckily, she didn't seem to mind; as long as I gave her some time to herself when she needed it. Aella moves in with us smoothly and I loved the place with her here "Babe?" I looked down at her, and she continued, "can we get out of the house?"

"What do you want to do?" She shrugged,

"I don't know go to the mall or something I don't really care." I kissed her forehead,

"Alright we can go whenever you're ready" she smiled and got up to go upstairs,

"Okay I'll be back in a minute" once she was gone Austin looked over at me,

"Axel, he wants us to meet him" I frowned,

"Why?" He sighed shaking his head,

"Saying something about making a deal." Sighing I looked at my phone thinking,

"When?" Austin looked back down at his phone before answering,

"Two hours." Jack stuffed chips into his mouth,

"You want us to go so you can take Aella out?" I shook my head,

"No I need to go. Jack and Gus will take Aella out, use my card to buy her anything she wants. Austin and Carter will come with me. Where are we meeting him" Austin scrolled through his messages,

"The mall..." I was quiet for a moment as they looked at me waiting for my next orders,

"Okay Jack, Gus you two have to keep her distracted and don't let her come anywhere near this meeting spot no matter what. If things get haywire discreetly get her out and take her home." They nodded in understanding. Aella came back and I stood up, I hated that I couldn't go with her but this was important, "Aella something came up, so Jack and Gus will take you to the mall" she looked disappointed but nodded in understanding,

"Alright, we'll spend time together later?" I captured her lips with mine giving her a long kiss,

"Of course" she gave me a quick kiss before going over to Jack and Gus,

"Alright let's go!" Gus got up running toward the garage,

"I call shotgun!" She ran after him,

"Oh hell no you don't!" Jack stood up following them but stopped in front of me,

"Be careful" I nodded putting a hand on his shoulder,

"Keep her safe" he nodded,

"Don't worry about her just focus on this meeting" with that said he left grabbing the keys to the white Ferrari. I went upstairs once they had left and grabbed my gun making sure it was loaded in case anything went wrong. I pulled on my black hoodie over my black T shirt. After an hour Carter, Austin, and I followed them to the mall. We parked out of site and I pulled the hood of my hoodie up as we walked into the shopping center. Vladimir wanted to meet in a shop called Arrowhead Shoes. As we walked toward it I noticed Aella laughing as she put on a pair of ridiculous sunglasses on Gus. I smiled at her, happy to see her enjoying herself again. Carter glanced over at me,

"Come on we can't look suspicious" I nodded and we continued walking until we made it into the shop. Austin walked up to someone behind a counter and pulled up the sleeve of his jacket to reveal his Red Spades tattoo. The guy nodded,

"In the back" we walked passed the counter and into a small storage room. My attention was focused on the man sitting in a chair looking back at us, Vladimir. His neck, shoulders, and arms were visibly covered in tattoos but I wouldn't be surprised if his chest was inked up too. One tattoo was just above one of his eyebrows. He had a menacing appearance with dark eyes and a sinister smile. I looked at him with no emotion. He stood up,

"So you are the Red Spades?" Austin and Carter stood on either sides of me as we looked at him. "You know you have been causing me some trouble" Carter glared at him,

"Then don't be trying to take our gang and shipments" he frowned,

"What makes you say I'm doing that" I glared,

"Drop the act now. What do you want?" He sighed,

"I see you like to get straight to the point Axel" I wasn't surprised he knew my name. Of course he has information on me just like I have information on him. "Give up your gang to me. Pretty simple"

"Not going to happen" he rubbed the back of his shaved head,

"Well that's too bad...suddenly he snapped his fingers and two figures were brought into the room their faces covered by black bags and their hands tied behind them. The bags were roughly taken off revealing Jack and Gus. Their faces were bruised and it looked like the shit got beaten out of them.

'Shit what happened? Where's Aella?' I kept my fear bottled up. Carter was about to move toward them but Vladimir pulled out a gun pointing it at him,

"Give me your gang." I glared at him,

"Son of Bitch, I said no" he was getting pissed,

"I am holding your friend at gun point and your other ones were fucking beaten the shit out of and you still say no" Austin looked at him without emotion,

"We've all made a contract. If something like this happened we would never give up what we have even if it means our lives" Carter, Jack, and Gus looked over at us as if they had already accepted their deaths. It hurt seeing them like that but I refused to show it, it would make us weak. Vladimir growled,

"Well let's see if that is true after I kill them!" He raised his gun to Gus aiming at his head. I reached for my gun but the noise of a single gunshot filled the room before I could even pull the trigger.