
Red Snow

What secrets could Anastasia posses to be so distant and cruel? And why does she wear a crimson veil even at night? Could she be as the rumors say? Disfigured from birth or is there more to it? Is the Princess truly cursed? Could she be her peoples hope or eternal damnation?

EvaPeony · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Grandmother's House We Go

I head to the Healer and collect grandmother's medicine. She gave up her immortality binding her life spam to my mortal grandfather only when he died, she somehow remained. Of late her health hasn't been its best causing her to cough up blood and lose strength. When Elena became Queen, she banished grandmother from the palace. Elena unaware of grandmother's past expect her to die. Instead, grandmother built herself a little cottage deep within the forest.

While her immortality and magic are gone her knowledge is not and so through instruction has taught me how to use my power. The seven wolves that guard her cottage have helped me with the other. After returning from my training with the Queen of Assassins I met a pack of wolves the youngest and only female BaiBai had fallen into the ravine on a stormy night after helping her the pack swore eternal fidelity to me.

Since grandmother's all alone I assigned them to guard her when Elena banished her. Claiming the Queen Mother had decided to travel the world and so couldn't be bothered with helping rule the court. The moment I near grandmother's cottage the Crow takes off.

BinBin greats me by stretching like a cat his always sleepy, unlike his sister who's always running about being merry. Of course, it could be worse they could be like Bastian whose always grumpy.

I find grandmother next to the hearth her smile doesn't reach her emerald eyes this time.

"What's wrong?" I ask kneeling before her.

She reaches out a weathered hand tapping at my mask. That's right she hates seeing my face covered. Grandmother used her last favor to have my curse removed. Had she not done that any who looked at me would gouge their own eyes out seeing their worst nightmares come to life. Besides grandmother and the pack, no one else knows the curse was broken long ago.

To my so-called subjects, I am a monster and, in a sense, they're not wrong. I will not flinch when ripping a man's heart out. Let them insult me if it helps the sleep let them curse me if it fills their bellies, I don't give a fuck. Elena spread all the rumors about me and of course, I happily obliged if only because in pretending to be what she's made me I can work in the safety of the shadows undoing everything she's worked so hard to construct.

I take the mask tucking it into my cloak's pocket, "I've brought you something, where Don?"

At the mention of his name, Don enters the cottage caring a small stove. He sets it on the table and takes grandmother's medicine.

"I went to a different healer," I say, "hopefully this helps."

"She won't eat," he says measuring out the herbs, "there's a chance she'll be leaving us soon."

I turn back to her my hood falls of revealing my coal-black hair, "why won't you eat?"

She smiles as her fingers trace the shape of my ears as if she could see what lies within. "There's no point," she pauses resting her hand on my brow, "I miss him," she says with a sigh, "when you find your mate, you'll understand a piece of you dies when they are no more."

"Grandfather was mortal how can he be your mate?"

"The soul is immortal, only your vessel withers," she closes her eyes a sad smile on her face.

I set my grandmother's hand on her lap and walk over to Don. "Let me know when she goes."

"We all have to go at some point."

"Doesn't make it easier," I say pulling my hood up, grandmother's death is the only one I would truly mourn since Mother's passing.

So much for a good meal, I head back to the Shadow Market where a few merchants are setting up. I walk past stalls of fur and jewels past the temple of the goddess until I'm standing before the Nightingale a tea house styled after the ones in the Dragon Realm. The Nightingale is a two-story tea house where rich and poor gather to hear the tales of the old world and at times of the current.

I walk into the sound of the zither the storyteller is settling in. The first floor is already packed with eager patrons, one of the attendants spots me and leads me up the steps to the second level. I hand him a silver tally and settle in on a seat overlooking the railing. My back is to the wall and I can see everything from here.

The storyteller a middle-aged man clears his throat running a hand down his long beard. The room grows silent as he begins to speak.

"In the days of old there lived a King so wicked he could only be tamed by a wild Princess. She refused him making him want her more. The King offered her riches beyond belief but she would not accept. He offered her his crown and again she refused.

"Until he offered her his heart," a male voice says from across the table, "of course what she did with it none would guess."

"You know the story?"

"She ate his heart," the beautiful male says in time with the storyteller, "she was not a princess but a demon. He goes from Realm to Realm telling the same tale. Last time the King was a villain who imprisoned her to escape she sold her soul," the stranger smiles at me as a tea set for two is set before us along with a bowl of roasted peanuts.

"If you don't mind, I'd prefer listening to his telling of the Queen of Hearts.

"Since you know who the story is about, why bother?" he asks.

"It intrigues me to hear others take on things they know nothing about," I say, taking a sip of my tea.

The stranger starts eating the roasted peanuts his violet eyes not once leaving my own, "what's your name?"

"Camilla," I lie, "what's your name?"

"Lei-Fang," he says a smile curving on his sensual lips. Something tells me I'm not the only one lying.

"Where you from?" I ask.

"Here and there," he says that smile reaching his eyes.

I set my teacup down and rise, "it was nice meeting you Fang."

"Lei-Fang," he corrects.

"Yes, Lei-Fang let's not do this again," I say, and turn to leave.

"But what if I want to see you again?" he asks ever so innocently.

"Don't," I say, heading straight for the stairs and out the door. How did I not sense him approaching? Just in case he followed I make a few unnecessary turns, slipping into an alley to fasten my mask, I head back to the palace.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

EvaPeonycreators' thoughts