
Red Slime Adventures - Tensei Slime

Slimes are usually simple lifeforms. But sometimes, on very rare occasions, something special happens. A curious Red Slime is born. And this Red Slime decides to go on adventures! Follow him through his journey in the Great Jura Forest and beyond. All the events take place a few days after the end of season 2. I wont include any canon events after that. So its spoilerf ree for animeonly.

Lancel0ts · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs


Nemu and Trewy felt like they were floating. They were still trapped in, what they finally understood, was a spider web. But in the web, every single thread moved on its own. And so, like in a glowing blue cocoon, they were floating through the forest.

Trewy was still unable to move her mouth but Nemu tried to speak to the spiders. He asked them questions. But didnt get an answer. The spiders didn't even react. So he gave up asking questions. Wherever they go they will get their answers. Whether they are good or bad remains to be seen.

And so, they floated through the dark forest. The only light left were the glowing threads. It looked surreal. As if the entire forest was bathed in blue light. Almost beautiful. If it wasn't for the swarm of spiders around them. And the spiders became more and more. There must be a hundred by now. Most of the newcomers were smaller in size. Nemu guessed that only the older and bigger spiders are in the more dangerous zones. Speaking, at the end of the web. For half an hour they were trapped in the cocoon. And they didn't slow down or get faster for a second. Nemu was very curious about how these threads work. Are they controlled by someone or are they moving by themselves?

However, after half an hour they suddenly stopped. In front of them was a clearing and since they entered the forest they saw the sun for the first time. The clearing was filled with spiders. Hundreds of them. Grass did not grow there. Only a flattened landscape of dirt. Nemu saw some spiders who were even smaller than slimes. And in the middle of the clearing there was something like a cave entrance. Nemu really didn't want to go in there. He felt the presence of something. Something strong was in there. That must be the mother spider, he guessed. He calculated the chances to get away from here and no matter how often he thought about all possibilities he always came to the same answer. There was zero chance to get away. But, he had hope. Actually, he was pretty sure that they won't die here. The spiders brought them here for a reason or they would be long dead by now.

So they waited. As Nemu looked towards Trewy and he knew that she was thinking the same thing. The mother spider is about to come out of the cave soon. Minutes passed and they were still floating above the ground in their cocoons. And then... Slowly but steady something appeared from the cave. What Nemu was expecting was a giant spider. Something that was even bigger than the biggest spider he had seen so far. But that wasn't the case. What appeared outside of the cave was more of the size of a human. However, the lower body was exactly like that of the other spiders. The upper body was different. It almost looked like a... human female?

Nemu had read about this. Evolved forms of species often looked like humans. Onis looked more like humans than Ogre. Some evolved lizardmen even looked exactly like humans. He wondered why that was the case. What he had heard, even the strongest demon lords looked like humans. While lower demons often had wings, fangs or a more animal like appearance, high ranking demons were less looking like that. And that was also the case with the spider in front of him. Her upper body was covered by something that looked like a white dress. However, the blue glowing made it clear that her dress was actually something that was created by threads. She had snow white hair which almost reached her lower body. Her face had feminine features and two red intelligent eyes.

And her eyes also made clear what was going to happen to Nemu and Trewy. There wasn't any hostility in it. They weren't here to get eaten. And... Fortunately, they will survive. Just as Nemu thought about it something happened. The cocoon. It was slowly sinking on the ground. And the threads. They were dissolved steadily. Only seconds after they reached the ground, they were finally free again. It was harder for Trewy, as the first thing she did, was heavily breathing on the ground. It seemed like it was hard for her to breathe. Fortunately, Nemu didn't have to breathe so he felt good. But he was also glad that they were finally on the ground again.

As he was looking at the spider approaching them, another of his questions got answered. The threads in the entire forest were controlled by her. He clearly saw how several, highly dense mana threads were coming from her body, splitting in thousands of smaller threads which were spread all over the forest. However, compared to her ability, she wasn't that strong compared to the Dryads or the Onis he had met before. But in this place they might lose to her. Nemu didn't know how long it took to build such an impressive web, but he wouldn't be surprised if it took her years, maybe even decades.

Something else took Nemus attention as the spider slowly walked forward. She was hurt. Badly hurt. 2 of her front legs were missing and 2 legs behind that were also shorter than they should be. She only moved without a problem because the threats were supporting her. There was also a horrible scar on her stomach. But it seemed to be old. Probably many years. Nemu was curious. Would it be inappropriate to simply ask?

If it would be possible, Nemu would have taken a deep breath as the spider came to a stop in front of them. Well, Trewy took over the job. Nemu heard her inhaling. What would happen to them, it would be decided in the next seconds.

The spider looked at them, like she would observe them and tried to make some sense about what she was just seeing.

"Well, I didn't expect to be surprised again. But you are actually a very weird fellowship." The spider said, in a quiet feminine voice. Were they? Nemu never thought about it. He saw many weird or should he say very surprising things in the past week, so he almost forgot about being an anomaly himself. "How did a young dryad and a red slime end up in my web?"

Nemu noticed that Trewy looked pale. Dryads usually have a pale skin, but by now, Nemu could tell the difference. The time in the cocoon has taken a lot out of her. The spider noticed. "I'm sorry if the way here was rather harsh. But, you know, it isn't possible to walk in the forest for anyone but my spiders."

"Why did you even bring us here, then?" Nemu then asked.

"You entered my domain and I was curious." The spider simply said and shrugged. "Its weird to see a slime talking. I already heard it through my web, but it's something else to see. However, I have seen a red slime before. But he didn't talk. Can all red slimes talk?"

"We... usually talk through telepathy." Nemu decided to be honest, there was still a chance that the spider would attack them. Also he remembered the pause when the spiders were in front of him after he first saw them. Assuming that she talked to them he said "Like you, with your spiders."

Surprisingly, the spider laughed. "That's not real telepathy, I can give them simple orders but can't really talk to them. And that's only when they are connected through my web."

Nemu was once again reminded that slimes were something else. Their connection to magicules and their ability for perception was special. It did make sense that most life forms can't simply talk with telepathy, if they don't have certain skills.

Trewy then finally spoke out loud after she recovered a little. "What is this place? I have heard about large spiders, but they are usually mindless monsters and not..." She looked around and paused for a second. "Living together with hundreds of other spiders."

"Mmh, I guess we are special too, then. We always lived together like that. But we are also hiding in the deepest parts of the forest. So it doesn't surprise me that even a dryad doesn't know about us." The spider explained.

"How do you know about us dryads?" The young dryad asked.

"Oh, there was a time when we weren't in hiding like we are now. So we have some knowledge about the outside world. But that's another story." The spider said. Nemu looked at her curiously. A story? He wanted to hear it! "But where are my manners? I didnt even introduce myself. My name is Kumo. Do you have a name?" She looked at Nemu. Probably knowing that all dryads had names, but since it was still something special for monsters to have a name, she seemed to be curious about the red slime.

"I'm Nemu." The red slime introduced himself. Nemu was already used to it. A week ago he didn't even know what the purpose of a name was, since he never needed it. And since he knew it, everyone around him had one. Is there even someone in Tempest without a name?

"And I'm Trewy." The dryad introduced herself.

Kumo laughed out loud again. "A red slime, who can speak and even has a name! That's something you don't see everyday."

"I'm special." Nemu then jumped up in the air.

* boing *

He liked being special.

"And what are you?" Trewy asked curiously. She knew about most monsters in the forest, but hasn't heard of a spider with a half human body and a name before.

"Oh, my race is an Arachne. A unique monster." She answered.

"What's a unique monster?" Nemu asked.

"Hmm," she thought about it. "Sometimes, after a monster gets a name, it evolves in a special way. A way that happens only every few hundred years."

"Oh, so like an Ogre that evolves to an Oni?" That's what Nemu first came into his mind. He had read about special evolution and apparently, Onis are also something very special. But only every few hundred years?

"Yes! Exactly! I have seen an Oni before. They are also a very rare evolution that only happens every century. Do you know an Oni, little smile?" Kumo was impressed. Onis were considered as demigods in the Jura Forest. One of the rarest evolution. They were considered even stronger as dryads. And the slime has seen one? Kumo also met one. But that was decades ago, so it was probably the same Nemu has met.

"Yes, I know 6 of them. A book I've read says that they are very rare." Nemu said. There were some things in the books that were considered special but happened in Tempest a lot.

"Hahaha," Kumo laughed. "You have probably met some Ogres, but like I said. Onis are an evolution that only happens once in a hundred years. Or even less."

Now Trewy joined the conversation. "No, there are actually several Onis in Tempest. Its a... special places. My sisters told me a lot about it."

Now Kumo was shocked. That a slime mistook an Ogre as an Oni wouldn't have surprised her. But she knew that dryads were probably most aware about what happened in the forest. And if she says there are several Onis... It's probably the truth. No, it has to be the truth.

"In Tempest... you say?" She finally found her words again. "What is this place?"

"Oh, Tempest is a town for monsters. There are many different species living peacefully together. It's really great. And there is a lot to see." Nemu happily explained. Trewy was still sad. She didn't say it before, but actually, she wanted to visit Tempest. She was sad about leaving right after she came there. But she will go there soon!

"So, you are telling me, there is a town with many monsters that is led but 6 Onis?" Kumo said. She didn't doubt that several Oni could make something like that happen. But Ogres usually lived with their own kind, so why would they build a town for more races?

Nemu laughed. Well aware that Kumo would be shocked again. "No, Tempest is actually led by a smile. His name is Rimuru. He is also the official ruler of the entire Great Jura Forest."

Nemu saw every color vanishing from Kumos face. She looked at Trewy and Trewy just nodded confirming what Nemu just said. The threads around them were still glowing in a blue light. But for a second, they began to flicker, like Kumo had lost control. Nemu was inwardly grinning. He had the feeling that he will get this reaction a lot in the future. It was fun.

"You should visit Tempest. It's a great place. I think there aren't any spiders yet and Rimuru said everyone is welcome as long as they stay peacefully." Nemu said. He was sure that Rimuru would be happy about it.

What Nemu didn't expect was Kumo's reaction. She looked sad.

"I would like to, but sadly, I can't leave this place." She said while looking at her missing legs.

"Why?" Nemu was curious.

"Well, it's a long story." Kumo answered.

"I have time." He really wanted to hear the story. He loved stories.

Kumo sighed. She looked at Trewy who was also curiously looking at her.

"Okay. Let me tell you my story."

Flashback time! Probably my best chapter so far, what do you think?

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