
Chapter 04

Black Manor.

A reddish-haired girl was pacing around the room, muttering things like. "Will they be all right? Did something bad happen to him? What if Kreacher didn't find him? Would her brother accept her?" She was worried as she thundered her fingers again for the fifth time in despair.

- "Calm down Adhara, I'm sure that Kreacher will bring back Harry safe and sound" - Regulus said, watching her out of the corner of his eye.

- "It's alright... I just hope Kreacher has heeded my command."

- Don't worry Kreacher... wait, what command?" - Regulus questioned, frowning.

- "Ummm, none."

And like a miracle, the fireplace lit up, revealing the beautiful face of Narcissa Black de Malfoy.

- "Ufff hello Aunt Cissy how nice to see you."

- "Hello, dear, Regulus." - She greeted cordially.

- "Hello Narcissa, we'll talk about that later Adhara, don't think I'll forget." - Regulus said, giving the younger girl a reproachful look.

- "Where is the boy?" - Cissy questioned.

- "Kreacher will bring him." - Adhara assured.

- "Where is Andromeda? I thought you had communicated with her." - Regulus asked.

- "I did, I sent her a letter, I thought she wouldn't answer me, but in the end, she said she would come." - Narcissa replied.

- "If you say so" - Regulus murmured.

A few minutes later, the fireplace was lit again, and a woman came out of it.

Adhara watched her, she had brown hair, was tall, wore a black cloak over her shoulders, and was wearing beautiful heels. Adhara couldn't help but compare her face to that of Bellatrix Lestrange whom she had never met but had seen many of her portraits, she guessed it was her Aunt Andromeda Black, sister of Narcissa and Bellatrix. Andromeda, who married a Muggle-born after leaving Hogwarts. Adhara truly admired the woman's bravery.

- "Hi Regulus, Narcissa... And little girl."

- "This is my daughter Adhara Clarissa Black" - Regulus said, looking calm.

- "Well, that's a surprise, and I thought the fact that you had a daughter was a lie or a joke from Narcissa." - Andromeda replied, smiling with amusement.

- "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Aunt Andromeda, Papa, and Cissy have told me so much about you." - Adhara said, smiling.

- "It's nice to meet you too, little Black" - The brunette replied, staring at her until she reached her green eyes that glowed almost as bright as the Killing Curse, - "Or should I say Potter" - She questioned, amused at the shocked look on the faces of the three present.

- "How did you..." - Regulus questioned, dumbfounded.

- "Reggie, I'm older than you, so I'm smarter than you, it's obvious she has the same eyes as the late Lily Potter with a touch of the Black gene" - She replied, looking at Adhara closely.

- "That's what I told him." - Narcissa said, amused.

- "Anyone who knew Lily Potter or knew a Black would realize that immediately." - Andy commented.

- "It's obvious that I'm beautiful, Aunt Cissy, I carry the Potter and the Black gene" - Adhara muttered to the amusement of those present.

- "All right, enough with the games, Andromeda, I want you to know that this can't get out of here, no one can find out that Adhara is a Potter." - He spoke seriously, Regulus.

- "Relax Reggie, I'm a tomb, but if I knew then I'm sure Albus Dumbledore knows or will know too."

- "He knows, Aunt Andy." - The little girl replied, drawing a smile from the one who had been given the nickname. - "But don't worry, daddy took the necessary measures."

- "Of course, he did, little girl, this is Regulus we're talking about" - Andy said, smirking. - "But it's Dumbledore, he'll find a way to get Adhara under his control and if he can't do it with her then he'll do it with Harry Potter" - She said with noticeable concern.

- "You're right, Andy, but I'm ahead of him" - Regulus replied confidently.

- "What do you mean...?"

Andromeda didn't finish speaking as a "poof" was heard, drawing a grin from Regulus, Adhara, and Narcissa. Which elicited a look of confusion from Andromeda. The three turned to see Kreacher with a smirk on his face and a smiling Harry with eyes full of hope and joy.

- "Harry Potter..." - Andromeda said in disbelief.

- "Harry...?" - Questioned Adhara, staring at the boy as if he were unreal.

- "Adhara..." - Harry stared in disbelief as a red-haired girl with green eyes watched him with a big smile on her face, her eyes crystallized with love and hope.

She quickly ran to him and hugged him tightly, he didn't hesitate to hug her back, he didn't know exactly who she was, but he remembered her voice and her hair. Seconds later he remembered, it was the girl who used to appear in his dreams and nightmares to give him support saying: 'You're braver than you think Harry, I'm here don't forget, I love you, little brother, and I promise to protect you always.'

- "I can't believe it, it's you, you're the guardian of my dreams" - Harry exclaimed excitedly.

- "Of course, I am Harry, and now I not only your dreams, but I will protect you in reality too." - Adhara smiled happily.

- "I'm glad you're all right Harry, good job Kreacher." - Regulus spoke for the first time.

Both children turned and smiled at the wizard, one with happiness and the other with confusion.

- "At your command, Master." - The elf replied with a bow.

- "Thank you sir, but who are you sir" - Harry questioned awkwardly.

- "I am Regulus Black, I will be your tutor and teacher from now on" - Regulus replied, smiling.

- "You mean you'll be my dad?" - Harry asked hopefully.

Adhara smiled at that, for she had asked the same question.

- "If that's the way you want, then I'll be your father, Harry." - The wizard promised, approaching the boy to give him a warm hug.

- "Well, four eyes, I see that you already know daddy and me, they are..." - Adhara didn't finish when she saw that Harry frowned at the nickname. - "Don't look at me like that, that's what you are." - She said, amused.

- "Don't begin Adhara." - Regulus scolded her. - "As your sister was saying, this is Narcissa Malfoy and Andromeda Tonks."

- "It's a pleasure to meet you, little Potter" - Andromeda said, kissing the boy's cheeks.

- "I'm glad you're safe, my dear." - Narcissa spoke, imitating her sister's action.

- "Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy, thank you, Mrs. Tonks." - Harry said, his cheeks red.

- "Oh, Harry, don't be so formal for us, this is Aunt Cissy and Aunt Andy." -Said Adhara amused.

Both witches smiled at the nicknames and gave Harry a nod to assure him of the girl's words.

- "Well, Harry, I imagine you have a lot of questions..." - Regulus began to speak.

- "We'll be happy to help you..." - Continued Andy.

- "With anything you want to know." - Cissy and Adhara finished at the same time.

Harry just nodded, he had a lot of questions, but he didn't know how to start so he asked the first thing that came to his mind.

- "Why did a garden gnome bring me here?" - He asked innocently.

Adhara let out a laugh, drawing a snarl from the elf at the nickname. The Black sisters smiled in amusement, and Regulus just shook his head in amusement.

- "Kreacher is not a garden gnome, he is a house elf who has served our family for several years." - Regulus explained.

- "Oh dear." - Harry exclaimed. - "I don't want to sound rude, but where are Mum and Dad? I know you said you would be, but where are they really? The Dursleys said they abandoned me and died." - He spoke uncertainly.

- "They didn't abandon us, Harry! They loved us." - Adhara was quick to assure him.

- "But then... Where are they?"

- "They are gone little brother, that noseless monster took our parents away from us" - Adhara said with a cold voice.

- "Adhara, I don't think this is a good time for that." - The brown-haired witch wanted to interrupt.

- "No Andy, Adhara's right, he should know what happened" - Regulus interrupted her.

- "Very well." - She gave up.

- "Harry, are you ready to find out why you've been lonely for seven years?" - Narcissa asked.

- "I am." - Harry assured her.

If his parents weren't there it must have been for a reason, for something inside him knew that his parents hadn't abandoned him, at least not willingly.

- "Good." - Regulus agreed. - "It all started at Hogwarts in 1971 with a group of friends who called themselves the Marauders; they were a group of four Gryffindors consisting of Remus Lupin (the studious one) Peter Pettigrew (the shy one). Sirius Black and James Potter (the pranksters). All four attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1971 to 1978. Your parents were Lily Evans and James Potter, James was in love with Lily since he entered Hogwarts, but your mother always rejected him, it wasn't until their sixth year that Lily accepted her feelings for James, and in 1978 leaving Hogwarts they got married a week after the wedding Lily found out she was pregnant unfortunately that was a risk as the war had broken out in England.

There were two sides: those of the light led by Albus Dumbledore and those of the dark led by Lord Voldemort or for many the dark lord. Lily and James had joined the Order of the Phoenix, so it was very dangerous for Lily's pregnancy to become known, but because of their blind trust in Dumbledore they confessed to him that they were pregnant with a girl, he accepted it and sent them to Godric's Valley to protect them. On the 13th of December 1978, Adhara Clarissa Potter was born to the happiness of both parents. But it was not all happiness because in the same year a prophecy was announced:

~ The Heiress of blood is born, the protector of magic is born, and the red witch is born..... The end for those who attempted against her family is near.... ~

The prophecy reached the ears of most purebloods who knew that the war was just beginning as Dumbledore and Voldemort sought to manipulate the prophecy to their advantage, but they did not expect what would happen next. A few months later the prophecy was forgotten by the magical world as many felt it was unlikely that a prophecy would be fulfilled as it was inaccurate magic. The Potters, now calmer, presented the child to one of their friends, Sirius Black, who was named as her godfather. A few days later the wizard appeared at Black's house with many wounds as he had been attacked by death eaters, thinking he was going to die he contacted the only family that gave him support besides Andromeda, his uncle, and almost a father to him, Alphard Black.

Once with him Sirius told him about the forgotten prophecy and his goddaughter, he also told him how it all made sense as the prophecy said 'the red witch' referring to the red exercise and all the pain the Potter family was going through was a hint towards what it said, 'the end for those who attempted against his family is near'. Alphard just nodded as it made perfect sense. When he finished speaking, Sirius collapsed from his wounds, but Alphard managed to save him using blood magic. Once he was awake, he and Alphard made a plan to keep the girl safe.

When Adhara turned 2 Sirius made her a blood adoption so that the girl would be a full Black and Alphard cast a familiar spell so that if she came close to death she would not die but fall into a magical coma. Later that year Lily learns that she is pregnant again, except that this time all the marauders knew about the pregnancy at the same time as Adhara was left in the care of the elves at Potter Manor as Lily and James did not feel safe to reveal her existence. On 31 July 1980, a baby boy with unruly hair and green eyes was born, and they named him Harry James Potter. In the late 1980s, a prophecy was announced in a Hogsmeade bar by the future Hogwarts teacher Sybil Trelawney, a prophecy that Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape heard, one by luck and the other by chance. A prophecy that read as follows:

<<The only one with the power to defeat Dark Lord is coming. Born of those who have defied him three times, he will come into world at end seventh month... And point out as his equal, but a knows not...>>

Severus Snape reports the prophecy to Voldermort, and he begins a search throughout the magical world. Albus Dumbledore warns the Potters of the danger, and they go into hiding once more. Peter Pettigrew gives the location of the Potters to the Dark Lord, who spots one and assumes that Harry is the child of the prophecy. On 31 October 1981, Lilly and James Potter are killed by Lord Voldemort in an attempt to save their two children. One-year-old Harry Potter survives the killing curse, and three-year-old Adhara Potter witnesses the whole thing from a cupboard. That same night Lord Voldemort 'dies', Sirius Black is declared a traitor and locked up in Azkaban without trial. Peter Pettigrew goes on the run pretending to be dead, Remus Lupin returns to the Muggle world, the Potter brothers are sent to the Dursleys, Severus Snape switches sides and Dumbledore believes he has succeeded in his master plan.

In the early hours of the morning, Alphard Black, who faked his death, goes to the Dursley's house to rescue the Potter brothers, but he can only take Adhara, as she is officially a Black. Alphard despairs at not being able to touch Harry and discovers that it is the work of Dumbledore, who has applied a compulsion spell. Alphard takes Adhara but is unable to hand her over to Sirius as he is in Azkaban, he rushes to the Blackhouse to come up with a plan where he meets Regulus Black, who he thought was dead. Regulus Black after going with Kreacher to the Horcrux cave and almost drowning if it wasn't for his faithful elf who refused his escape order and came back to save him. He was sitting reading the Prophet about the imprisonment of Sirius and other Death Eaters.

Both Black's notice each other's presence and do not hesitate to embrace each other as they both think the other is dead. Regulus notices the presence of the girl, who is being carried by one of Alphard's elves. The older wizard explains the situation and Regulus proposes to take care of the girl on behalf of his older brother. The two agree; that on Adhara's eleventh birthday, she will be prepared to train in the red room under Alphard's supervision. In the meantime, Regulus is in charge of finding Harry Potter's new location and a way to break Dumbledore's spell. And so Adhara Potter becomes Adhara Black under the eyes of the Ministry, and Harry Potter is recognized as the boy-who-lived..."

- "Did Voldemort kill them?" - Harry asked.

- "He did it, I saw it all." - Adhara said.

- "You think the same as I do, sis." - Harry asks, looking her straight in the eyes.

She nods.

- "This is just the beginning, brother, revenge is a dish best served cold." -She speaks coldly.

- "Revenge for the Potters-Blacks?" - Asks the myopic one.

- "Revenge for all the Potters-Blacks." - Adhara assures him, smiling darkly.

- "Because if we want to be powerful...." - Began Harry.

- "We have to destroy the most powerful." - Finished Adhara with confidence in her voice.

The wizard and the two witches just watched in silence, looking at each other to make sure they were thinking the same thing, then confirmed it with a sigh.

~ The magical world is about to see what it means to piss off a Potter -Black ~

Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/321998198-red-queen-editing

A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52237768/chapters/132137749

Scribble Hub: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/972627/red-queen/

Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/16133011/Red-Queen/1

Discord: https://discord.gg/pmkqwvrkGm


Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).