
Red planet

Chadaine_Morris · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Amanda's story

as she falls Leo catches her in his hands saying Amanda what a nice name and picks her up to o place her somewhere and sees a empty table in his lab and places her there and thinks now that I have a guest I have to make this place look better and makes a bedrooms a bathhouse a living room and a security room and runs towards the door of his cave and puts his ear next to it to see if that monster is still there and hears nothing so he opens the door to go outside and survey the area too see nothing and her creates a electromagnetic fence around the cave that expands with the size of Leo's home and he creates a mountain on top of his cave and says I'll create whatever I need inside of the mountain and goes back inside closing the door behind him and then he suddenly remembers the girl he found and goes to her and soon he reaches his lab and picks up the beast man girl and goes to the living room and puts Amanda down on the red couch lets and some lights and creates a lamps on the tables beside the couch along with one shaped like triangle on the seeling and as just as Leo creates a switch and turns on the light Amanda wakes up from being unconscious and screams Leo runs towards Amanda and hugs her to calm her down as he says it's ok your safe now three minutes later Amanda stops crying and screaming and Leo lets go and says are you calm now she nods answering him ok now that you calm can you tell me why you were in the forest Amanda snuffles and says she didn't want to they threw me in Leo say who my parents Amanda says Leo gasps with a surprised look and says can you tell me why they did that