
Red planet

Chadaine_Morris · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Amanda's story part 2

Amanda wipes her tears to begin telling her story leo says are ready to tell me your story now Amanda nods and clear her throat and begins to tell her story saying that she comes from the village hidden in forest were beastmen live but my parents were know to be the worst in the village but I tried to defend them but instead of being loved they tried to feed me to the monsters in forest so I ran and ran until I couldn't run anymore but then big brother came to save and now I'm here with big brother Leo's heart flutters and says my name is Leo Amanda screams saying Big brother Leo and hugs him and Leo hugs back Amanda saying you can stay with me since they don't want an angel like you and says let's go to your room picks Amanda up and brings her across the cave to her room they arive at the door and Leo puts Amanda down to the ground and opens the door Amanda gasps with excitement after seeing her room and jumps on the bed and immediately fell asleep on it Leo shuckles while simling and says goodnight