
Red Overpowered (English)

Logan is an orphan born with a genetic anomaly that gives his eyes the color red. Taken in by a benevolent family, his life will change dramatically. And he will be called to discover a new world invoked by it. As a hero? Certainly not, he will now follow his own path. --------------------- The art of the cover is not mine follow the artist here :https://twitter.com/1L9l2Aa8UCL0IGJ/status/1322058207842328576?t=xfRkboLUCb6KjBg7rgpM7A&s=19

Lyl · Fantasy
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68 Chs

End of the training

The fight over and after passing many healing potions on each other, then Logan pulled out several scales and teeth.

All this as evidence of subjugation, then they both went back up from the giant hole, Aria sat on the ground exhausted. Logan also followed her steps and sat down next to her, also totally exhausted. Then in this place where the birds started to sing again, Aria's head rested on Logan's thighs.

"You..." (Logan)

"I know, it's a bit surprising but your presence has become bearable for me despite my trauma. Those horrible memories are engraved in me, those moments when I was treated like a common object, my life was worthless. But our multiple contacts over the past few months have partly taken precedence over all that, through all your acts of kindness. My body and mind accepting your presence little by little. And today you and I narrowly escaped death by fighting together. If you had not been there I would have died and vice versa I think. But beyond that I would like our relationship to continue a little longer, I would like to know more about you because in truth I know nothing about you." (Aria)

Logan then smiled at her before replying :

"Your presence is also pleasing to me Aria and I will soon tell you in due course all that you will want to know." (Logan)

"I still want to thank you though, for taking me under your wing." (Aria)

"You'll thank me when we free your people." (Logan)

"Thank you." Said Aria burying her head deeper into his thighs to enjoy the moment.

Logan was now running his hand tenderly through his beautiful white hair. They stayed that way, the rain having given way to the sun, both enjoying each other's presence.


Aria and Logan after this moment of complicity left in direction of the city. Then they arrived at the guild which was in full activity adventurers running around.

"What's going on?" Logan wondered.

As Marie struggled her way through the adventurers to meet them.

"Are you both okay and what happened to your clothes?" She asked stressed.

"Nothing serious, we're just both exhausted, otherwise what's all the fuss about?" (Logan)

"Well, one of the adventurers who went missing came back a few hours ago. His group was wiped out by a sea serpent and other groups of adventurers had to suffer the same fate. As a result, the guild has mounted an emergency subjugation mission to deal with the situation." (Marie)

"Ah, well, I guess that won't be necessary." (Logan)

So Marie looked at them more closely with their torn clothes wet, their hair soaked and for Aria the body covered in blood.

"Don't tell me you two beat the snake!" Shouted Marie unable to hold back.

"Well we did." Said Logan as he pulled a huge tooth out of his item bag.

The noises in the guild then stopped, the adventurers gathering around them.

"It's really a sea serpent tooth!" Shouted one of the adventurers.

"They beat him to two!" Shouted another.

"What level was he?" Asked a third.

"How did you beat him?" (Adventurer)

Questions flew from adventurers all over the guild hall. Until claps sounded and a man came down the guild stairs.

"Impressive really Impressive, it's Logan that's it." Said the man with a good muscular build.

He was well dressed in a nice black and white cloth, gray eyes with a nice well trimmed gray beard and hair as well. He walked towards Logan the adventurers getting out of his way, until he came face to face with Logan.

"Who am I honoring?" Asked Logan politely considering the fact that all the adventurers have moved out of his way.

"Ah, yes that's right you only arrived a few months ago it's normal that you don't know me. I am the leader of the guild based in this kingdom, I am Stanislas." Said he, holding out his hand facing Logan.

"Nice to meet you." Logan replied, shaking her hand.

"Likewise me, your little exploits and Marie praise have reached me from the short time you've been here. But may I take the liberty of inviting you into my office?" (Stanislas)

"With great pleasure." (Logan)

Logan and Aria then followed him accompanied by Marie. They went upstairs before finally arriving in his office. A large room very well organized with several armchairs organized around a table. They could also see several shelves filled with books and a window overlooking the street outside. There, where the guild master's desk was located with multiple papers on it.

There were two large chairs in front of it, Logan and Aria were invited to sit. The guild leader then sat in front of them and Marie stood to his left.

"Well first of all, it's fair to say that I don't discriminate against half-humans or a few races different from mine." (Stanislas)

"Why would you specify that to me?" (Logan)

"Because I heard from Marie that you were also opposed to it. And that already gives us a good common ground to start our discussion. Especially since your companion is a woman-beast and I wouldn't want him to have any animosity between us." (Stanislas)

"Very well." Said Logan as he looked at Aria.

"We'll talk about the most important thing first if you don't mind?" (Stanislas)

"Sure." (Logan)

"So I'll summarize briefly, as Marie told you some adventurers disappeared a few weeks ago. And one of them came back in a bad way to give us a report, about the monster they met. As you can imagine they were decimated by this snake, in total more than 15 groups of 5 people disappeared. We therefore take the liberty of affirming that they died by it." (Stanislas)

"We could have died there too, I thought no monster was above rank D or early C in that forest." (Logan)

"That's right, that's what makes it very suspicious it's the first incident like this." (Stanislas)

"Is there a dungeon nearby? (Logan)

"Not that we know of, did you notice any things while walking through the forest." (Stanislas)

"No other than the fact that the creature we fought was still a baby." (Logan)

"A baby, how can you state that?" (Stanislas)

"I've read a number of books since I came here. And the snakes that are described in them are much larger and usually have a level close to 400. Now, the one we fought was a level 120." (Logan)

Stanislas, then mused a hand through his beard before asking Mary something.

"How many miles away is the nearest sea Marie." (Stanislas)

"Thousands of miles away sir." (Marie)

"Since the sea is so far away, it would be impossible for a snake of this size to go unnoticed and especially to move over this distance. Given the circumstances I think this snake was placed here by someone." Logan then expressed himself.

"This hypothesis is far more than possible." (Stanislas)

"But to what end is this done?" (Marie)

"Have you recorded any other small incidents like this?" (Logan)

Stanislas then took out several sheets from the desk and placed them on the table.

"Recently there have been convoy attacks, kidnappings of minor nobles, and the deaths of adventurers. In several places they should not have died and there is an increase in many isolated occurrences." (Stanislas)

"Any survivors of these attacks?" (Logan)

"None unfortunately." (Stanislas)

"You have guilds in several countries right?" (Logan)

"Yes." (Stanislas)

"You must communicate well with each other, can you tell me if in other countries we've had this kind of incident?" (Logan)

"Yes, in all the big countries this kind of incident is increasing, like recently on the outskirts of Leonis country. There was a gargoyle attack in a small village." (Stanislas)

"Was there a keep nearby? Or an area where monster attacks are at risk." (Logan)

"No there is the whole problem, do you think you have a lead?" (Stanislas)

"I just need one more piece of information, is Ria also experiencing an increase in these incidents?" (Logan)

"No, incidents like this don't happen en masse like the ones over there." (Stanislas)

"Okay, I think I've found the common thread of these events." (Logan)

"Let us know about it." (Stanislas)

"What I'm about to say is only a guess with the little information you have. The commonality of these attacks is that the target in each of these events was humans. Don't you find it odd that the only country that doesn't experience these incidents is a country that doesn't discriminate against other races?" (Logan)

"So these incidents would be related to other races targeting humans. This is just a hypothesis, but it seems very credible to me, Aria you who are a beast woman what do you think?" (Stanislas)

"I don't think I need to remind you what humans have done to other races. So that a group has built itself with the purpose of harming humans is more than possible. And given the number of victims of this barbarism they will find many supporters." She replied without the slightest hesitation.

"I see, I will write a report and we will conduct our investigation with this basis of hypothesis. Well now regarding the snake, did you leave the body there?" (Stanislas)

"Yes, in fact we'd like you to get it back so we can be rewarded next." (Logan)

"It goes without saying, we will reward you with a total of 60 gold coins is that okay?" (Stanislas)

"Amply." (Logan)

"Well now that the main topic is closed, Logan be careful who you share your vision with." (Stanislas)

"My vision?" (Logan)

"Yes, never openly let it appear that you are opposed to discrimination of other races. For to oppose that is to oppose the kingdoms but especially the church. And the enemies of the church and the kingdoms usually don't last long believe me." (Stanislas)

"I never openly showed it." (Logan)

"Maybe, but you still hide it very poorly and have trouble controlling your emotions. A slave trader died a few weeks ago, with no trace of magic to be found. You killed him, didn't you?" (Stanislas)

"How can you say I did?" (Logan)

"Marie followed you discreetly on your escapade for fear that you would make a mistake, seeing what was going on there. And apparently she did, when you saw that girl begging you to save her." (Stanislaus)

"I... I couldn't take it anymore, I had to step in." (Logan)

"Logan it's hard I know but don't confuse rushing with action. Do you know what happened to the slaves of the man you killed? They are all dead!" Said Stanislas in a serious tone.

The glass behind Stanislas suddenly exploded as the desk and part of the walls cracked. While Logan's eyes burned with a fiery red glow.

"Logan!" Aria shouted.

"You know what I mean about controlling your emotions. No matter how much you want to bury this rage, it will resurface and if you don't manage to channel it at the right moment you will die!" Lança Stanislas of a tone even more serious.

After a few seconds, Logan calmed down and asked Stanislas a question.

"Why were they killed?" (Logan)

"It's simple in the absence of a culprit, they were designated guilty themselves. Who else but them could have wanted to take the life of the person who deprived them of their freedom." (Stanislas)

Logan, then bit his lip an act that was supposed to save lives actually robbed them of them.

"We can't stand such injustice as much as you. I had a friend Ana, a half-human, when I was an adventurer, and she was killed before my eyes by a member of the Church. You know what her last words were as I held her in my arms:

"Don't die needlessly." (Ana)

"I held back though I wanted to slice them up which had condemned him to death!" (Stanislas)

The face of the guild master expressed nothing but hatred at that moment!

"You're lucky you came across us, otherwise you could have been branded an infidel and killed. So please be much more careful from now on." (Stanislas)

Logan who had been listening without saying anything started talking again having regained his composure completely.

"Thank you, I will act more intelligently in the future, nevertheless I will not remain idle! If nobody moves, I will move even if I have to put the whole world at my back!" Declared Logan his eyes lighting up in front of Stanislas and Marie.

"Well, now apart from the monetary reward you will be promoted to rank C. Aria she will also receive a guild card at rank D." Said he with a smile.

"She can receive one?" Asked Logan rather perplexed.

"There is nothing to prevent it, we have many half-human adventurers or other races, but of course not here." (Stanislas)

"In Ria?" (Logan)

"Yes and not only, but here even if Aria has a card, you will have to pass her off as your slave. The guild is a powerful autonomous organization governed by no country. It is on the level of the kingdoms and the church, but we try not to engage in any conflicts." (Stanislas)

"Very well." (Logan)

"We will see each other again soon Logan, it was a pleasure to meet you I look forward to the two of you getting to know each other better." (Stanislas)

"Thank you." (Logan)

They then parted ways on that Logan moving up to C rank and Aria getting her card and rank. Also pocketing the money for the snake and the rest of the materials from other monsters. All this for a total of 68 gold coins well deserved.

After the departure of Logan and Aria Stanislas was left alone in his office lost in his thoughts slumped on his chair contemplating the ceiling.

"I didn't expect to still find people capable of fighting for their beliefs. I keep reminding myself of that fateful day with multiple excuses. And in the end maybe if I had fought for her that day too, Ana would still be alive, by my side. But if life has taught me one thing, it's that every human being can have the opportunity to redeem himself from his mistakes, as long as he is given and wants it. And the day will come when I will have to seize this opportunity that will be offered to me because nothing is ever too late." (Stanislas)

As the night was now covering the city, closing the day, in an alley several men dressed in black were talking.

"The sea serpent was killed earlier than expected." (???)

"Who killed it?" (???)

"An adventurer named Logan with his slave, a beast woman." (???)

"Should we kill him?" (???)

"No, we have more important things to do. Have we gathered the watches for the attack?" (???)

"Yes, we will be able to use them soon." (???)

"Perfect!" (???)


The following chapters 41 to 56 are already available on my Patreon:


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Thanks to the contributors :

Thanks to Cadméa for her subscription to level 4.

Thanks to Exwery for his level 3 subscription

Thanks to Slik Silk for his level 3 subscription