
Literally Pissed

Hearing strange noises from outside, Adam woke up. He hadn't looked, but he knew what was happening.

He got up and opened the door, and there stood two men. The first was the old man whose shack he was in, and the second was the man that had tried to kill him earlier.

He had forgotten about this aspect of "feeding", as he hadn't done so in quite a while. He ordered them to go to the backyard and get in the old man's grave which was now empty. He buried them once again and started concentrating on the link between him and them.

Some red lines appeared and he willed the link to be cut and as soon as he did, both men stopped unliving.

He was going to go back to sleep when he felt two other links, one was coming from inside the hut and that was obviously Belekir who had been hiding in his backpack since he had crossed the border.

The second link was what surprised Adam as it came from very far away. He followed the link with his mind and closed his eyes.

His point of view changed to a room with no windows, there attacked to a chair was an old man. There were many metallic tubes attached to him and he was unmoving as if sedated.

The old man slowly opened his eyes and looked up, at where Adam's point of view was. Then as if tired, he slowly closed his eyes.

Adam remembered this man; he was the innkeeper he had used to escape when he had been cornered by the temple of the path!

How could he be still around? While he was pondering such thought, a light started shining on the side of the room and a beeping sound started sounding.

There was the sound of running and the only door in the room was burst open. Some men wearing blouses came inside and they started looking at the kind of machine on the side of the room to which the old man was connected.

They then turned to the old man and started looking at his eyes and used some device on him.

"The sedative is losing effect, he's going hyper again.", said one of them.

"That shouldn't happen! He's been stable for a while now and the sedative has proven its effect.", said another man.

"Maybe he needs blood! His consumption kept increasing but the stabilizer should have fixed that problem!", said another one of them.

"You better feed it and keep it alive or you will all be hanging by a rope tomorrow morning.", said a voice coming from the door.

All of them, Adam included turned to look at who said that and it was a man wearing a uniform with a very stern look on his face.

He had a moustache and sideburns, and his hair was a fiery red.

"We've spent a lot of money on this research and it better give results or your families will follow you to the grave.", he added.

"It's a new type of research, sir. No vampire ever leaves a thrall unattended so these specimens are very rare to get. We have no previous research to rely on and have no room for mistakes. Please understand that it is very hard to isolate what keeps this thing alive or I would rather say moving as it has no pulse."

"I already know all of that Mr. Dainer. My superiors are not as understanding as me, however. Feed it blood or give it whatever you want, but fix this right now.", he added before sitting on a chair on the side.

The men in blouses were all sweating profusely after the appearance of this man and they all hurried to prepare the blood which they took out from a compartment attached to the wall.

They took the gag off of the old man's mouth and using a funnel, they started pouring blood in.

The old man drank it all, but then nothing happened and he kept trying to struggle free but the chains that were tying him were too sturdy.

They were all stressed up and Adam had a funny idea, he ordered the old man to calm down and as soon as he did, they all released sighs of relief.

They started smiling and some even started laughing while looking at one another.

Then Adam ordered the old man to go wild and all their smiles turned into shock as he started thrashing and screaming his lungs out before suddenly stopping.

Silence took the room and the old man's eyes cleared out as he started looking back at them.

Adam willed it and he could control everything the old man did, and that included speech.

"Was that your wives' blood? I don't like the taste of cow blood very much...", said the old man with a grimace on his face and then spat on the ground.

"I see you've been having fun with my leftovers...I heard what red moustache said before, guess you will be hanging around with your families very soon hahah....", said Adam through the old man and suddenly cut the link.

As his consciousness was leaving that area and entering the receding red line, he saw some of the men in blouses falling to the ground in shock.

Adam was back to his original spot behind the wooden shack and was laughing, that was kind of funny.

He made the decision to not leave behind loose ends from now on.

It was then that he remembered a small detail, so he willed his status to appear.


[Name: Adam]

[Race: (Newborn) Vampire/ ????????]

[Level: 2 - 60%] [Class: None]

[HP: 62/62] [MP: 60/60] [Bloodline Energy: 250/250]

[STR: 25]

[END: 22]

[AGI: 23]

[INT: 21]


- [Lesser Life Essence Drain lvl 2 – 25%]

- [Lesser Mana Drain lvl 1 – 60%]

- [Lesser Shadow Stealth lvl 2 – 20%]

- [Lesser Charm lvl 1 – 0%]

- [Regeneration lvl 2 – 3%]


Adam's eyes opened wide from surprise; he had gotten from 1% to 60%. His raw stats had also increased a bit and even his skills levelled up!

Was it because he almost died? He would have to find that out later on.

It was still dark but he decided to move on as he was too energetic to go back to sleep now. He packed everything and started running.

His steps barely made any sound and his breathing was very calm as he ran through the huge slums, and after a while, he had reached the end of it.

There were no trees and only grass, it still went downhill though. Far in the distance he could see a forest but he couldn't see any further as there was a kind of fog everywhere. He was wondering if these were clouds but he didn't really know.

Adam did not hesitate any further as he kept going. He didn't really know why, but ever since he had left his village, he had this urge or feeling of wanting to leave the Rosenwuld kingdom and that feeling grew stronger after he crossed the border.

He felt an attraction to whatever was down this huge mountain he was running down. He had never seen a mountain this big before...because if it weren't for the constant downhill, he would never guess he was indeed on a mountain! Or perhaps was he going down to the edge of the world? He didn't know.

He kept moving and quickly arrived to the forest. As he entered it, his field of vision narrowed to a few meters ahead of him.

There was a thick layer of fog everywhere, but that wasn't a problem for Adam since he had been traveling on a large dirt road since he left the slums. This road should be one of the paths people used to get to the Rosenwuld Kingdom and out of it again.

Adam was running at a steady pace when he had a bad feeling, as if someone or something was looking at him. Not sooner did the feeling start that a shadow burst from the fog and leaped at him!

Not having enough time to dodge it completely, Adam jumped forward and rolled on the ground before coming to a stop in a crouching position.

His hand slowly reached his right flank, it was wet and painful. He was bleeding, but he couldn't take care of the wound right now.

His eyes kept looking around, but he had lost whatever had attacked him. He couldn't see it, but it was still around.

Adam slowly stood up and grabbed his spear with both hands, his heartbeat kept increasing and he felt very tense.

His senses started to sharpen and he could hear every sound.

A sound came from the bush behind him! He turned around with the spear ready to go! But there was nothing there.

It was teasing him...

He looked at the ground and he saw a small trail of his blood, and it gave him an idea.

Adam started concentrating on the smell, and although it was faint, he could smell it. The smell of blood, his own blood! It was slowly moving around his position, not too close but not far.

It then took a sharp turn and came right at him!

Adam pretended not to see it coming and tightened his grip around his spear, he waited until it lounged at him again and quickly turned towards it.

The creature flinched but it was too late to turn back, it aimed its fangs at him but it missed and went past him.

It landed on the ground and turned to look at its body, a black spear was stuck to its body and it went all the way through. It looked at Adam one last time before falling to the ground, blood coming out of its mouth.

Adam approached it and it was breathing its last. He grabbed his hatchet and ended the creature.

He looked at it and it was about two meters long and was about one meter tall. It looked like a fox, but it had scales instead of fur. It was indeed as the guard at the wall had said, he almost died without knowing what killed him.

He quickly got his spear back and cleaned it on some grass. He looked at the bloodied grass and then at the beast again. The creature was bleeding on the ground and he wanted to give it a try.

He dug his fangs in its neck and started absorbing its blood, or what was left of it.

It tasted different, but it was still tasty.

Adam wished he could know how much stronger he was getting every time he drank blood, and as soon as he did, he heard the familiar voice.

[Would you like to activate the notifications system?]

"yes", said Adam.

[Notifications system turned On, the monitoring of the changes to host will be visible from now on.]


[Life essence absorbed]

[Level increased by 21%]

[Bloodline Energy increased by 30]

[Host basic stats have improved]

[END: +1]

[AGI: +2]

[Lesser Life Essence Drain level increased by 10%]

[Regeneration level increase will be calculated when host will have fully recovered]




[Name: Adam]

[Race: (Newborn) Vampire/ ????????]

[Level: 2 - 81%] [Class: None]

[HP: 43/62] [MP: 60/60] [Bloodline Energy: 280/280]

[STR: 25]

[END: 23]

[AGI: 25]

[INT: 21]


- [Lesser Life Essence Drain lvl 2 – 35%]

- [Lesser Mana Drain lvl 1 – 60%]

- [Lesser Shadow Stealth lvl 2 – 20%]

- [Lesser Charm lvl 1 – 0%]

- [Regeneration lvl 2 – 3%]


Adam looked at his status and was pleasantly surprised, he looked at his wound and it was starting to heal. He was really thankful to that old man who gave him such a great skill.

He took a knife he had bought at the border town and started skinning the fox. It wasn't his first time skinning a beast but it was definitely his first-time skinning one this big.

After some time, and a few failures and small finger cuts, Adam had completely skinned the creature. He used the knife to scrap the fat off of the skin, but there was so little of it that he almost didn't need to do it.

He threw salt all over the inside of the skin, rolled it and tied it to his backpack. He also cut a slab of meat from the beast that he would try eating later. He was almost done packing up when he received a notification.

[Host fully recovered. Regeneration level increased by 13%.]

This made Adam smile, which he didn't do much these days.

He gathered his belonging and darted out of that place. The whole skinning process took no longer than twenty minutes, and it would have gone faster if his knife hadn't dulled at the end.

He didn't want to stay too long in that spot because he didn't know what would be attracted by the smell of blood. He had already noticed some critters and small beasts lurking around, waiting for him to leave, so he guessed that the big boys wouldn't take too long to get there.

Half a day later, Adam had reached the end of the forest without any more encounters. He had seen a few beasts, but he chose to avoid them for the time being. One of them was a huge boar almost as tall as a tree, but it wasn't paying attention so he slipped by it without getting noticed.

It was now in the afternoon, and the sun was high in the sky. Adam was now standing on flat ground, and no trees stood in front of him. There were grassy hills until the eye could see on each side and far ahead stood huge hills.

Adam had lost the dirt road along the way, because he had to avoid some beasts that were lurking there.

One thing for sure was the he was glad there was no more fog.

The grass was very tall so he could barely see the ground, and the hills were big enough to hide what was in the far distance. Adam decided to take a break and have a go at the meat he gathered earlier.

He stayed at the edge of the forest and dug a small hole in the ground. He put rocks around it and covered it with thick wood that was laying around. Then put small dry plants in the hole before setting fire to them with the flint and steel he had bought at the border city.

This was a good start to his journey as he hadn't yet touched his rations. He didn't know if he would die if he didn't eat since he was a vampire, but he didn't really care.

He had starved half of his young life, so he would eat as much as he wanted even if he didn't need to anymore.

He took his new frying pan and put it on the fire, he cut the meat into thin slices, threw them on it and they started to burn!

He quickly got the slices off the pan and remembered that he had to use some oil, fat or butter.

Hopefully, he had kept some of the fat from the skin of the beast, so he used it and added some salt.

The cooking didn't take long and Adam took a bite...delicious!

He quickly ate all of the meat he had taken off of that beast and started regretting that he didn't take more.

He gathered his gear and threw dirt in the fiery hole to kill the fire, before collapsing the stone cover on it.

Adam was satisfied and prepared himself to move on, then he quickly ran back inside the forest.

He had seen them approaching in the tall grass, whatever they were.

They must have been attracted by the smell of the cooking meat, and the fact that they had been waiting in the grass to ambush him made it clear that they were predatory beasts.

Adam stealthily moved in the cover of the trees and bushes and silently climbed one of the big trees.

He had covered his hands and face in dirt to get rid of the smell of food, and was now waiting.

The sun soon set and the things that had been waiting for Adam seemed to have moved.

He had been sitting silently on the tree and was waiting for the cover of the night before going out of his hiding spot.

After it got dark, Adam got down and moved silently. He stepped in the tall grass and it completely hid him if he crouched.

He kept moving silently and avoided the area around where he had eaten earlier.

He was slowly walking when he saw it.

It was a reptile of sorts and it was standing on two long clawed legs. It had two arms that had sharp claws as well, and a long tail. Its scales were a dark green and had some feathers on its back.

Its neck was quite long and its maw was full of sharp teeth. It had some feathers on its elbows and on the back of its head. But the scariest part of it were its eyes, they were the very incarnation of cold-blooded killers.

The creature was motionless and kept looking at the edge of the forest, this immediately sent shivers down Adam's spine.

They had been waiting in ambush for the past few hours and would have tore him down had he been careless.

He silently moved around it and kept going towards the hills.

Adam was halfway through the tall grass when he heard a resonating high-pitched rumbling followed by three cries.

He looked behind him and could hear the reptiles running in the tall grass. He didn't want to linger any longer and turn around to leave.

As soon as he turned his face forward, his eyes met those of a white reptilian. It looked him in the eyes and its open maw released a foul odor as it breathed out.

A slow hissing sound started to be heard from the creature as both Adam and it literally faced each other and as soon as it started crying for its pack, it lunged at Adam who quickly jumped back and as soon as he landed, he was engulfed in the darkness.

He had used his Shadow Stealth skill and merged with the shadows. The surprise had shocked and scared him witless, but his instincts were still good.

The reptilian was confused and started jumping around, barely missing Adam who still lay on his back on the grass.

The skill wouldn't last, however, so he got on his feet and started running towards the high hill with all his might.

The reptiles had surrounded the area, but they couldn't see him.

They ran around in circles and kept searching for him, it was then that one of them noticed the grass moving in an unnatural way.

It cried, and all the reptiles started running in that direction.

Adam ran, and the reptiles pursued him. Soon enough, the skill's duration ended and they could see him again.

He was fast, and had gained some distance over them, but they were faster. They were slowly narrowing down the distance between Adam and themselves.

Adam had reached the hill and was nimbly climbing it, running through the grass and stomping madly with his feet.

He was about to reach the top when they caught up.

One of them tried to bite him and he dodged, he hit another one with his spear while running but that didn't help much.

Adam let Belekir out of his pocket and as it came out, it used its speed to hit one of the raptors in the eye before flying up again.

It couldn't do much to help Adam, but it harassed them enough that he could somehow slip out of their encirclement.

At last he reached the top of the hill and he started laughing. He turned around and saw the beasts surrounding every direction he could escape from.

He looked at Belekir circling in the air, and at those beasts eating him up with their eyes.

The creatures opened a path in the middle and a bigger one came forward; it was most likely their leader.

It hissed at the other beasts and then hissed at Adam.

Adam looked at the deep dark cliff behind him and then mumbled in a low voice

"I won't go down alone...."

He suddenly fell on one knee and seemed to be completely exhausted. He could barely avoid falling on the ground with his spear as he leaned on it.

The beast seemed wary and didn't jump at him. But then it smelled a familiar foul stench coming from the man in front of it.

They always released that liquid when they were about to die, just before it killed them.

It slowly walked towards Adam and licked his face with its tongue.

The man was shivering and it bit his shoulder first, so that he wouldn't die too fast. The man didn't scream like those it had killed before, but instead it felt a sharp pain in its chest.

It looked down and saw the man's hand stabbed into it.

Adam had stabbed it with his knife, and he had pushed so hard that his hand went inside its chest and the knife went through its heart.

It looked him in the face one last time and as their eyes met Adam showed his teeth.

As soon as blood started to drip on the ground, all the reptiles came at him.

But they couldn't reach him in time as he dragged the big reptile with him and jumped into the cliff.

The air whistled through his hair and he was falling fast...the cliff was deeper than he had assumed...

Adam pulled his hand from the reptile's chest, bit it in the neck and drank all the blood he could.

If he was going to die, then at least he'll go with something tasty in his mouth.

He didn't know how long it lasted but as soon as he finished his drink, both himself and the reptilian hit some plants that were growing on the side of the cliff.

Once, twice, three times and followed by many others...Adam was getting mangled by the plants and his armor was completely torn and bloodied...he was losing consciousness when some notifications started to appear.

He couldn't read them as the fall suddenly came to an end.

With a bang, both Adam and the reptile hit the ground and the shock knocked him unconscious...

Thank you for reading.

Times are hard and we all do our best, stay safe!

Some drawings that I just made


Siroccocreators' thoughts