
Red Nara

I've got more interesting stuff on patreon patreon.com/Chill76 The protagonist is an accidental time traveler - he didn't wait, didn't guess, only dreamed, but ended up in history, which he didn't pay much attention to. He was just lucky with his lineage. Ryo is a new member of the Nara clan, from the Uzumaki lineage on his father's side, and it so happened that he was born not at the beginning of the known plot, but more than three decades and two world wars later. Now he has to figure out how to get out of this situation however he can. I've got more interesting stuff on patreon patreon.com/Chill76

l_legolas · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

Chapter 127

But all good things come to an end, and so did our hours of waiting. We arrived just in time for the end of the second lesson, which was marked by a bell that was audible throughout the academy, and waited for Kushina near the exit with the other parents.

I even managed to have a word with the pretty Yamanaka (who was a widow with a pair of twins) before the crowd of children rushed out, streaming across the front of the building where their parents were waiting. Nodding goodbye to the woman, I hurried toward the entrance with Mito.

- Mito-oba-chan, Ryo-nii!

With a sigh of doom, I prepared myself and firmly took the blow of the jumping little girl, picking her up in my arms and twirling her around with joyful giggles.

- How do you like the academy? - Smiling, the older Uzumaki asked as I lowered the happy Kushina to the ground and patted her on the head.

- Great! I'm one of the best in the class! Datebane! - The girl threw her fist in the air.

- Oh-ho-ho-ho, I'm the one who trained you," Mito laughed, covering her mouth with the back of her hand.

I felt a shiver run down my spine, and shuddered - I hated it when she laughed like that. If before the rejuvenation, that kind of laughter sounded very disturbing, now it was downright frightening. I wouldn't go near a person who was having fun like that, even for money! And judging by Kushina's twitching expression, she agreed. Fortunately, the now young-looking red-haired woman doesn't get in that mood very often.

- So, did you like the teachers? - I asked, to distract Mito from admiring her own talent as a teacher.

I was also a little curious, because before these posts were occupied by a little inarticulate chunin, if I remember the day of enrollment of future Ino-Shika-Cho, which happened to visit before leaving for the homeland of Uzumaki.

- Our class was taught by a beautiful jonin with a chunin assistant," Kushina nodded her head, "who warned us that clan affiliation was irrelevant and that we would be taught equally, without regard to the importance of our parents or the thickness of their wallets.

- Hmm, I recognize the hand of an old friend," Mito smirked and made a gesture to continue.

Uh-huh, I can imagine how some of the village's bigwigs yelled when their kids were thrown out with a kick in the ass! Despite the different worlds, there are enough freaks here that think money is the measure of everything, including shinobi rank.

- Only individual knowledge and skills will be taken into account, and if someone does not meet the standards of the academy, they will be expelled at once!

- Well, that's understandable," I nodded, "but what about your classmates? Have you made any friends?

Who knows, maybe it was different with my presence, though I doubt it - children will always remain children, even if they are taught to kill. Judging by Kushina's dramatically saddened expression, my assumptions were correct.

- They're all mean," she pouted, calling me a tomato for my red hair and round face!

I grunted, biting my lip painfully. The little girl's flaming gaze didn't calm me down at all, and I laughed out loud. Mito's melodic laughter echoed in my ears.

- Ryo-nii! - Kushina's hair suddenly moved and began to split into nine parts, becoming eerily similar to fox tails.


- Okay, okay, don't get worked up," I waved my palm soothingly, "only a small part of my laughter is related to your nickname.

- And to what then? - suspiciously asked the little thing, clenching her fists.

- To your classmates of course! - I smiled and in one motion picked up the girl, sitting on the bend of my elbow. - After all, they do not know that in just five or six years you will be a real beauty and crowds of admirers will lay at your feet, begging for attention!

- Really? - Kushina asked shyly, somehow immediately losing all her anger and blushing a little.

- Of course! Have I ever lied to you? - He pretended to be indignant in response, showing a loose fist behind his back to Mito, who was giggling quietly on the sidelines.

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