

Jackal didn’t mean to go to the party, but once he arrived, he couldn’t leave. Not once he’d been invited in. When his hunger stirs, he sets his sights on the feisty brunette who doesn’t seem at all affected by his charms. After all, he’s just in a fancy dress, right? Wrong. And Anita has become his prey for the night… Anita was just a girl at a party, making out with a hot guy dressed as a vampire. Except something changes that night. All the things she thought were myths and fables prove themselves to be real. Very real.

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13 Chs


His taste was metallic, like I'd bitten his tongue, and I was kissing him regardless of the blood.

But I hadn't cut his tongue.

His fingers made me cum in minutes, and he smirked as he watched me lose control, his free hand gripping me around the throat as I cried out softly.

"You're not loud. I like that."

His voice was like a whisper like he'd said it right in my ear, but that was impossible.

He was below me; his head was resting on the arm of the sofa.

I began to panic that someone would walk in, but when my eyes met his, I relaxed.

Like he'd commanded it.

He withdrew his hand, licking his fingers as I breathed, desperate to feel him inside of me.

Fuck! You don't even know him, and you have a man!

"You know my name." Jackal purred, grinding me against his solid dick.

I couldn't help but moan out, and he tugged me down to him, the smell of my arousal permeating the air between us.

"You taste better than you look, and I didn't think that was possible," Jackal mused, sucking his finger clean. "Delicious. Is it almost your time of the month?"

I stared at him, my mouth opening and closing before I scoffed. "I'm not telling you that."

Jackal shrugged, his eyes fixed on mine once again.

"It's imminent. Just saying."

Did he just predict my fucking period?

"You're strange," I said, making a move to leave when he gripped my hips, shaking his head.

"You're not leaving me, are you?"

The flames of the fire grew warmer, and the sound of them flickering in the grate, hissing and squirming like they were being spat on, made me frown.

"What the hell is wrong with the fire?"

"Kiss me again, Ani."

The hypnotic voice owned my mind, and my body obeyed. Our mouths met roughly, and this time I almost savoured the blood.

It was real blood, but maybe it was pig's blood or something.

So the guy was passionate about Halloween, no biggie.

"You wear this outfit so well, but I'd prefer to see it off."

I rolled my eyes, moving away from him as he frowned with annoyance, sitting up abruptly as I shuffled away from him.

"Your clothes are still on," Jackal pointed out with amusement, his finger skimming my hem.

His touch was like fire, and I couldn't help but react.

"You're gorgeous," I gushed, moving further away from him. "But I can't do this with you. I know nothing about you."

"Ah, come on, love. What do you want to know? I won't get you pregnant, and you'll never see me again after tonight."

His words hung in the air as he nodded, almost like he watched me absorb them.

"I'm not..." I whispered, crossing my arms. "Doing that with you."

The truth was, I bloody wanted to.

The ache between my thighs was so intense it made me dizzy, but there was something else.

What if I want to see him again?

"You'll get over it."

I snapped my head up, and almost like he noticed his mistake, he held his hands up.

But I knew what just happened, and he wouldn't be able to make me believe otherwise.

He just read my mind.

"You read my mind!" I squealed, excitement throbbing in my voice as he studied me warily.

"No, I guessed."

"Bullshit!" I cried out, walking closer to him. "What am I thinking now?"

I'm thinking of fucking him. Of dropping to my knees and tugging that thick, hard cock into my eager mouth.

My cheeks were alive with colour, and when he swept his gaze over me, he groaned.

"Did you have to?" Jackal snapped, marching over to me and pushing me to my knees. "I want you to do it. Now."

A whimper left me when his lips curled into a wicked smile, his hand tugging his pants down.

"See if you can warm it up," he whispered, watching me lick my lips.

I wanted nothing more than to take it all in, but there was no possible way.

I'd done this before, but even with my hand clamped in a fist around the base, I couldn't fit the girth into my mouth.

It was embarrassing.

It was enormous.

"The tip is fine."

Damn him and his mind-reading.

But he was right—I couldn't do much more with it.

My tongue flickered out, and the temperature of his dick didn't match the size of it at all. Blood rushed to the dick to make it hard, right?

So how was he harder than stone yet ice-cold?

But as I licked the tip, my tongue moving in circular movements around it, he began to mutter something, his hands gripping my hair.

"You can take more. I know you can."

My eyes widened as I stared down at his dick, and I swallowed hard.

"I can try," I whispered, wrapping my lips around the end.

To say it was big would be an understatement, but I wanted to try for him.

"Go on," he coaxed, fusing my head down. "You can do it, love."

I felt like I was choking, but the noises leaving his mouth made me try harder, my breathing quickening as I took in as much as I could.

My gag reflex kicked in, but he smirked, holding me in place as I swallowed it down.

"Good. Now try again. More."

My eyes bulged at his words, but I wanted to please him so badly I did it.

Well, I tried.

My eyes streamed as he slowly thrust his hips, moving steadily inside my throat. He moved his hand to my throat and squeezed the outline of his dick as he fucked my throat.

"Keep calm, Ani, and you'll be fine. You'll be able to breathe; it's only halfway in."

My eyes stung as he massaged my throat, wanking himself whilst burying his dick in my throat.

My hands were splayed across his stomach, stopping him from pushing it down further.

I would choke; I was sure of it, so I had to do something to stop him from pushing more in.

"You know, maybe I'll have to see you again," Jackal rasped, leaning down to force my shirt down, exposing my breasts.

"Because you please me better than anyone else has in centuries."


To my horror, my mouth took more of him in, swallowing his dick into my throat as he growled.

"Yes, Ani."

This was too much; I couldn't—

"Just a little more…."

Thrusting into me, his hand gripping his dick through my throat, he came so hard it streamed out of my nose, spilling out of my mouth as he pulled out, stroking the rest of his orgasm onto my bare breasts as he pulled my hair back. He stared at me like I was a goddess, a goddess that wore his cum like it was a badge of honour. My throat felt thick, but there was no pain.

"Don't try to talk, love. Not yet. Let me clean you up."

But when he moved, I stopped him, using my fingers to scoop his cum into my mouth.

His golden eyes darkened, and he was on me in an instant, pinning me to the floor as a snarl left his lips.

My stomach curled with fear when his face changed; the sight of his once smooth skin no wrinkled and harrowed as he dropped his mouth to my neck, sharp fangs puncturing the soft skin there.

The room was spinning as I gasped, trying to inhale the air before my body gave up, my mind in overdrive.

He's biting me.

He's fucking biting me!

"I'm not," Jackal said, his voice filled with torture and agony. "But you shouldn't do that to me."

Tears sprang into my eyes when his lips replaced the fangs, and I gripped his shirt in my fists.

"Do what?" I whispered as he lifted his face to mine, his skin soft and smooth like it was before he changed into…whatever that was.

"Tempt me." Jackal snapped, pushing off me. "I need to go."

He moved so fast I couldn't scramble to my feet in time, my fingers fumbling with the buttons on my shirt as I tried to follow him.

"Jackal!" I called out, but he shook his head, disappearing out of the door before I'd even covered the cum on my breasts.

Clutching my shirt together, I ran after him, stopping only when people stopped and stared.

Girls covered their mouths with horror, and guys made faces that told me I didn't look good.

I didn't care; I wanted Jackal.

Where did he go?

"Are you…okay?" A girl asked, her eyes wide with fear.

I turned, heading to the bathroom before I did another thing.

I didn't have to wait for it to be empty; as soon as the girls in the bathroom saw me, they made a sharp exit.

I slammed the door shut, hot tears pricking my eyes as I leaned on the sink, panting heavily.

She looks like she's murdered someone!

Has she? Oh my god, what if she has?!

Isn't she Eric's girlfriend?

The voices in my head were deafening, and I covered my ears, lifting my eyes to my reflection.

Blood covered my mouth, my shirt, and my chest.

My shirt was soaked with blood, and when I looked down, I saw the semen mixing with it.

Oh my god.

My hair was wild, and my lips were bruised.

But it wasn't that that scared me.

It was because my eyes were swirling with yellow hues.

What the fuck?