
Red Lust Quest

[Mature Content-Language /No Rape] ... Naomi, A human, is asked to attend a Vampire Academy by her Father after she graduated from her high school. At first, every new day felt like last to her, until she fell for a Red-Eyed Vampire. They were in love,they had plans until the day she died, she died for love and he played her his love. Years after , she's back for revenge, and Now the fair game has just begun. The passage of yet haven't healed the stab he has given her. Its Love vs Love, but who will win! ? ................ Book cover is from Pinterest, The novel is totally plagiarism free!!!! To connect with me,or to suggest ideas, ping at... Discord: Whisperre

Whisperre · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

The House of Shadows


Naomi stood with bated breath, her heart hammering in her chest as the anticipation in the Assembly hall of Arca Academy reached its zenith. The room buzzed with excitement, the air thick with tension, and the torches lining the walls cast eerie flickering shadows on the vaulted ceilings.

She glanced sideways at her newfound friend, Shyla, who was equally anxious. They had bonded over their shared humanity in this sea of vampires and supernatural beings.

The house leaders, distinguished vampires known for their wisdom and power in the academy, were about to announce which house each new student would join. This was a moment of immense importance in the life of every vampire at Arca, as it determined not only their social circle but also the protection they would get and the mentors who would guide them.

Naomi's fingers clenched around the strap of her bag. The crowd around them erupted into applause and cheers as the first names were called, each student stepping forward with pride. Naomi couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as Shyla's name was called, and she walked gracefully to join House Vesper, known for its elegance and refinement.

As the names continued to be announced, Naomi's excitement gradually turned into anxiety. Selene whispered reassuring words, but they did little to quell the turmoil in her mind. She couldn't shake the feeling that she didn't belong, that she was an intruder in this world of immortal beings.

Then came the moment that changed everything. The house leaders hesitated, exchanged glances, and finally, House Sapphire's leader, Thallas, stepped forward, his crimson eyes piercing the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen"' Thallas began, his voice carrying the weight of authority although he really hated being in center of attention he fake coughed and began, "there seems to be an unusual situation this year. We have two houses willing to accept a student who doesn't fit the traditional criteria for admission."

A hushed murmur swept through the crowd. Naomi's heart raced as she exchanged a bewildered look with Jacques, a fellow student who had remained silent throughout the ceremony.

Lord Valerian continued, "It has come to our attention that Naomi and Jacques both received offers from House Petra and House Ace. However, due to their unique circumstances, they must choose their house affiliation themselves." As he mentioned house Ace even Thallas can't help but frown and It wasn't just him, All beings present their were somewhat shocked as Ace , never once in the history had let a girl enter in that chamber. It was strictly 'Women Prohibited'.

Naomi's breath caught in her throat. She hadn't anticipated this. She glanced at Jacques, whose expression mirrored her own mixture of surprise and confusion.

"Naomi," Thallas called her name, his gaze locking onto her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. Curious, Shocked and Mystery was flashing in his eyes.

The eyes of the entire hall were on her as she stepped forward, trembling. "I...I didn't expect this," she stammered.

Thallas nodded in understanding. "Take your time, Naomi. Your choice will determine your path at Arca Academy. Think carefully."

Jacques moved beside her, offering silent support. She took a deep breath and considered her options. House Petra was known for its intellectual pursuits and magical research, while House Ace was known for its martial prowess and combat training. Both were prestigious and had their unique advantages.Apart to which no girl has been to that house which makes it close to impossible to survive for a mere human. weighing out Pros and Cons of these houses,

Naomi turned to Lord Valerian. "I choose... House Petra."

A wave of relief washed over her as she made her decision. The hall erupted into applause once more, and she was welcomed into her new house with open arms.

As Naomi and Jacques left the stage, Shyla embraced her. "Congratulations, Naomi! You made a safe choice." Relief was all written on Shyla's face.

Naomi smiled, feeling a newfound sense of belonging. She might be one of the few humans at Arca Academy, but she was determined to prove herself and find her place in this world of vampires and magic.

Little did she know that her decision would set in motion a series of events that would challenge her in ways she could never have imagined, pushing her to the limits of her strength and determination in the shadowy depths of House Petra.

Naomi's curiosity demanded exploration. Grabbing her bag, she made her way toward House Petra, where her friend Shyla had been sorted.

The corridors of Arca Academy were dimly lit, with ornate candle sconces casting flickering shadows on the stone walls. The air was cool and carried the faint scent of aged books and incense. As she approached the entrance to House Petra, Naomi's heart quickened. She was eager to see her friend and discover more about the Academy.

As Naomi pushed open the heavy wooden door to House Petra, her breath caught. The atmosphere here was entirely different from her paternal House. Soft classical music played in the background, and the decor was lavish, with plush velvet furnishings and intricate tapestries adorning the walls.

Shyla was dressed in a flowing gown of deep burgundy, was deep in conversation with a group of fellow students. She looked up as Naomi entered, her eyes lighting up with delight.

"Naomi! You made it!" Shyla exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace her friend.

Naomi returned the hug warmly. "Of course, I did. How could I resist the allure of House Petra?"

Selene chuckled, but her smile faded when she noticed the questioning look in Naomi's eyes. "Is something wrong?"

Naomi hesitated, not wanting to dampen the mood. "I just saw Jacques outside of House Ace, and he had blood on his mouth. Is he okay?"

Shyla's expression darkened. "Jacques is in House Ace? That's...unexpected. He must have his reasons."

Their conversation was interrupted as a handsome vampire with silver hair approached them. His name was Lucius, and he seemed to be a close friend of Shyla.

"Naomi, this is Lucius, one of our housemates," Shyla introduced.

Lucius extended his hand, his crimson eyes locking onto Naomi's. "A pleasure to meet you, Naomi. Shyla has told us so much about you."

Naomi shook his hand, feeling the intensity of his gaze. "Likewise."

Before they could delve further into conversation, a commotion erupted from outside the house. Naomi turned to see Jacques emerging from House Ace. His face was flushed with excitement, and there was still a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth. He didn't seem bothered by it at all.

"Jacques!" Naomi called out, rushing over to him. "What happened? Are you alright?"

Jacques grinned, his fangs glistening in the dim light. "I'm more than alright, Naomi. I'm officially a member of House Ace."

Naomi's confusion deepened. "But the blood... Why is there blood on your mouth?"

Jacques wiped a hand across his lips, smearing the crimson liquid. "Oh, that? It's nothing. Just a little initiation ritual. You wouldn't believe the power House Ace holds."

Naomi exchanged a bewildered look with Shyla and Lucius. Something was off about Jacques's nonchalant attitude towards the blood. She couldn't help but feel that there was more to this vampire academy than met the eye, and that House Ace held secrets that went beyond mere initiation rituals.

As they stood there, bathed in the eerie glow of the House Petra entrance, Naomi couldn't shake the feeling that her journey at Arca Academy was only just beginning, and that the mysteries of this world were far deeper and darker than she had ever imagined.