
Chapter 6

I began dreaming about my red hood… ripped apart… it was in mangled pieces and all I wanted to do was see Grandma. I held the pieces in my hand running through trees but I couldn't find Grandma's house. Like my red hood was dying I had to rush it to emergency care before it was too late. Too late for what?

Suddenly out of a dead silent dark of the real forest, there was a howl. It was right below us as Woodmen and I jumped with a start. The dog below howled long and low. Further away, you could hear the return of the dog's call.

"Red are you awake?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm awake. Are you alright?"

"Scared the shit outta me! Is there really a wolf beneath us?"

"From the sounds of it, there's a large dog probably gray and black with yellow eyes."

"No time for jokes Red, are we safe up here?"

"I'm not joking, and hopefully we are." It was still dark and you could hardly see a foot in front of you. The tree house had no windows, we used to peer out of the cracks of wood to see anything. No one really knows about this tree house either, it's for sleeping in only, made to shut out any breezes, rain or snow. There was one hole in the whole box we slept in and it was by the trunk of the tree on the floor. There was a hatch you lift and instead of a latch there was only a kitchen drawer handle to open it. We had to climb our way up to get here and I don't think a mutt with as big as the paws that I saw are able to just climb a tree.

The howling continued as Woodsmen and I hugged each other uneasy about it. I was uneasy about it because I knew it was The Big Bad Wolf, but why was Woodsmen? Either he started to really believe in my story about talking to wolves or he thinks he'll get eaten. Both options could be possible but one thing is for sure we leave at midday.

"We'll be okay here Woodsmen, let's just go back to sleep."

"If you say so… I'm not looking forward to getting eaten by the Big Bad Wolf." He believed my story.

"You believe that I actually talked to a giant wolf?" I said scooting away from him trying to see his face.

"Did I say the wrong thing?" He asked shyly.

"Do you believe me? Do you really think I legitimately talked to an animal and the animal talked back?" I sat up.

The howling ceased and all was quiet. The eerie silence caused more unsettling features in the treehouse. I searched for my phone as it read 1:47am.

"Red?" Woodsmen echoed from the night.

"It's about 2am, daybreak is around 6ish, we have to stay here."

"Red?" Woodsmen said again.

"Yes?" I finally replied.

"I believe you."

"You don't think I'm crazy?" I said doubting his answer.

"No you're not… I believe you."

"Why? Why believe a stranger that talks to wolves and wears a red hood?"

"Because you are a bright shining star that guides me, like Neverland's second star to the right… straight on till morning."

Touched by his words I felt a pulsation in my chest. "You… think I'm a star?"

"I think you're as bright and as… beautiful… maybe that's why the wolf bothers you." I came closer to him sitting down on the sleeping bag listening.

"Because I'm pretty?"

"No, because you're sparkling, you glimmer, don't you know?" He chuckled.

"What? What do you mean?" I wanted to know.

"Red, do you really think no one finds you astonishing? You wear a red hood for crying out loud, you hike through a forest you grew up in without a map, you made baked goods for your grandmother, you're nice, kind and sharing. Why would a Big Bad wolf take you for granted? Look at it this way, if a stranger approached and said 'Kid I like your style! How would you like to be my next model for Victoria Secret?' What would you say?

"I'd say he's crazy and needs a new pair of glasses."

"Ha! Red you're missing the point." He laughed.

"Then I'd say I wouldn't do it."

"But isn't it tempting?"

"Yes? I'm not sure I understand?"

"Red, you're full of character, you have a lot to give. Someone can take advantage of that. You're a bright shiny innocent person that I can tell people love and adore… I hope I'm not sounding like a pervert or a weirdo because it's nothing like that."

"No… I don't think you are. I kinda like it, no one's really said this to me."

"Really? A sweet thing like you?"



"I mean… I don't know, I get hit on all the time, and yeah I was popular in school but I didn't care. It didn't matter what my status was… I just wanted to be me."

"That's what makes you shine Red. We adore you being who you are and staying with it."

I felt tears weaken in my eyes, "Do you mean that?" I said on the verge.

He searched in the dark for me as he got to my knee, "I mean everything I say." I reached for the hand feeling the soft skin as I moved up his arm.

"I've never felt this way about someone…" I said inching closer, grabbing his neck. My heart was fluttering and my mind was in the gutters. I slowly pulled in, I was falling for this cute sensitive boy. He was turning into a weakness. Closer I got as I felt his breath in the darkness.

Out of the night's shadow came another eerie howl and a voice… "Reeeeeed… Red Riding Hood! Come out-" There was two knocks, "-Come out wherever you are." And another two knocks following. Woodsmen grabbed me forcefully holding me in his chest.

I heard his heartbeat with fear, "Was that the wolf?" He whispered, panicking.

"That's the Wolf…" I confirmed.

"I believe you Red, I've always believed you. You remember that right?"


The wolf howled, "I know you're here, I can feel you near. But where?"

He didn't know where I was but could feel my presents. For once I felt lucky to be in my dad's treehouse. I started crying into Woodsmen's chest feeling utter relief. He held me petting my hair. He whispered in my ear, "I'm here with you, you're not alone Sydney." I pulled him in tighter. I was always a loner, always insisted on being out of the confined group but now… I felt like I was understood. He meant well. He was there… James was there. The dog below howled once more.

"I know where Grandma lives." The wolf said.

Woodsmen held me tighter, "He's lying…" he whispered.

"Are you sure?"

"He's only following you. In the stories, she tells him where she's going."

"You're right."

"We'll keep quiet here Red." There was another knocking sound in the distance. How was the wolf knocking? Something didn't add up.

"How is he knocking on wood like that?" I asked quietly. Woodsmen released his grip.

"By Joe you're right."

"Oh my god who says that anymore?" I smiled.

"I do." The dork lord said he was making me feel better. "Could it be a person Red?"

I thought for a moment, "I… I'm not sure. I've only seen the thing once."

"Just once?"

"Well I was talking to it twice before that."

"You talked to an unknown voice?"

I blushed replying that yes I had. I continued to explain the previous conversations I had with the wolf. For once in my life besides Grandma, I trusted Woodsmen. I spilled the beans about everything. I couldn't hold it in. I told him about all the times I got scared, all the disappearing pathways I had seen the previous day. Something to help us understand the wolf.

"What a creep." Was Woodsmen's reply. I laughed again.

"You know I trust you…" I smiled in the dark.

"Good, I like what you have to say."



"Can I kiss you?"

"You can anytime, I promise I won't follow you or stalk you either if you do." I started laughing a little harder. "I can't promise it'll be good though." I pulled him to me feeling his pink lips collide with mine. A kiss… a kiss was what I wanted.

Kiss me more… James…