
Red Hot Moon

It is said that whenever the red moon appears, one can summon a person who is said to be Pelastaja in that world from a different world. However, every time the red moon appears it will always be a disaster for the world. Many monsters appeared and became aggressive, killed many humans of various races, and made several lands into chaos. Ryuki Kotaro, a criminal man about to be executed and a 21-year-old ex-soldier, is summoned to another world by a cat-eared girl to save that world. Don't know what happened to force him to get involved with all of this, he couldn't help but have to help the girl and find his new purpose in life.

Bolcurut · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Mind Manipulation (4)

Tea spilled out of the teapot, fell into a glass belonging to—who doesn't belong—together with their fears at this dining table, and at the same time as Leonard poured the tea into the glass near me.

He was already like a real servant, the servant who served me, seemed like I was a special person.

"Please enjoy your tea, O My Lord."

After he said that, he lowered his head once then took a few steps back to keep his distance from me. At the same time, many people in this room growled at each other, producing an aura of hatred towards me.

Well, I know the reason why they are like. They were like that because they looked down at me as if I was the most honorable person out of them. Leonard used some magic to make them like that. They are still conscious, but they can't do what they want to do; might kick us out of here.

Yeah, to be honest, this sucks. Leonard had suddenly caused quite a stir here, and to make matters worse, in the condition that they were enjoying breakfast. This is so bad, I've never even done that.

I understand that Leonard wants to uphold this myself, but the way he uses it is wrong. He should know that we're in a noble's circle, within this palace, but he looks like a robber holding the nobles hostage here.

If this happens, I am the one who should be responsible for everything. I must apologize to those nobles, who had been kissing the dining table until now, for what my subordinate Leonard Valkoinen did.


Of course, I started the chat by pretending to cough first. However, for some reason, it was Leonard who responded.

"What is it, My Lord? Would you like to add to your tea?"

I didn't even touch the glass.


"Is there something I need to do for you, My Lord?"

"Oh, there's one."

"What's that?"

"Release them from your restraints!"

"But... They must still be as before you, My Lord."


I don't understand him. How could I possibly talk to them when they were looking down at each other. Leonard had a strange thought.

"Most importantly, let them go now!"

"Okay if you ask that. I will do it."

After he said that, those, who were in this room and included the lizardman beside me, were freed and could move as they pleased.

However, when they were free, they thrust their weapons at me.

"Do not move!"

Oh, I was pointed at. I haven't felt someone point a sword at me in a long time.

Fifteen soldiers pointed their swords at me, and some quickly distanced the nobles from me. According to them, who I believe, I am a threat.

Well, that's how it is. After all, there was no way a human would suddenly visit and cause a stir in the room, so it was only natural for them to think I was a threat—or worse, they think I was a murderous criminal, a kidnapper, or something like nobles.

"Who are you? Suddenly came and used Enchanter-type magic, then manipulated our minds. Are you from that organization?"

"But, Chairman, that organization can't possibly manipulate you."

"Oh, you're right too. If so, who exactly are you?"

They talked to each other, and I kept my cool to clear up this misunderstanding.

"Hey, you guys… You guys are so insolent pointing your weapons at My Lord. Take it off!"

Leonard did something again, making them drop their weapons.

"What? Who are you… exactly?"

"I? Of course, I am a loyal servant serving Lord Ryuki. Is that so, My Lord?"

I did not want to answer his words, chose to respond with silence.

"Servant, you say?"

"Yeah, I was a servant, the most loyal servant in the universe—no, not even in hell too."


What did he say? Irritating. I have to go and fix all of this.

"Come with me, disgusting creature!"

I pulled the tail of this lizardman, dragged him, and intended to find a place to talk.

When I dragged him, I looked at the nobles first, booked my head to apologize for the mess, told them to continue with their breakfast, then heard a voice preventing me from leaving, and walked back to find a place to talk.

But before that, before I left this room, a girl with pink hair came up to me. She stepped out of the line of protection of the knights and chose to approach me.



Before she answered her aim of approaching me, I saw Leonard trying to open his mouth. He probably wanted to use his magic or something to make the girl bow down to me again. Thus, I quickly stepped on his feet.


Then, I let the girl answer her goal to come to me.



I was surprised, even though she objected.

"Please save the citizens of this city."

"You're asking for help?"

"Yes. This might be rude, but when I saw you, I believed you were capable of fighting them. I believe you are strong. Therefore, help me! I will give anything, even myself, to save the citizens from them."

It wasn't just me who was surprised to hear those words, but they were too.

They called this girl Princess, which meant she was the Princess of this noble.

"From them?" I raised this lizardman, showed him. "You mean this creature?"

"No, no. Not him. He was a knight who had served 20 of these noble families, so he wasn't the culprit. Even though he sometimes disgusts me, his feet are always muddy and he has to sneak here, but he's not the culprit."

"Princess, you are so mean." The lizardman suddenly spoke, and it took me by surprise.

"Oh, it turns out you can talk." I refocused on the girl in front of me. "So then what?"


Since it's not good to talk while standing, I decided to take her too. Of course, I didn't drag her, just like what I did to this lizardman.

But before that, someone they called the "captain" came up to the girl and talked to her.

"I'm coming too."

And it turns out, he too, and I have to surrender to it.

"Eh? Eh?"

Of course, since he came along, I had to drag him too. Now my left and right hands have dragged two creatures, one a lizardman and the other a knight.

"It's amazing. You are truly extraordinary, My Lord," Leonard said, following me from behind.

What's so amazing?

Arriving on the balcony of this palace, I saw the condition of a part of the city that was destroyed.

"This city… was badly destroyed."

The city is going through a crisis, which will likely have an impact on this noble's finances. I know it. I once saw a city like this, destroyed by war, and it harmed the government that led the country.

They had to quickly repair this damage before a third party took over this city. If they love this city, they must improve and make the city's environment peaceful again for the citizens. That is if they are not late.

"Please sit here, My Lord."

Leonard said that after cleaning the chair.

"Thank You."

I sat there—of course, after releasing the two of them.

"Should I serve you some tea?"

"That's not necessary. After all, the tea I didn't drink earlier, I didn't even drink."

"Oh, I see. Sorry for my insensitivity. Then what do you want?"

"You stay there. That is enough."

"Okay, My Lord, I'll do that."

If I didn't tell him to be quiet, he would interrupt my conversation. So, he better shut up, stands next to me, and hear what the girl has to say.

I have two businesses here. First, ask something the lizardman. The second, hearing a request from the girl. So, I will try to solve both of these matters properly and correctly. Yeah, though I'm worried about Hiyori's condition.

"So where do we start?"

Just like Leonard, the two people stood beside the girl.

Judging from the armor they were wearing, which looked quite heavy, I could tell that they were knights in charge of guarding this palace as well as this noble family. The only difference is that the lizardman is wearing silver armor, while the captain is wearing gold armor. Well, maybe they use a job system that makes their armor different.

"Before introducing myself, my name is Pernille Larsen, a princess and in charge of Tataga City."

Judging by her appearance, who was wearing a purple dress with a simple motif, who had a pretty face with not being too tall, she was a girl who was generous and wise in leading. Most likely, her age is not much different from mine.


I briefly answered the introduction, and it made them angry.

"You are being very rude in front of Princess Pernille."

They said that in unison, which showed that they were in tune with each other.

"Stop it, Captain Matteo, Jakub!"

"But, Princess…"

"That doesn't matter."

Oh, they fought, and the princess stood up for me. What caused them to fight? Was it because I was being too cold towards their princess? Geez. What can we do about it?

"Introducing, my name is Ryuki Ko—Valkoinen, I am an adventurer."

I again almost mentioned my former surname. It seems I'm not used to this new surname yet.

After that, I also introduced Leonard.

"He is Leonard."

"I am Leonard Valkoinen, a servant who is very loyal to My Lord."

He was quite polite when he introduced himself, even though he had caused quite a stir in the dining room earlier.

"So what do you want from me, Princess Pernille?"

"In fact..."