
Caught Red Handed

Cyrus was back from the hospital. Ellie kept on telling him to rest, but he wouldn't allow it. He had a bandage on his arm but that didn't stop him. We need to finish the case. So they did. They searched through the Manor once more. This time, what they found, shocked them. They turned the house upside down. Not literally. They searched every possible place. In the kitchen, on the third cupboard, was Arsenic. Half a bottle of it. And half of it was used to kill Noris Simson. They sent it to scan for fingerprints.

They decided to visit Norman again. But they didn't need to do that because soon after they reached their office, Norman came running into the office. "He is going to kill me" he cried. Fear filled his whole body. "Who?" Cyrus and Ellie asked in unison. "I can't. He is going to kill me." "Everything will be ok." Please tell us everything. Cyrus looked at Ellie. They both knew this man was the one who tried to kill Cyrus. Norman started from the beginning. He said he was flowering the garden, when a mysterious man knocked on the door. When Norman opened the door, a man stormed in, holding a gun, telling him to be quiet. Nobody was their to watch them. The man told him that he was going to kill him if he told anyone.

"When you came to question be a few days ago, I was scared to tell you something. I know who killed him. But I can't say." He was genuinely terrified. " I was their, I saw who killed him. I tried to warn him, through the le-... It, It was, It was Mrs... he shook his head and ran of. They didn't bother chasing him. They had all the information they needed. It was either Mrs Loren Collin or Mrs Matilda Shau.

The two detectives gathered the two women in a room. They both knew one of them was the murderer. But they kept their cool. There was cameras everywhere. and people with guns in every window. But the two didn't know that." We know one of you did it." Tell us now and their won't be trouble. " It wasn't me" said Loren. "It was probably her" shouted Matilda, pointing at Loren. Cyrus knew this was going to happen. Meanwhile, Ellie flicked through her notebook. She landed on the two conversation letters between Norman and Noris. She gave it to Cyrus. Cyrus dropped the book. He knew what Norman was talking about. He picked it up with shock. Ellie soon found out and gasped.

Thursday the Friday 23rd of November 2000,

Francis Banon,

Hello old friend, Today, I had quite a day. 3 people visiting me to purchase my mansion at 8:00 pm. I'm getting old now and I decided to sell this old thing. The first of which was Jane and Dylan Bateby. They were very unusual. They seemed to really want my house. People always said my house was "haunted" but they just say that because they never lived in it. Anyway, I was more than happy to give it to them until Mr Jake Smith arrived. He was offering a lot more money than the other couple. He was a very posh and a very rich man. He kept on raising the money until the Bateby's couldn't afford it. They really didn't like and soon left. I discussed things with Smith and we agreed on 1500.00. And I had a really bad headache as well so I went to bed pretty early.

Your friend, Noris Simson

Hello Noris,

Luis came to visit me today. On the opposite side of my house, my neighbour, Rosie was doing her usual nosing around and she saw Luis come in and watched us upstairs. RHC got cancelled due to bad weather, I was waiting all week to watch it. Eric apparently got into a road accident and he is in hospital, I went to visit him in hospital. Not only did he break his arm, I heard he also fractured his hip. Couldn't stand up at all.

ps-good luck with the sale.

Love, Francis

The first letter of the beginning of every sentence from Normans letter read: L-O-R-E-N C. It' you, he pointed at Loren. But she was nowhere to be seen. Cyrus looked around everywhere but it was as if she disappeared into thin air. "Police, get your search forces ready!"

Cyrus and Ellie found sightings of Lauren. Who knew she was a criminal mastermind. They ran across the haunted mansion, a shadow in one of the rooms. But Cyrus didn't notice it. He kept running ahead. But Ellie got a glimpse of it. She suddenly turned around and shouted at Cyrus to follow. They crept up the stairs for (hopefully) the last time. Cyrus grabbed his gun and opened the door.

There she was, standing there holding a metal club. "Don't come any closer!" Cyrus crept closer. Lauren swung at Ellie. BANG! A bullet hit Lauren on the shoulder. She dropped the club. A scream filled the air...


Cyrus Walter stared at the TV. It said that Loren Collin, who murdered Noris Simon has been arrested with a lifetime death penalty. But on TV, she just stood their, staring at the camera, smiling. Cyrus shivered. That was over. Ellie came around, and watched the news on the sofa. " What an investigation" she said. So it turned out it wasn't Mr and Mrs Bateby or Mr Smith. But one question clouded their mind, which was popping up on TV. What happened to Officer Herron. He was officially reported dead after nearly a month of no body. Where was he? Only time will tell.

But somewhere else in the world, a hooded figure stood in a lighthouse. Phone in hand. An evil voice coming through the other side. " I'm disappointed in you... Robert"

"I'm sorry, Master. I will NEVER make the same mistake again." He looked at a man at the opposite end of the room, who was smiling at him, Officer Herron...