
Chapter 1: The Beggining

In the dawn of time, the Almighty, the God of Creation, crafted Earth, a realm abundant with resources. Upon this canvas, He fashioned his most beloved creation: Humans. Entrusting them with his divine guidance, He urged them to assist one another in times of need. Yet, as the human population burgeoned, the Almighty found it challenging to oversee their welfare constantly. Thus, He dispatched his pupils to act in his stead.

Over the years, these pupils ascended to become Gods themselves. Endowed with extraordinary powers over the elements—Water, Wind, Earth, Thunder, Strength, and various other abilities—they wielded an aura that influenced their surroundings. This aura triggered a phenomenon known as Awakening among select humans, granting them extraordinary abilities. These gifted individuals came to be known as Awakens.

The Awakens united to form the Awaken Organization, establishing rules and regulations for the betterment of society. They christened the energy that fueled their magic as mana, a force that flowed through all living things. Awakens were categorized based on their mana utilization: those who harnessed internal mana to enhance their physical prowess were in one group, while those who drew mana from their environment to wield magic belonged to another.

Each Awaken was affiliated with a specific attribute—be it water, wind, or another element. Attempts to wield multiple attributes simultaneously risked catastrophic consequences, as the body could not contain the excess mana. To gauge the abilities of Awakens, the organization conducted annual tests, ranking participants as Rookies, Elites, Masters, or Kings based on their performances.

To empower ordinary humans against Awakens, the organization introduced Martial Arts, allowing them to stand their ground. The strength of these techniques determined the individual's prowess in battle.

Peace reigned over the land until a conflict between two Gods erupted, plunging the realm into chaos and devastation.