

You monster how could you, you destroyed the entire temple and killed everyone

And added all of their rare cards to my deck now all that's left is to defeat you in this shadow game and take Obelisk the Tormentor

Not if I can help it I challenge you to a duel monster!

Very well since I'm the guest of honor ill start the festivities

Turn I

I draw ooh that's a good card you should recognize it but that's for later for right now I activate the field spell mausoleum of the emperor next by paying 1000 LP I can summon my summoned skull!


next ill place on card facedown and end my turn

Turn II

It's your doom monster I will never let you have the god card I swore to protect it I draw and then ill summon skilled dark magician in attack mode

Oh no you don't activate trap hole and since your monster has more than 1000 Attack points it gets destroyed hahahahaha! And now your wide open

Turn III

My move now I summon the dark blade in attack mode and that's not all I'm going to activate my darkness magic card with this in play I can summon one level four monster from my hand as long as my LP are lower than yours I choose double Coston and last I'm activating megamorph with this I can double summoned skulls attack to 5000 now all three of my monster's attack and finish off this sniveling fool


nooooooooooooooo! *is consumed by the darkness*

and now Obelisk the tormentor is mine

*He walks towards the pedestal and one of the dying priests laughs* fool you think we didn't see this coming that case is enchanted only the true master of obelisk can take it

*The case starts glowing as he picks it up and says* really seems like it must have just found its true master then! n-No! h-HIM obelisk why would you choose him look at what he has done to your temple!

Well I guess obelisk just knows his true place with a real master duelist you fools were all too scared of power to realize its benefits far out way the costs HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

again sorry was supposed to be color coded but nope sorry but anyway to make it easier for you daylyn started the duel

Redeyes417creators' thoughts