
Red-Eyed. Devil.(Hiatus).

Yang Jin reincarnated on what he thought was a simple normal life. After some traumatic events, he awakens his [Sharingan] and proceeds to explore his newfound powers and discover more mysteries about himself, like the strange yellow sparks that have been helping him, or the mysterious purple flame that only appears when he is truly angry. PS: The first 85 chapters are the Prologue. Extra Tags: Ruthless Mc, Side Characters are Cannibals, Graphic Descriptions, JoJo, AU, Multiverse, Omniverse, From depressing to positive, from doomer to bloomer, gods, overpowered beings, slow-paced, slice of life, Sharingan, Ripple, Dragon Soul, Not Wyvern, True Dragon.

ClearSkySage · Video Games
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133 Chs

A final struggle.

Zen and Subvordinate were fighting, thankfully Zen is maintaining some superiority over Subordinate showing that our chances of winning aren't just chances anymore but a more concrete possibility.

Sadly Zen is also a little bit hurt, liking it or not the times Subordinate struck him sending him flying really must've hurt, but compared to Subordinate that suffered a [Rippled Soul-Crushing strike] Zen is in a way better condition with his battle powers not that much reduced. The wounded Recruit also doing his best to toss as many steel bars as possible, he knows that even if we managed to wound Subordinate we can't afford to relax right now, liking it or not Subordinate is a cultivator a [Advanced Master] to boot, so he could still try something.

Now that I managed to get up I took three deep breaths circling [Ripple] through my body, it didn't immediately heal everything but I helped soothe and diminish my pain, liking it or not the sound this time is way more complicated than I expected, but thanks to [Ripple] and [Ki] I won't get any permanent damage.

Now how can I help in this fight?... My right hand is useless right now and my [Ki] is pretty exhausted so any other [Ki] intense [Inner Power Techniques] are out of the question, so I should just stick to [Ripple]. And while I was thinking about how to help in the fight my [Sharingan] eyes landed on some steel beams being held by a steel cable quite close to the in-construction building.

Good, I don't think even a [Real Master] can survive being buried by that many steel beams. But how do I get there? I could try to destroy that cable from here but I don't think I have enough precision to destroy it from distance, principally now that my main hand, my right hand is kind of out of commission. Thankfully I trained myself to be ambidextrous, but liking it or not my right hand will always be my main and the one I most use, so I don't have that much confidence in the precision of my left hand. So I have to get closer to it.

As a [Ripple] user I should be able to walk on water and stick on walls like spiderman, heck Joseph when training his [Ripple] was able to climb a completely oil-covered wall with just [Ripple] and his body strength, so my situation now should be easier, sadly I hadn't practiced this aspect of [Ripple] yet, but I guess there is no time like the present.

But when I was going to jump and test my supposed spiderman-like powers [Ripple] should allow me, I saw an angle grinder. My mind immediately filled me with possibilities, I don't know if a normal angle grinder can cut a steel cable, but I am thinking about a [Ripple] boosted angle grinder here so I guess it must be possible. And looking at it the angle grinder has a pretty long energy cable so I guess this only helps me.

But I guess before doing anything I guess I need to convey my message to my comrades here, and shouting it out loud is dumb and suicidal. Picking up a pebble on the ground I toss it on Recruit's arm with little strength, He looks at me, and I just made gestures with my head concentrating on the pile of steel beams held by the steel cable, Recruit's eyes widen and he nodded immediately recognizing my plan. I am not that concerned about Zen, he is not stupid, and depending on how Recruit throws things he could easily as well catch up with the plan, even better if he makes eye contact with Recruit as that is enough for Recruit to pass the message.

Picking up the angle grinder with my left hand I run towards the in-construction building wall, then I jump focusing the [Ripple] energy on my feet, my feet hit the wall but unfortunately, I was soon sliding down, the lack of experience with such a skill clearly showing, thankfully I have enough attrition and foothold to jump again.

Thankfully my legs weren't wounded and I was able to clearly jump on top of the steel beams pile held by a steel cable. Holding the angle grinder close to the steel cables I turned it on. Its sound is pretty loud but I guess when fighting you couldn't be bothered to be distracted.

Now it is just a matter of waiting for the correct timing and position of Subordinate, Thankfully I didn't have to wait much as to be it by luck or not Zen and Recruit were somehow able to communicate as they worked together to press Subordinate towards the correct location under the steel beams pile held by the steel cable.

When Subordinate teacher the exact position I filled my angle grinder with [Ripple], and know I don't have much time, so in a swift motion I cut the steel cable. Seeing as my foothold was falling I took another deep breath and jumped away as far as I could.

Subordinate being the [Advanced Master] that eh si was able to detect the steel beams falling on him, sadly for him his wounds and exhaustion were starting to catch up so he wasn't able to completely avoid everything, thus his legs were crushed under the weight of the steel beams.

Waiting for the dust to settle I and the boys looked at Subordinate. And for some reason or the other was still alive, his legs were crushed but he was still alive. None of us waited for the bastard to spill any more shit, Recruit filled a steel bar with his [Ki] and thrust it on Subordinate's right eye, Zen used some [Inner Power Technique] to make his hands claw-like and thrust his claws towards Subordinate's left eye. I just filled my angle grinder with even more [Ripple] and drove it on Subordinate's Forehead basically splitting his head in the middle. Subordinate is finally dead.

At that moment the tension slowly diminished, we looked at each other and finally took time to see in our sorry states, Recruit was an absolute mess of dust dirt, and blood, the bulled-like wound on his stomach making quite a sorry sight, it is literally creating a pool of blood of his clothes.

Zen is in the best states among us, his clothes are absolutely destroyed and he has innumerable bruised and scratches, so blood here and there but nothing deep.

I was looking like absolute shit, my upper body clothes were torn beyond measure, You could see a lot of purple spots on my body from the hits I took, bu the worse fo all is my right arm, it is "destroyed" in a very ugly manner, a lot of purples and black spots, followed by torn skin and blood, it will most certainly give me some scars when it's fully healed.

"Fucking hell. This guy was a cockroach."(Jin).

"That is a [Real Master] for you, a bunch of tough bastards."(Zen).

"I am just glad this shit is finally over."(Recruit).

"Are you okay dude... That punch was impressive, but it appears that it wasn't that gentle to your arm."(Zen).

"It hurts like a bitch too, but I guess I will be okay, just give me some days of rest and I am good to go."(Jin).

"If you are saying so..."(Zen).

"Well I don't know about any of you, but I just want to get out of this country as fast as possible. So I guess I don't have much time for chitchat."(Recruit).

"I understand, If you want I can ask some of my contacts for some help. No strings attached, of course, consider it as thanks for helping me stay alive."(Zen).

"If there are no strings attached I am cool with it. I need any help I can get after all."(Recruit).

"And you... Jin if I am not mistaken. What are you gonna do? Anything I can help with, as a token of gratitude of course."(Zen).

"I guess I will just heal myself and rest for a bit... But as you offered something... I guess I would want some medical help."(Jin).

"For your hand I presume?"(Zen).

"Nah, I can deal with that on my own... But I've heard about Chinese medicine and any half brain idiot who researches about me knows my mother is in the hospital, so I guess I would like some help on healing her."(Jin).

"I guess it's easy to help with that."(Zen).

"Sorry to interrupt, but by what I know it won't be that easy."(Recruit).

WARNING: I will take some liberties with the content, IT WON'T BE CANONICALLY ACCURATE. So please don't state the obvious, it's just a waste of time.

DISCLAIMER: I only own my own original creations, the rest is owned by their respective owners.

~~Thanks for reading~~

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