

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:


Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




That night I slept incredibly well, it was literally the best sleep I have had in years. No dreams, no nightmares, no flashbacks. It was great, and I felt truly and incredibly rested.

Like the day before I was the first to wake up, at this time I already went back to continues cycling my cultivation technique, so I could easily feel the changes happening to my body. Slowly my body was improving, bit by bit, acclimating itself to the [Master] rank.

I stayed like that for half an hour, in a semi-meditative state. After that, I got up and looked outside of the window. It was the sunrise, a beautiful sunrise coloring the whole city of Sentinel orange. Or that was at least what I think it was, seeing I am blind I couldn't see anything, so I am just imagining things here.

Stopping wasting time I quickly activated my [Sharingan] and went to the bathroom. Being the first to wake up had its advantages. The bathroom of course didn't have a mirror or anything, but it had a pretty big sink, said sink which I quickly filled with water.

I patiently waited for the water to fill the sink, normally it would be impossible to see my reflex in a sink like this, but the material used on the sink is strange enough that becomes possible somewhat. Don't ask me I have no idea about more than half of the things here, I may have a lot of knowledge from old earth, but this is literally a magical world so... yeah...

Soon enough I patiently waited for the water to become still. I am actually impressed at the amount of patience I have. But considering everything that happened I guess this is expected. after sufficient time I was able to look at my reflection.

And wow. It really worked.

My head now full of hair, black locks wildly positioned with some purple locks mixed in between. I was quite surprised at how much my hair had grown overnight, but I guess potions +[Wave] do indeed make some miracles. I passed my hand through my hair and I could feel a silky smooth feeling, like I've been using hair conditioner my whole life, the funny thing is that I don't remember ever using it, not even once.

My lips albeit a bit smaller than they should normally be, have grown. Yeah, they still look pretty scarred, but the scars are relatively small and almost imperceptible. My nose went back to a relatively normal way, the scars on my face... they seem faded? like just a shadow, a ghost of their former selves, like a bad print made by a printer with low paint. heck, even my eyebrows were back.

If I could see without my [Sharingan] I would be able to notice that my previously whole black eyes sort of also faded, became glassy, and started losing their previous black color to strange grey coloration mixed with purple.

I couldn't help but smile a little, the brunt of the scars was gone.

My face also really changed, but not by much. But it definitely changed, and these details are easy to pick up with the [Sharingan]. Removing the rest of my clothes I could see that my body was mostly the same, just the scars that changed. I still have that Machio Naruzo physique that can cause envy to any JOJO character from part 3. And now that some of my scars were somewhat healed, people can definitely see more of my pretty boy face right now.

Helen said the scars will continue to diminish more until the effect of the potion dies out, so I guess I will still improve somewhat. I washed my face and made a gargle with water and a clever use of [Wave] to clean my mouth from my mourning breath.

Soon enough everyone woke up and went about their morning routines. I was still fully clothed and using my turban so everyone only saw the effects of the potion and the healing when I removed it during breakfast.

Altair was the first to notice, his mouth agape he couldn't help but exclaim; "Wow. It was really frigging effective. You just went out from zombie, to veteran-scarred warrior in a single night... I have to give this one to Helen, she knows what she is doing.", everyone absentminded nodded their heads agreeing with Altair assessment, even Tulia was looking at my no-so much-scarred face with a new light. I couldn't help but smile, today I am really in a good mood, I was able to become a [Master] and reduce my scars.

Life is good.




Soon enough everyone had eaten their breakfast, it was kind of awkward to have people constantly looking at your face. But I guess everyone was still marveled at the big change, so I won't hold it over them. Soon enough everyone was clothed and armored ready to rumble.

Tulia getting up from the table says; "Follow me, I will bring you all there.", with that, she starts to walk towards what I think I some kind of trapdoor, it was hidden behind some boxes and easily movable furniture, so some people probably didn't notice it. She easily opens space for all of us and opens the trapdoor, some kind of strange chill wind washes over us.

"Girls first.", and with that, she jumps down the trapdoor and I heard a distinct sound of *woosh* while she was falling, it sounded almost like clothes moving fast?

After her, Shuten was the one to jump, not even bothering to use the ladder on the wall she just jumped a loud *thump* showed she definitely reached the ground, Aahin followed her with a feline dexterity not hesitating to jump even using some parts of heavy armor she is using, thanks to her being a Khajiit she easily reached the ground with a low *clang* that I barely heard.

Elii used the ladder without even trying to jump, from all of us here she probably is one of the heaviest considering she is an Argonian and is using armor.

Then I heard a shout from Tulia; "Come on boys, it's your turn.", I looked at both Altair and Turalion, they simple signaled for me to go first, I shrugged and jumped down without any hesitation. And seeing as I can't see the ground, the distance is probably higher than 10 meters.

I reached the ground with a loud *thump*, but I barely felt the fall, with a strong body like mine, and when you add [Wave] to the mix I doubt I would've.

Turalion made an incredible light-show of yellow sparks, he used [Ripple] and slightly glued his hand to the wall, slowing down his descent memorably. Altair simply used the stair normally like Elii.

We were now in some sort of underground tunnel, the tunnel seems pretty big, around five meters in height and five meters in width. I looked at Tulia and had quite a bit of surprise with her new attire, gone where her dress, now she was using some kind of leather armor with a lot of throwing knives, she is also using some strange kind of hooded cloak that is the exact color of her previous dress... oh... now I know where the dress went too, but it is still quite impressive it can transform in this way. Now she is probably on her [Silver Dagger] persona. Everyone seems surprised by this, minus Turalion, of course.

"Now there will be a little bit of walking on these underground tunnels until we reach the headquarters. These tunnels are part of an array of underground tunnels made by the Silverhood in partnership with The Tome.", I almost missed Turalion clenching his fists at the mention of that name. Tulia continued "These tunnels are all over under the city, and you can probably each anywhere with them, from the port to the market, they are easy to navigate once you know the markings and I am pretty sure you all will use them plenty of times in the nearby future.", everyone nodded at her formation, these tunnels seems very convenient so I don't see any problems in using them.

"Now try to follow me closely, right now none of you know how to navigate here, so getting lost is pretty easy.", after that, she continued walking towards the end of the tunnel, and we soon reached a closed place with a huge and heavy metal door.

"Of course I wouldn't let such an entrance to my home so easily invaded, so I ordered to install this Iron door, and only I have the key.", she said that while picking up some kind of weird and extremely thick key which she opened the door making a lot of effort, and considering she is also [Master] rank, that door weight must be no joke. And considering the number of enchantments, I am seeing on it with my [Sharingan] I doubt its weight is the only mean of defense.

We quickly followed Tulia through the open door, said door magically closed and locked itself after we passed through it.

Tulia didn't even stop to look behind or anything, she simply started walking down the tunnel to the left, on the wall I could see some strange and random markings made with silver paint, said silver paint was emitting [Magika] so I assume those are the signs from Silverhood.

I could understand anything from the symbols, but Tualian seems to be fluent in them. I asked Ahin and elii about it and they said they know some, but not all of them, they are still in the learning process of this language.

We continued making small talk between ourselves, some time or the other I would see different colored markings presumably from "The Tome" I've been hearing about recently.

The tunnels weren't dark per si, they just had incredible low visibility, the only thing illuminating theme was the magical paintings on the walls. On the crossroads was a little bit differently, as a [Magelight] illuminates everything for quite a distance.

I also saw multiple, and I really mean multiple exits and entrance points. Manholes, wooden doors, stone doors, square-shaped holes, there was really a bunch of them in all shapes and sizes and each one of them had the strange luminescent silver painting, those are probably entrance and exit points that lead to the city upwards.

Soon enough after a bunch of weird twists and turns, two magical illusions, and an enchanted rock door, we reached a corridor that was way more elaborated and decorated than the others. Tulia didn't stop and simply continued forwards without hesitation.

Until we reached a place with giant double doors made of a silver-like material, a Silverhood symbol engraved on them. At the door two pairs of guards were there, armed to the teeth with lances, swords, and shields, hearing our footsteps they went on guard and prepared for the worse, but seeing it was Tulia and immediately recognizing her, they relaxed and let us pass.

Another big corridor, this one with multiple metal grids on the walls, from time to time I would see a person or the other passing there, they didn't even bat an eye to us simply going with their own problems and occupations. after that we reached some small staircase that led downwards for a height of around 9 meters.

Reaching the end of the staircase Tulia stopped, and gestured towards the entrance hall we arrived; "Welcome to Silverhood."

Everyone had their mouths agape, minus the guy who could literally not see it, AKA me. Altair being the first one to exit the stupor started describing the place for me.

It was a big circular hall, with multiple double doors leading to different places, the same weird language of the tunnels stamped everywhere. The middle of the hall was a fountain of drinkable water according to an add-on from Turalion. Tables and chairs were everywhere you looked, groups of people and lone individuals walked in and out of the double doors.

But before Altair could describe more, Tulia urged us to follow her to a double door to the left; "Come on people, I don't have the whole day. Let's go.", and so we followed her.

[Ki] +[Ripple] = [Wave]

Discord here:


WARNING: I will take some liberties with the content, IT WON'T BE CANONICALLY ACCURATE. So please don't state the obvious, it's just a waste of time.

DISCLAIMER: I only own my own original creations, everything else is owned by their respective owners.

Cultivation rankings:





//5-Advanced Master

//6-Real Master


~~Thanks for reading~~

ClearSkySagecreators' thoughts