
Red Eyed King

She's a former undercover star now disgraced. After being transferred she’s given one option. Finish the job or never work with an agency again. Can she do it and take him down? Will she be able to resist the allure of them or will she go down because of it? He's the king of wolves unable to find his mate no matter how long he’s looked. When she shows up he feels something different. She may be his mate but is she just a pawn in their game to take him down? Will they take them both down in a game of petty revenge?

DaoistWKxtJr · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Lucian Finds Me

The week flew by quickly. I went to training so they could make sure my weapon and combat skills were still on point. Briefings so I would know my cover inside and out. Which was easy since we were using my actual identity. Turns out they didn't make any records of my joining the Cali branch. Meaning as far as the Greek Mafia would know I was now Phoenix Castiel. The disgraced FBI agent looking for revenge after a shit mission gone wrong. Resulting in the death of the only people I ever cared about. Which, to say the least, I was furious that they were using. No one needed to know my business, but now everyone would.

As I stepped off the train I could feel eyes on me. We had put word out that I was looking to join a crew. And an ex undercover agent would be to good to pass up. Especially for a mafia with every agency gunning for it. Lucian may not have been born in Greece but he has operations everywhere because of his dad.

The moment I rounded the corner someone tried to grab me. Before he could I spun and hit him with a round house kick to the gut. Then I whipped my gun out of my waistband and turned to face the two behind me. I didn't get to do anything before the one closest to me knocked my gun away and yanked me into him so hard I thought he was going to yank my arm out of socket. Ignoring the pain I flat palmed him in the nose and swept his feet out from under him. Unfortunately, third guy managed to get behind me before I could stop him. I turned to face him and caught the kick he had aimed for my head. When I twisted his foot and threw him away from me I was amazed at his gracefulness. Somehow he managed to stay on his feet.

While I was busy with him the first guy had recovered and made his way over to us.

Fuck, I silently thought to myself, I'm outnumbered by trained men.

While I was keeping the two at bay, the third one come up behind me and I felt something stab my neck. Within second I collapsed to the ground and my surroundings went dark. I faintly remember being carried out to a vehicle and moving.

I woke up in a metal chair with a bag over my head. Zip ties restrained my hands to the arms and my ankles to the legs. I tried to listen for anything that could tell me where I was but everything was silent. I couldn't even smell anything distinctive. The bag came off my head then and the first thing I noticed was the gorgeous man in front of me.

He had pitch black hair and piercing gray eyes. His chiseled jaws were stubbled as though he forgot to shave recently. He was tall- probably six and a half feet, maybe a little shorter but from where I sat he towered over me. But he was covered in muscles. Unlike the men with to much muscle that doesn't fit their body- his were perfect. His hair was shaved short on the sides, but the top was long enough for my to run my fingers through, messing it up from his pristine style. He had on black jeans and a tight black shirt that outlined every muscle in his body. He smiled to himself having caught looking at him.

"Phoenix Castiel, you are to valuable to let run around freely. Everybody is after you."

His deep, rumbling voice was beautiful and shocked me out of my daze. A daze I wasn't even sure how I wound up in. It was like this man was a magnet that attracted things around him.

"Is that why three trained goons attacked me in the when I got off my train?"

The man behind him growled-actually growled- at me then stepped forward. The guy was a little shorter but ripped as well. He had light brown shoulder length hair that was tied back. And wore a dark gray hoodie with worn out black jeans. I recognized him as the first guy that tried to grab me right when I stepped off the train. Stupid Assholes need to learn some manners.

"We did not attack, you did. We were only defending ourselves from you."

"Is that really what you call it? You nearly pulled my arm out of socket when you grabbed me. Then you drugged and kidnapped me. Now you've got me tied to a fucking chair god knows where. So yes I consider that attacking me dick."

The man's eyes seemed to darken as the air around us grew to hold a hint of danger. My whole body grew tense as it sensed what I did. That this man could kill me in seconds. But I locked eyes with him anyhow. When the man realized I was not about to look away, he growled. A deep, and menacing animal growl.

"Mattias you're dismissed. I'll call for you if I need you."


"Do not disobey what I said. Go get a hold of yourself before you do something you'll regret."

They locked eyes for a minute before Mattias turned dipped his head slightly, showing his neck to this man in front of me and left the room.

The beautiful gray eyed man looked at me then- wait did I really just think that? What the hell is wrong with me right now? This man is a target and I can't get over how good he looks. How much I want to wrap my arms around his neck, press my body into his, and tease him until he punishes me.

Fucking hell, I am I trouble.

"You already know of me, but allow me to introduce myself. I am Lucian Errier, and I want you to work for me."